Chapter 1370

Chapter 1370

Lingyue pretended to be terrified, dodged hastily, and made a startled sound. In the cabin, Wu Qiao narrowed her dangerous eyes slightly, and threw a hidden weapon from her sleeve, and slammed it at the blade of the man in black.

Only a "ding" sound was heard, the knife slashed sideways, and the blade passed by Lian Lingyue's shoulder.

And at this moment, Night Breeze seemed to descend from the sky, and stood in front of Ling Yue, brandishing his long sword. Seeing Cheng Yaojin running out of nowhere, everyone held their knives at each other. There are many murderous intentions.

Lingyue stood behind Night Breeze and faced it calmly. Her eyes fell on the men in black, and her fists in her sleeves were secretly clenched.

Brother Jiu and sister were right. Those people were already going to kill Wei Rui and kill them. Once Wei Rui died, there would be no proof.

It seems that Eighth Brother didn't intend to leave even the slightest retreat for Lian Jue.

In her mind, the eighth brother is the most favored son of all the princes. He has been loved since he was a child. With such a tragic life experience as my brother, he grew up with a court lady, and suffered all kinds of indifference.

Therefore, he is not a person with particularly strong desires. He is more wanton than other princes, free and easy, proud and arrogant, and often laughs. He once gave her a bow and arrow and said that he would teach her to hunt when he was free, but Later, maybe he forgot, maybe it was just a casual remark, he didn't really teach her, and that bow and arrow was also lost when her life experience was exposed and she was kicked out of Changchun Palace.

It's a pity, it's a pity, he has a dissatisfied mother, who does all kinds of bad things. She still remembers once overhearing that her eighth brother was angry with Concubine Xu Xian and blamed her for doing something to Lian Jue who was still in her infancy.

But now, it has reached the point of killing each other.

She felt a burst of sadness and loss in her heart, and she didn't want to go this far.

However, in the face of the current situation, she can no longer stand idly by.

She is Princess Ming An, so she has to protect Feng Jue and the Palace of Ming An.

"Bold!" At this time, Lingyue pulled off the veil on her face and said sharply, "My princess, you dare to do something, say it! Who sent you here!"

There was a deep coldness in her eyes.

The masked man saw that this person was clearly not the Princess Mobei, but Princess Guchun, the adoptive daughter publicly accepted by Princess Anguo a few days ago. I heard that Princess Anguo has only this daughter under her name, so she loves her very much , and now she is already the most prestigious noble lady in the city of Kyoto.Offending her is tantamount to offending Princess An, so the masked men immediately stopped attacking Lingyue and left quickly.

Lingyue watched these people leave quickly with cold eyes.

Wu Qiao led Wei Rui over and walked over. Wei Rui's face was paler than before, and her lips were trembling.

"Now you know, someone wants your life, who do you think it is?" Ling Yue looked at her coldly and said.

"Yes, is it His Highness the Eighth Prince?" Sweat broke out on Wei Rui's forehead.

"Besides her, is there anyone else you can't make a deal with?" Ling Yue said.

"No, no more, only him." Wei Rui suddenly felt very angry in her heart. She risked her life to wade into this muddy water, but Feng Ye just wanted to kill her!

"You are so naive. You think you can restrain the scheming Eighth Prince. He supervises the country for the emperor, and he can also use power for power. How can you let the person who holds his handle live freely." Ling Yue said, "You The only way to survive now is to obey my orders, there is no other way."

"I'll listen to you, I'll listen to you." Wei Rui nodded again and again, regretting it now, she knew earlier that she should not be tempted by His Highness the Eighth Prince.

"And..." Ling Yue gave her a cold look and said, "Stop thinking about Prince Heng, I can tell you that no woman in this world can take her soul away except Lian Siyue. Even Siyue is willing to give everything in exchange for just a smile, understand?"

After Wei Rui heard this, she was still unwilling, but Princess Guchun had already said so, so she couldn't say anything more, so she had to agree, and said, "Thank you Princess Guchun for reminding me, I understand, since that's the case, there will be no more Think about it, I was too naive before, thinking that men in this world would be hooked as long as they were tempted, but I didn't know that the relationship between His Highness Ninth Prince and Princess Heng is so strong and pure."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, Wu Qiao, lock her up." Ling Yue said.

Wei Rui was taken aback for a moment, "Didn't you say to go to the palace to meet the emperor?"

Ling Yue said, "Of course we have to see each other, no, not today." Because there are more important evidences that need to be obtained.

"Princess Guchun, what on earth do you want?" Wei Rui suddenly felt that this made Princess Yue unfathomable.

"Don't worry about it, Wu Qiao!" Ling Yue winked.

"Yes, princess." Wu Qiao took the order, pushed Wei Rui into the carriage, and headed towards Prince Heng's mansion.

"Princess, what are we going to do next? Your Highness asks you to assist the princess with all your strength." Night Breeze said from the side.

Thoughts flashed in Lingyue's eyes, and she said, "Now, I'm going to find Zhou Liguan who presided over the pagoda sacrifice."

"Your Highness and the concubine have both said that Zhou Liguan must belong to His Highness Eighth Highness. It is really difficult to get words out of her mouth." Ye Feng said.

"No matter how difficult it is, you have to pay." Ling Yue said, at this moment, there is no other way but to go all out.

"Does the princess have a good strategy?" Night Breeze asked.

Ling Yue turned around and said while walking, "Time is running out, even if you want to collect the weaknesses of Zhou Liguan, it will be too late."

"Princess means..." Night Breeze looked puzzled.

"Return it to the person in the same way. Since they can create something out of nothing and create evidence to slander Feng Jue, why can't we do the same?" Ling Yue's eyes showed a trace of coldness, "Night Breeze, you say, in the emperor What, it seems, is the most serious crime?"

Night Breeze thought for a while, and said, "There is nothing more than the crime of treason. The Fourth Highness back then, the old thief Xiao Zhenhai, was expelled by the emperor for this crime, so that our Eleventh Highness was also arrested for this crime." prison."

Lingyue nodded and said, "So, I need you to sneak into Zhou Liguan's mansion today at night and do something for me." Lingyue said.

"Yes, the princess told me that I will never hesitate to take a humble position." Night Breeze nodded.

Lian Lingyue's eyes slowly looked into the distance, the air was cold, but her eyes became more and more tenacious.

"The Eighth Highness is not easy to deal with, so, no matter what, don't take it lightly, give them an opportunity, be more careful, be careful, be more careful!" Lingyue enjoined.

(End of this chapter)

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