First-class daughter

Chapter 1371 Meeting in a Dream

Chapter 1371 Meeting in a Dream
Chapter 1371 Meeting in a Dream
When Lingyue returned to the princess mansion, Xueli walked over and said, "The princess has already fallen asleep."

"How is mother today?" Ling Yue asked.

"People from the Xue family are here today." Xueli whispered.

Lingyue was taken aback, frowned, and said, "Who? Xue Renfu?"

"It's Xue Renfu's eldest nephew, Xue Yi. He used to look at the face of the former son-in-law. The princess gave him a lot of favors, and he worked hard. Now he says he wants to repay the princess." Xueli said about the Xue family. , the expression on her face seemed to be displeased, she had been with the princess for many years, and she saw that Princess An was hurt in that relationship.

"Has mother seen him?" Ling Yue asked.

"No, the princess said that the Xue family has nothing to do with her now, and there is no need to see Xue Yi again, but Xue Yi does not give up, and is still waiting outside, saying that the main thing is to wait until the princess is willing to see him." Xueli said.

"I'll go and have a look." Lingyue asked Xueli to lead the way, and when they arrived at the side hall, they saw a man in white clothes standing under a picture scroll from a distance. The picture showed a graceful and luxurious woman in purple clothes, The extravagance is compelling.

When Lingyue saw Xue Yi, there was a bit of Xue Renfu on his face, but he was more handsome. She remembered that Xue Renfu had long passed the age of marrying, but he had never married. He heard that he was very picky, and often Someone introduces a girl to him, and he often starts to say that this person is bad or that bad before they meet, but when they meet, he will be more direct: You are not as good as I think in everything, if you don't want to waste time on me, you should go ahead let's go.Every time an angry girl would cry at home for several days, then rumors of Xue Yi's weird temper began to spread.

Xue Yi seemed to have heard something, turned around, saw Ling Yue approaching, and hurriedly said, "This lady is..."

"Mr. Xue, this is Princess Guchun." Xueli said.

"Oh." Upon hearing this, Xue Renfu hurriedly bowed and said, "So it's you, sorry for your disrespect."

"Mr. Xue, you are welcome." Ling Yue nodded slightly. She is a princess bestowed by the emperor, the daughter of Princess An, and Xue Yi's worship is more than enough.

After Lingyue signaled Xueli to wait for everyone to retreat, she asked, "I don't know what kind of identity Mr. Xue came to the Princess Mansion today?"

After hearing this, Xue Yi showed a hint of surprise in his eyes, and said, "It's really good of you to ask this question. If I say that I am the nephew of Consort Xue, you can open my mouth to drive me away, but I don't mean it as my uncle. I have come in the name of me, I have come in my own name."

"Oh? I don't know what Mr. Xue is talking about here? My mother is not in good spirits today, and she doesn't want to see guests. If you have something to do, you can talk to me." Ling Yue said.

"Okay, then I will tell you frankly, I admire the princess, I love the princess, I came here as a man, I want to stay with the princess and serve her for the rest of my life." Xue Yi said directly without ambiguity.

When Lingyue heard this, she was very surprised. This Xue Yi, who was born in a different generation and a lot different in age, actually fell in love with his mother?

"Does my mother know about this?" Ling Yue asked.

"I came here today to express my love to the princess, but the princess avoided seeing me. I haven't had a chance to express my feelings yet, but I won't be discouraged. The princess doesn't see me for a day, and I wait for a day. I don’t see me every day, I wait for ten days, the princess doesn’t see me for a year, I wait for a year, life is very long, I’m not afraid to wait.” The young Xue Yi had a look of determination in his eyes.

"Mr. Xue, I think you can't get what you want. My mother was heartbroken by the Xue family. Now she doesn't want to have anything to do with your family. You are the nephew of the former son-in-law Xue Renfu. My mother I don’t want to see you anymore. What you said today was just because you were young and vigorous, and you received a blow from your mother, so you had an illusion in your heart, mistakenly thinking that you were in love, and after a few more days Months, a year, a few years, you will regret today's persistence." Lingyue said.

Xue Yi listened, but smiled and said. "Princess Guchun is much younger than me, and now she criticizes my feelings wantonly in the tone of someone who has experienced it."

"So, are you going to persevere to the end?" Ling Yue asked.

Xue Yidao, "In this world, there is only emotion that cannot be concealed or faked. It is also the purest feeling. I love the princess, deeply in love. Whether it's a husband, a face, or a slave by her side , I want to spend my whole life with her, this is my life's wish."

Ling Yue looked at Xue Yi, he was handsome and handsome, with fair face, rosy lips as if painted with rouge, the corners of his eyes were slightly raised, and even charming, unlike the princes, Xue Yi's appearance had a certain charm.

Such a frail person has a bit of courage when it comes to vows of mountain and sea.

Lingyue sighed slightly, but her tone became firm, and she said, "Young Master Xue is right. Emotions, especially things, cannot be hidden or controlled, but everything depends on my mother's likes and dislikes. If she hates you, I will I won't allow you to appear in front of her again, I don't want her to be hurt by one Xue family and disturbed by another Xue family, you know what I mean."

Xue Yi cupped his hands and said, "Of course I understand what Princess Guchun means."

After Lingyue and Xue Yi said a few more words, they left. Anyway, the front hall is far away from mother's residence, so Xue Yi can't disturb her.

After Lingyue left, Xue Yi walked back to the scroll with his hands behind his back, continuing to admire it.

Lingyue returned to the room, closed the door, and sent the maids out, the expression on her face gradually became serious.

Now, things are moving forward step by step, and she... Mobei, the princess of the Hun prince, is her final destination in this life?
Thinking about it, she didn't take off her clothes, she leaned against the head of the bed, closed her eyes and fell asleep slowly, in her dream, she saw a vigorous young man in blue, galloping his horse, the smile on his face was like the scorching sun Canlan, ran towards her all the way from afar.

Her eyes were fixed on him, her heart was pounding, and when his big hand stretched out towards her, she did not hesitate to put her hand as if it was in his palm, and as soon as he pushed hard, she got on the horse and sat on the horse. behind him.

"Are you afraid?" he asked.

"I'm not afraid, with you here, I'm not afraid at all!" She said loudly.

"Hold on firmly!" He took her hand and hugged his waist, the horse was soaring, the wind blew, and the hair was blown high, and the hair strands of the two were entangled.

"..." Lingyue sat up abruptly, only to realize that she was dreaming. At this moment, she was alone in the room, so quiet that she could hear her own breathing.

There was sadness on her face, she was Lian Jue's wife, this was her life's wish, but...

(End of this chapter)

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