Chapter 1368
Chapter 1368
After Wei Lang left, Wei Rui made a gesture of intimacy, walked up to Ling Yue, wanted to hold her arm, and said, "Princess Gu Chun, since you are here, why don't you take me for a stroll, we are about the same age , maybe they have a lot in common. I have come to Kyoto, and I have not had anyone to accompany me to appreciate the customs here, and there is always no suitable person."

If she wanted to take away Lian Lingyue, she was afraid that she would talk nonsense in front of her brother. If his brother liked her, he would definitely believe her words. If her brother knew that she was involved in the affairs between the princes of the Zhou Dynasty, she would be finished.

Seeing this, Wu Qiao immediately stopped in front of Wei Rui, and said in a deep voice, "Our princess doesn't like people being too close to her."

Wei Rui immediately withdrew her hand resentfully.

Lingyue smiled and said, "If you like to go shopping, I will accompany you to go shopping."

In fact, what she has to wait for is that if Wei Rui wants her to leave the Xiangjun mansion, leave here before she can do it.

"Great!" Wei Rui looked happy, then she couldn't wait to leave the Xiangjun Mansion with Ling Yue, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

When he was about to leave Xiangjun Mansion, Wu Qiao brought over two pieces of white gauze.

"What is this?" Wei Rui asked.

"I am an unmarried woman in the Central Plains. I am not allowed to show my face outside at will, so I have to cover my face with a cloth to avoid being seen." Lingyue covered her face with a white veil, revealing only a pair of watery eyes, and said, "Do as the Romans do. In order not to cause criticism and disturb our interest in playing, Princess Weirui should also wear this veil."

"Okay, although I think it's unnecessary, but the princess said so, so I wear it." Wei Rui also covered the veil on her face, only showing a pair of eyes.

Then, Wu Qiao brought two more cloaks with the same style, and said, "We will be making a cruise ship later, the wind is strong, please put them on, the two princesses."

Wei Rui couldn't help feeling that this woman from the Central Plains was too troublesome, with such a slight breeze, she was worried about the cold, but in order to leave quickly, she didn't say anything, just like Ling Yue, she put on her cloak.

Lingyue's eyes slowly showed a hint of coldness, and she said, "Has Princess Weirui ever been on a cruise ship?"

"No, we lack water in Mobei, so we don't need a boat." Wei Rui said.

"Then let's go to the river, I'll take a boat with you to float on the river, and appreciate the style of central Beijing, it's also unique." Lingyue said, with a simple smile on her face.

"Okay." Wei Rui said.

When they got to the shore, Wu Qiao chose a boat and asked the boatman to come over.

Wei Rui supported Hu Lan's hand, and then boarded the boat.

The two sat face to face in the cabin, Wei Rui breathed a sigh of relief quietly, looked outside, and said, "The wind is very comfortable, and the water is also very clear, thank you Princess Guchun for bringing me to appreciate this style."

"Princess Weirui, you are welcome. When you get to the middle of the lake, the scenery will be even more beautiful. At that time, the princess should take a good look at it." Lingyue said, with a smile on her lips, but a deep coldness clearly flashed in her eyes.

The boat fluttered and continued to row, and after a while, it finally reached the middle of the river. Lingyue asked the boatman to stop rowing, and let the boat float on the river, shaking, which seemed very comfortable.

"If the princess has the opportunity to go to Mobei, I will also take you to appreciate the Mobei of our Huns. Presumably the princess has never been out of Kyoto." Wei Rui said, in her opinion, this Princess Guchun is not What's the use of it, like a leaf, it will float down when the wind blows.

"Yeah, I've never been out of Kyoto." Ling Yue said, but the days when she was in exile and her life and death were unknown flashed through her mind.

After watching the biography for a while, a gust of wind blew enough and the biography shook a few times.

Lingyue glanced at Wu Qiao, Wu Qiao understood, and suddenly walked in front of Wei Rui, stretched out his hand suddenly, and clasped her neck with a sharp dagger against her life and death acupuncture points.

"You, what are you doing?" Wei Rui's expression changed drastically.

"Princess, princess! What do you want to do? Don't touch my princess." Seeing this, Hu Lan hurried out to defend her, but her face turned pale with fright.

Looking at Princess Guchun again, the cuteness and coquettishness on her face are gone, replaced by a cold face, with a strong and indifferent aura in her eyes, as if she has completely changed herself.

"Wu Qiao, kill him and throw it into the river." She waved the handkerchief in her hand and said.

"Kill, kill?" Seeing this, Wei Rui stretched out her hand to attack Wu Qiao. She also has fists and kicks, but in front of the master Wu Qiao, she struggled twice. With a click, one side of the bone was broken.

"Ah! Killing!" She let out a hysterical scream.

She tried her best to attract the attention of the people on the river bank, but the boat was far away from the shore, and she was in the cabin, so no one could hear her voice.

Moreover, the boatman was also arranged by Lingyue early in the morning, and he was in charge of guarding the situation outside at the moment.

"Don't waste your energy in vain." Ling Yue stood up and said coldly.

"You, what do you want to do?" Wei Rui looked at the gleaming dagger in Lingyue's hand, and felt a chill in her heart, "No, you dare not, I, I am the envoy of the Huns, I am..."

"A messenger from the Huns?" Ling Yue sneered, "Since you know that you are an envoy from the Huns, why don't you be a good envoy, and why do you want to frame His Royal Highness Feng Jue?"

"You, what are you talking about, I don't understand, I don't know what you're talking about!" Wei Rui's eyes flickered, and she didn't dare to look directly at Lingyue.

When she saw this Lian Lingyue two or three times, she always had a cute and innocent look, which really made her look down on her from the bottom of her heart. Now this kind of look is both surprising and frightening!

"Heh." Ling Yue let out a soft hum between her lips, narrowed her eyes slightly, and suddenly brushed her luxuriant arm, and slashed her wrist with a knife!

"Ah!" She screamed again.

"Princess!" Seeing this, Hu Lan knelt down on the ground, her legs limp.

The glaring blood flowed out, drop by drop fell to the ground, Wei Rui's face was pale, trembling with pain, "You, you, help, help, I'm going to die, I'm going to die..."

She blushed and yelled out big drops that fell, seeing that more and more blood fell on the ground and gathered in a puddle.

"Are you also afraid of death?" Seeing her miserable situation, Lingyue didn't soften her heart in the slightest, "When you framed King Ming An, why didn't you think that you would have such a day sooner or later?"

Wei Rui was trembling all over, her face was ashen, her head was dizzy for a while, her lips became pale, seeing the blood flow continuously, her eyes were half-closed, and she said with difficulty, "Help, save me..."

(End of this chapter)

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