First-class daughter

Chapter 1372 Will it go well?

Chapter 1372 Will it go well?
Chapter 1372 Will it go well?
Late at night

The sky was pitch black, with no stars or moonlight.

Guards stood around Zhou's mansion, guarded tightly. Night Breeze had been observing here for a long time. No matter who passed through this gate, they would be searched and questioned, even the Zhou mansion's own people were no exception.

"There are ghosts in my heart, so naturally all plants and trees are soldiers." Ye Feng snorted coldly.

However, following His Royal Highness Jiu for many years, Ye Feng didn't pay attention to this little trick, so he easily entered the Zhou family's mansion, hid in the dark, and waited for an opportunity to act.

Until midnight.

Everyone in the Zhou Mansion fell into a dream, but at this moment, Night Breeze noticed that Zhou Liguan was sneaking out of the room with a lantern in his hand.

"Looking at it like this, there must be something tricky, I'm not in a hurry to do it." So, he put down his hand from his mouth and quietly followed behind Zhou Liguan.

I saw that Zhou Liguan went all the way forward, and when he came to a house, he looked around, then opened the door and walked in, and then closed the door again.

Night Breeze quickly walked to the door, pierced the window with his fingers, and looked inside, only to see that the ritual officer Zhou was sitting in front of a desk first, and stretched his hand under the desk. After a while, a wall behind him slowly opened up.

A smile appeared on Zhou Liguan's face, and then he entered behind the door.

After a while, Night Breeze sneaked into the room, pressed the mechanism under the desk, and the wall slowly opened. He covered his face with a black cloth, pressed his hand on the sword at his waist, and walked in. A staircase connected to the basement below. He stepped on the stairs and walked down slowly, looking around vigilantly. When he got down, he was taken aback when he saw the situation in the room.

His footsteps were so light that the Zhou etiquette officer couldn't notice him at all.

I saw that the basement room was full of gold and silver treasures, all kinds of rare treasures, everything that one could expect, and the whole room was shining brightly. With a greedy expression on the face of the ritual officer, he picked up a piece of gold and put it next to his teeth, took a bite, and then took off his clothes. He took off his clothes, shoes and socks, took out the sheets, and lay down in one of the piles of gold and silver treasures to sleep.

A sarcastic sneer appeared on Night Breeze's face. He strolled over, looked around, took one of the priceless vases, raised his hand, and then let go. With a "pop", the vase fell to the ground. Broken into pieces.

"Who? What's going on?" The happy Zhou Liguan who was lying on the gold and sleeping suddenly sat up.

When he saw the tall, masked man in black in front of him, he was startled, and when he looked at the broken vase on the ground, he was so distressed that he was about to bleed.

"You, who are you? How did you get in?" Zhou Liguan looked at Night Breeze in horror. This was his secret base, and even his wife didn't know about it.

Night Breeze took his time and sat down on the chair opposite him.

"Ah..." Zhou Liguan looked nervous and distressed, this chair is made of the best rosewood wood, what should I do if it breaks when such a big man sits on it?
Night Breeze picked up a vase and played with it.

"You, who are you, and what do you want to do? Are you asking for money or an official?" Zhou Liguan was so frightened that his heart rose to his throat.

"Not for money, nor for officials, nor for life..." Ye Feng looked at him with cold eyes and said.

"Mate, you... come here!" Zhou Liguan immediately ran up the stairs.

However, Ye Feng let go of his hand again, and another vase was broken. Officer Zhou turned around suddenly, and seeing the pieces on the ground, he was about to vomit blood, "My lord, you, what do you want?"

Night Breeze stood up, with his hands behind his back, exuding aura all over his body, "How can a court official with a normal court salary have such a house full of gold and silver treasures? Mr. Zhou has collected a lot of people's fat and anointment in recent years. "

"Hey." Zhou Liguan smiled awkwardly, "Aren't all officials like this? There are a few who don't think about themselves."

"It's really shameless." Night Breeze said with a smile, his face suddenly turned cold.

Zhou Liguan took a step back.

Night Breeze got up, walked to the rare treasures on the whole wall, reached out, took out a round object, put it in his hand, looked at it, and said, "However, Mr. Zhou is very courageous in order to ask for money. , This is the bead used by the late emperor."

Zhou Liguan was taken aback, "What? You, how do you know?"

"After the late emperor passed away, this pearl was originally going to be buried with the late emperor, but it was lost later. This has become a regret in the late emperor's heart. I have been searching for it under the order of Princess An, but I didn't expect that this bead was in Zhou Liguan's possession. In the secret room, there is really nowhere to find, and it doesn't take much effort to get here." Ye Feng said coldly.

"What..." Zhou Liguan knew that this bead was indeed owned by the late emperor, and it was given to Old General Yao by the late emperor. Once, when he went to visit the general's mansion, he accidentally saw this bead, and then acted like a thief. Steal the bead back.

It's also strange that Old General Yao lost such a precious bead, but he didn't see Zhang Zhang, as if he had suffered from this dumb loss. He thought it was strange at one time, but now he heard the man in black say that, could it be that this bead was also Old General Yao's bead? The means are not bright?
"You don't dare to show your true colors to others. I will never believe you. You are just a thief who enters the house. If you want something, I will bear the pain and give up. Take it and go." Zhou Liguan said.

"Hmph." Night Breeze smiled, reached out and took out a token from his pocket, "Open your dog eyes and see clearly, what is this?"

Zhou Liguan took a wide look, and his legs went limp in fright. This is the token of Princess An's Mansion!

Night Breeze stretched out his hand, picked up Officer Zhou's clothes, and said coldly, "Grandpa Ben has suspected that this bead is in your hands. Since I caught it today, I will arrest you to meet the emperor and princess, and search you for the people's fat and people's anointing. Report all the misappropriation of the imperial court's finances one by one, and the emperor will definitely cut off your dog's head and destroy your nine clans!"

Zhou Liguan's legs gave way, "Grandpa, please forgive me...Grandpa please forgive me..."

Rongyuan Hall.

Ling Yue'er knelt in the center of the hall, wishing in her heart that everything goes well.

Emperor Zhou Cheng looked at the people below and asked, "Today is the second day, are you so fast?"

"Your Majesty, I have found two people, which are enough to prove that the matter of the Golden Dragon has nothing to do with His Highness the Eleventh. Please learn from the Emperor." Ling Yue nodded and said.

"Bring it here, but I only give you this chance. If you can't prove his innocence this time, then you have to follow the agreement with me. I won't give him another chance." Zhou Chengdi said.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Lingyue signaled Liang Degui to escort Wei Rui and Zhou Liguan into the Hall of Rongyuan respectively, and secretly clenched her fists beside her.

That Wei Rui and Zhou Li Guan came in one after the other, knelt on the ground, Wei Rui glanced at Ling Yue, while Zhou Li Guan was trembling all over, his face turned pale.

"Wei Rui (lower position) pays homage to the emperor, long live the emperor."

(End of this chapter)

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