Chapter 1366
Chapter 1366
in jail.

Feng Jue was wearing white clothes, sitting cross-legged on the cold stone bed, closed his eyes, and his jet-black hair hung down and scattered behind him.

Under the illumination of the candlelight, the handsome and distinct facial features have a hazy beauty, and the skin is faintly flowing with luster.

With a creak, the door opened.

He didn't open his eyes. Anyway, he couldn't see anything. There was no difference between opening and closing eyes.

And as soon as Ling Yue came in, she saw Feng Jue sitting cross-legged in the prison cell, King Ming An who used to be aloof, the King of the Great General who was like a thunderbolt in the capital city, but now he has become a prisoner under his rank and has been criticized by others. suffer.

Her heart felt as if it had been hacked into pieces by a thousand knives. It was so painful that all her internal organs ached.

She took a deep breath, with a broken smile on her face, and finally called out, "Your Highness..."

Feng Jue, who had her eyes closed, suddenly heard this voice, was taken aback for a moment, opened her eyes suddenly, and asked, "Eleven, are you here?"

As he spoke, he stood up and groped in front with his hands.

Seeing his bewildered appearance made Yue feel even more uncomfortable. She held back her choked voice, stepped forward a few steps, reached out to hold Feng Jue's hand through the wooden door, and said, "Yes, I'll come Yes, are you okay?"

As soon as Feng Jue touched her hand, he held it tightly, saying, "Eleven, your hands are so cold." Then he lowered his head, pulled her hand to his mouth, and exhaled hot air.

Lingyue looked at him with tearful eyes, looked into his eyes, and felt pain in her heart, "It's okay, I'm not cold."

Her hands were cold not because of the cold, but because of... fear, fear that his grievances would not be cleared, fear... fear of marrying into the Huns, and never seeing each other again in this life.

Lian Jue, do you know how sad I am right now?

"It's better." After shouting for a while, he finally let go of her hand, but he was still holding it, "Don't worry, I didn't do such a thing, nothing will happen. You wait outside Follow me, I'll get out."

"Well, I believe you, you'll be fine, you didn't do anything." Ling Yue stared deeply at the person in front of her.

Lianjue, I still remember the first time we met. Seeing you with picturesque features, you are astonished as a heavenly being, and you are arrogant and unruly, and you refuse to bow your head. This is the most beautiful appearance of a teenager in my imagination, and my heart quietly fell for you.

When I found out that the person you liked was my sister, I cried sadly for days and nights, swore I would never see you again, said I hated you, why should I hurt my heart, but when I saw you again, I couldn’t help walking Staying for you, the eyes are also locked by you.

Although I have forgotten you, my memory is finally awakened by you.


I just like you, there is no way not to like you... I like you so much that even if I completely forget you, I can't take my eyes off him.

Lian Jue, I will love you for the rest of my life, just like when I first met...

"Eleventh..." Feng Jue fumbled with her hand and pressed it against her face, she was startled for a moment, "Are you crying?"

"Lian Jue..." More tears fell, and she couldn't stop crying.

"Silly girl..." Feng Jue wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes with his hands, "Don't cry, after this matter is over, let's get married, no matter what, I want to marry you."

"..." Lian Lingyue felt very happy in her heart, but also very sad, she said with red and swollen eyes, "Lian Jue, don't wait for later, let's do it now, we will get married now."

"Now?" Feng Jue was slightly taken aback.

"Yes, now..." Ling Yue held his hand tightly and said eagerly.

"But I haven't prepared anything now, I feel so wronged..." His dream wedding with her was to give her red makeup, let her marry in a grand manner, and be his wife in a dignified manner.

"The one who married me is you, so you won't feel wronged." Ling Yue said, "We are married here, the sky and the earth are the witnesses, the sun and the moon are the mirrors, okay?"

Feng Jue's heart trembled slightly, and with a trembling voice, he said, "Okay, I'll listen to you, we're married here, the heaven and the earth are the witnesses, and the sun and the moon are the mirrors."

"Yeah!" Ling Yue looked at the bright smile on Feng Jue's face with a broken heart.

"Come on, kneel here." Feng Jue took her hand and knelt down together.

In this dark and damp cell, the two knelt side by side with a cell door:

One is wearing pink, the other is wearing white;

One had tears in his eyes, and the other was full of joy.

"Heaven and earth are above, the sun and the moon bear witness, my phoenix formula..."

"I've been making months..."

"Be married here."

"Forever and ever, never lose."

"I wish to win the heart of one person, and the white head will not be separated."


"Pray to heaven and earth..." Feng Jue said, holding Ling Yue's hand towards the direction of the prison door, and bent down together.

"Second obeisance to the high hall..." They bowed together again.

"Husband and wife make obeisance..." Finally, Lingyue turned around, faced Fengjue, and bowed deeply at the same time.

The tops of the heads touch the tops of the heads, the strands of hair are tangled together, tied together with the pillow mat.

Then, the two slowly straightened up:

"May I grow old forever." Ling Yue said with a smile, tears rolled down from the corners of her eyes, she was beautiful when she was crying and smiling, but it was heartbreaking.

"May I have a precious son soon." Feng Jue said with a smile, there seemed to be a light in those dark eyes.

Ling Yue took the initiative to move forward, and kissed Feng Jue lightly on the corner of Feng Jue's lips through the gap of the cell door.

Feng Jue was startled, and immediately blushed, "Now, we are husband and wife."

"Yes, we are now husband and wife." Although there are only two of them, in this cell, Lingyue has a vague feeling that Fengjue is far away from her, but now they are husband and wife.

Lingyue stretched out her hand and gently touched every part of his facial features, "You must be fine."

Feng Jue was slightly stunned, and suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart, "Eleven, what's wrong with you, are you hiding something from me?"

"No, I'm so happy. After all, when I first met you, my wish was to marry you." Ling Yue said with a smile.

"..." Feng Jue also laughed, his ears turned red, and he could only repay her affection for her by staying with her for the rest of his life.

"I'm leaving first. I begged the emperor for a long time before he allowed me to visit you. I'm afraid that the emperor will be angry if I stay too long." Lingyue finally said these words after a lot of effort.

"En!" Feng Jue nodded.

When Lingyue turned around, he suddenly grabbed her hand, "Wait!"

"What's wrong?" Ling Yue's heart skipped a beat, afraid that he would see something.

"This is for you. I'm getting married today, but I only have this on me now." The name lock on Feng Jue was removed and given to Ling Yue.

This was given to him by his biological mother, Queen Duanwen, when he didn't know his identity back then.

Ling Yue took the name lock, took another deep look at Feng Jue, then turned around abruptly, walked out quickly, without stopping any longer.

(End of this chapter)

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