First-class daughter

Chapter 1373 What His Highness 8 Did

Chapter 1373 What His Royal Highness Did

Chapter 1373 What His Royal Highness Did

"Guchun, what do you want to say?" Zhou Chengdi asked.

"Your Majesty, Gu Chun can assure you that His Highness the Eleventh was wronged, he is innocent, and he has absolutely no intention of disobedience.

The golden dragon in Ming'an Palace was buried in the salvo field by Princess Wei Rui under the order of the Eighth Highness. On the day of the pagoda's sacrifice to Hai Dongqing, the dragon's head fell and caught fire. It was the hands and feet of Zhou Liguan before he was in charge of the sacrifice. Please also ask the emperor to check carefully . " Ling Yue said.

Emperor Zhou Cheng looked at the two of them with a stern expression, and said, "What's going on?"

"Here, Your Majesty, my humble minister..." Zhou Liguan was sweating profusely. He never imagined that the princess's guards had the ability to sneak into his mansion last night and grasped his deathbed. Say no.

"Your Majesty, let Guchun tell the story." Ling Yue said, "The reason why the dragon's head was taken off by Haidongqing during the pagoda sacrifice on that day was not God's will, but man-made. Put rabbit meat in his mouth and surround it with wire. Haidongqing didn't fly over by accident, but was hungry for two days, and then released it during the sacrifice. Haidongqing smelled it when he was extremely hungry. It will be more sensitive. When flying in the air, it smells the smell of meat, so it swoops down and overturns the faucet vigorously to eat the meat inside, but because of the wire, it cannot eat it. Haidongqing is a very cruel food. , the strength is very strong, and it is even more ferocious when you are hungry. In the end, the phenomenon of breaking the dragon's head appeared that day, and it has nothing to do with the seven red moles on the soles of His Royal Highness's feet."

When Emperor Zhou Cheng heard this, he seemed furious, and said, "There is such a thing?! How dare you lie to me like this?! Zhou Chong, tell me!"

"Emperor, Your Majesty, humble position, humble position..." Zhou Liguan was so frightened that his face was ashen, and his whole body was trembling.

"Your Majesty, fortunately that day, after the sacrifice, His Highness the Ninth Prince felt that something was wrong. After everyone left, he ordered his bodyguards to investigate the sacrifice site and found something tricky, and secretly left two dragon heads behind." Moon continued.

"Where is the dragon's head?" Zhou Chengdi asked.

"Yefeng, the guard of Prince Heng's Mansion!" Liang Degui said loudly.

After a while, he saw a tall and straight guard in black walking into the hall, holding two blackened dragon heads in his hands, he glanced at Ling Yue, and Ling Yue nodded to him.

Officer Zhou looked at Night Breeze and felt familiar. Suddenly, his eyes froze, and he couldn't help pointing at Night Breeze. It seemed like the person who sneaked into his secret room last night and smashed a lot of his gold and silver treasures.

He is not from the princess mansion, but from Prince Heng's mansion? !
"Humble job Ye Feng, pay homage to the emperor!" Ye Feng knelt on the ground, raised his hands high, and said, "Here is the broken dragon head, please the emperor look at it."

Two eunuchs came over and presented the dragon head to Emperor Zhou Cheng.

"Your Majesty, please look at the dragon's mouth." Night Breeze said.

Emperor Zhou Cheng's eyes fell on the mouth of the cage, and the eunuch stretched out his hand and said, "Your Majesty, there are two wires embedded in the mouth of the dragon."

As soon as the eunuch stretched out his hand, there was a layer of black wire dust on his fingers, which was the color after burning.

Emperor Zhou Cheng's eyes became more and more ugly, and he said in a deep voice, "Take off the wire."

The two eunuchs unscrewed the wire again, and when they shook it, a piece of charred material really fell out of it. They reached out and fiddled with it, and it was indeed meat.

I took another faucet to look at it, and it was the same, the same wire, the same burnt meat, hard and exuding a burnt smell.

Emperor Zhou Cheng suddenly looked at Zhou Liguan, "Zhou Chong, tell me, what's going on!"

"Yes, yes, your majesty, please forgive me, I will say it, I will say it!" Zhou Liguan kowtowed again and again, sweating profusely, and said, "Princess Guchun is right, the dragon head, the dragon head was indeed touched by hands, feet, wire, and meat before the sacrifice. Both, they were all put in first, and Hai Dongqing was also starved."

"You dog slave! How dare you use my sacrifice to pray for the people of the world!" Zhou Chengdi suddenly picked up the teapot next to him, and slammed it on the Zhou Li official, who did not dare to hide, so he could only stand still He let the teapot hit his forehead, his head was bleeding, his head was dizzy, and his body was shaking, but he immediately stood up straight again, not daring to fall down.

"Say, who ordered you!" Zhou Chengdi was furious.

"Yes, it's His Highness the Eighth Highness, the order of the Eighth Highness, my humble minister, I dare not not listen to it." Zhou Liguan said tremblingly.

"Feng Ye?" Emperor Zhou Cheng stood up and asked, "What evidence do you have to prove that it was Lao Ba who did it!? Instead of being threatened with perjury?"

Compared with Lian Lingyue, Emperor Zhou Cheng naturally believed in his own son more.

"His Highness the Eighth Highness raised Haidongqing. I don't know if the emperor still remembers it. The year before last, the emperor got a Haidongqing. It was injured at the time, and was trained and raised by His Highness Eighth. He even built a paddock for the Haidongqing. Green life, the Costinus that day was actually a female bird recruited by the Costinus in the paddock, and it was also trained by the Eighth Highness." Zhou Liguan said.

Clenching his fists in his sleeves, Emperor Zhou Cheng sat down slowly, his face gradually grave.

Lingyue looked at Wei Rui who had been silent all this time, and Wei Rui's heart trembled, and finally said, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, I did bury the dragon head, but, His Highness Eighth asked me to do it, but , but I don’t know what it means to bury the seven dragon heads.”

"What did you say?!" Zhou Chengdi's face became even more gloomy.

After a while, he supported his head with one hand, waved the other, and said, "Liang Degui, go to the Government Affairs Hall and bring the Eighth Prince before me."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Liang Degui walked out.

Lingyue knelt in the hall, she was still very nervous in her heart, now, step by step according to the plan, I just hope everything goes well and save Feng Jue from suffering.

Not long after, Liang Degui's shrill voice sounded outside the door, "His Highness the Eighth Prince sees you."

After a while, I saw the eighth prince, Feng Ye, walking in, wrapped in a purple robe, with a graceful demeanor, and even a feeling of being unworldly and not competing with the world. No matter how you look at it, he doesn't look like someone who is greedy for power. people.

When he walked in, with a slight smile on his face, he glanced at Ling Yue.

Ling Yue was taken aback, why is he still laughing at such a time?

"I pay homage to my father, long live my father." Feng Ye knelt down beside Ling Yue and said.

Emperor Zhou Cheng looked at his son in front of him, suddenly closed his eyes slightly, pinched the bridge of his nose with his hands, and felt a splitting headache, and felt faint.

"Bazi, you arranged Haidongqing on the day of the pagoda sacrifice? You also arranged the golden dragon in Ming'an Palace! I want to listen to the truth!" Zhou Chengdi resisted the dizzy feeling and said.

(End of this chapter)

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