First-class daughter

Chapter 1367 Thank you for the hospitality

Chapter 1367 Thank you for the hospitality
Chapter 1367 Thank you for the hospitality
Now, she is Feng Jue's wife and the hostess of Prince Ming An's Mansion, she must be braver, she must do something for him, and right now...

Lingyue walked in the palace in the dark night, the expression on her face became resolute, the moonlight shone on her face, and a layer of light floated lightly.

She walked all the way to Changchun Palace.

Seeing her, Lian Siyue quickly stood up, held her hand, and asked, "Did you go to the cell to see the formula?"

The emperor issued an order that no one should visit the cell. She and Feng Yunzheng were trying to find a way, but the emperor allowed Ling Yueer to visit. Why?
"En." Lian Lingyue nodded, "I'm going, and I'm married to him." She took out the lock that Feng Jue had given her, and said.

"Married?" Lian Siyue was taken aback, and looked at Feng Yunzheng.

"Yes, after paying homage to heaven and earth, and taking oaths, we are considered to be married. This is what he gave me, and it is the best gift I have ever received. So, now I am his wife." Ling Yue will Putting the name lock on his body, he said firmly, with a satisfied smile in his eyes.

"Ling Yue'er..." Lian Siyue's heart trembled slightly.

She once thought that she would marry her beloved little sister in a grand manner. Now that she has become Princess An's daughter, if she gets married, she will be very beautiful. Princess An will not let her only righteous daughter suffer any grievances.

But she was in the prison, married to Feng Jue, and holding a lock with her name, as if holding the most precious treasure in the world.

"Ninth Brother, Sister, what's going on? Why did the Emperor convict Feng Jue without investigating?" Ling Yue also thought about it when she walked all the way from the cell just now.

Feng Jue said that the golden dragon dug out from Ming'an Palace was the masterpiece of Xiongnu princess Wei Rui, and she also reported it to the emperor, but the emperor showed no signs of arresting Wei Rui for interrogation, so he directly put Feng Jue in prison and announced that he would be executed , No one is allowed to visit, and it is directly blocked.

"The seven red moles on the soles of his feet were maliciously misinterpreted as the evil things that can restrain the father, and this hit the father's heart." Feng Yunzheng said based on his own understanding of Emperor Zhou Cheng.

"Then what if we investigate the truth and find evidence for the emperor." Ling Yue'er said.

"Lingyue'er..." Lian Siyue saw something from Lingyue's resolute eyes.

"Ninth Brother, Sister, I want to investigate this matter myself," Ling Yue said.

It takes three days to investigate the truth, and after the truth is found out, she will marry Wei Lang and marry the Xiongnu, but at the same time, she has an agreement with the emperor, so no one can say anything about it.

"Ling Yue'er, don't worry, I'm investigating this matter." Feng Yunzheng said, "The Huns are not difficult to deal with, what needs to be thought about is how to find that person in one fell swoop and hit him with one blow. That's the key to this."

"If I'm not wrong, 'that person' will kill Wei Rui, and there will be no future troubles." Lian Siyue said in a deep voice.

"Night Breeze has been secretly hiding beside Wei Rui, and I believe he will run into him soon." Feng Yunzheng said.

"Let me go to Wei Rui's side!" Ling Yue'er's eyes showed firmness, she must personally participate in the investigation of this matter, only then the emperor will show mercy to Feng Jue!
"Okay, I'll send Wu Qiao to be with you as a servant girl. Be careful in everything." Lian Siyue said, now that Yue'er is the adopted daughter of Princess An, no one dares to touch her casually, it would be better for her to go. .

"I will, sister." Ling Yue nodded.

Xiangjun Mansion.

Wei Rui heard that Feng Jue was taken into the palace overnight by the emperor. After more than a day, no one came to her for questioning. She finally breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on her face, and said, "Then the Eighth Prince Feng Ye also has Two hands, now I can sit back and relax, just wait for him to create a chance for me and His Highness Ninth Prince, that man is so kind, it's worth taking a risk."

"Princess, princess..." At this moment, Hu Lan hurried in and said, "Princess Guchun is here."

Continuous month?Wei Rui was taken aback for a moment, she came here at this time because of His Royal Highness the Eleventh Prince? "

And at this time, Wei Lang also just walked in, and when he heard that Princess Gu Chun was coming, he was immediately elated, and a smile appeared on his face, "Princess Gu Chun is here, why are you panicking, hurry up and greet her personally."

"Brother..." Seeing Wei Lang's elated look, Wei Rui was a little anxious, but she didn't dare to tell him about the Golden Dragon, otherwise, with her stupid temper, she would definitely drag her to the emperor to confess her guilt. She is done!
"Let's go." Wei Lang didn't know the trick in his sister's heart, and had already gone out to welcome Princess Guchun's arrival. Wei Rui had no choice but to go out with her.

Walking to the main hall, I saw Princess Guchun sitting there.

Wei Lang's heart fluttered slightly, he stepped forward, put his hands on his chest, nodded, and said, "Princess, you are here." His face was slightly flushed, and suddenly he looked a little clumsy.

A smile appeared on Ling Yue'er's face, and said, "I have nothing to do, I remembered that when Princess Weirui came to Prince Heng's mansion that day, she couldn't speak, so I came to have a look."

After Wei Rui heard this, she sneered in her heart, she didn't have anything to do, she came here to have a look.

"Princess Guchun came to see me, I really don't dare to do it." Wei Rui said.

"That's what it should be. Didn't the prince and princess also go to see His Highness the Eleventh?" Ling Yue'er said with her eyes on Wei Rui's face.

"..." Wei Rui's heart trembled slightly.

"It's just that I didn't expect that something happened to His Highness the Eleventh so soon. Don't be sad. I heard that His Highness the Eleventh has made a lot of great achievements. I think the Emperor will punish him lightly." Wei Lang, who didn't know the reason, comforted Lingyue. Son, said.

"Hey..." Lingyue sighed, and said, "It would be great if it was as you said."

"Princess Guchun, don't worry too much. The so-called halal is self-cleaning. If His Highness the Eleventh has no problems at all, your emperor may not kill innocent people indiscriminately." Wei Rui thought for a while and said.

"Yes, I hope so. However, I didn't come here today to talk about him, but to visit Princess Weirui," Lingyue said, with a smile on her lips all the time. Wei Lang definitely doesn't know about the golden dragon, but judging from Wei Rui's inexplicable nervousness, she doesn't want Wei Lang to know about it.

"Brother, you go and get busy first, I'm afraid nothing will change when we talk between girls." Wei Rui wanted to drive Wei Lang away.

Wei Lang was a little bit reluctant, he really fell in love with Lingyue, but Wei Rui said so, and he didn't feel well, so he stayed, and said, "Princess Guchun, you should stay for lunch."

Ling Yue nodded, "Thank you for your hospitality."

(End of this chapter)

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