First-class daughter

Chapter 1374 Night Breeze Betrayed

Chapter 1374 Night Breeze Betrayed
Chapter 1374 Night Breeze Betrayed
Feng Ye saw Emperor Zhou Cheng's discomfort in his eyes, and a coldness flashed in his eyes. After a while, the coldness disappeared. He bowed his head and said, "Father, my son doesn't know anything about this matter, I don't know why Will there be such rumors?"

"Zhou Chong!" Emperor Zhou Cheng said.

"Yes, yes, Your Majesty." While wiping the sweat from his forehead, Zhou Liguan explained how Feng Ye ordered him to do something about the pagoda sacrifice.

"Princess Guchun, did you interrogate this in advance?" Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Feng Ye asked without any panic.

Under Feng Ye's gaze, Lingyue's heart trembled slightly, she clenched her fists secretly, and said, "His Eleventh Highness was imprisoned wrongly, and I cleared his wrongdoing, and I never thought that the mastermind behind the scenes would be eight Your Highness."

"Hehe." Feng Ye said with a very calm gaze from the beginning to the end, "Princess Guchun, I am very moved that you want to clear up the grievances of the eleventh brother, and even this king is doing it for the eleventh brother these days. However, you shouldn't blame it on me."

"I didn't!" Ling Yue was annoyed by Feng Ye's indifferent gaze, she said, "I have no grievances or enmities with His Highness the Eighth Prince, there is no need to wrong you."

And Feng Ye didn't pay attention to Ling Yue anymore, in his mind, she was just a little girl who was acting on her own will, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

"Father, my son was wronged, please father to investigate clearly, and return my son's innocence." Feng Ye arched his hands and said.

Emperor Zhou Cheng looked closely at Feng Ye with his eyes, but the dizzy feeling in his head became more and more serious, and he supported his head with his hands. ,

"Officer Zhou." Feng Ye looked at Zhou Chong and said, "You told my father that I asked you to put meat in the dragon head, why didn't you tell my father that someone sneaked into your mansion last night and forced you to slander me? ?”

Night Breeze at the side heard Feng Ye's words, and lightly clenched his fist by his side. Has His Highness the Eighth Prince traced his whereabouts?
No, how is this possible, he has always been like his name, when walking in the dark night, like a gust of wind, no one can keep up with his pace.

What went wrong?A thought flashed in Night Breeze's eyes.

Feng Ye saw the doubt in Ye Feng's eyes, but there was a faint smile in his eyes.

The reason why he knew that Night Breeze had entered the Zhou Mansion was because Night Breeze had a different smell that most people couldn't smell. It was Feng Yu's careful choice after a long time to go to a very famous perfumer in the south of the Yangtze River. bought.

He had expected that someone would enter Zhou Liguan's side to investigate, so in the process of contacting Zhou Liguan, he sprinkled these scents on his body. Anyone who has had close contact with Zhou Liguan will have this fragrance on his body.

And as soon as he came in, he smelled this kind of fragrance on Ye Feng, and Ling Yue also had it, so he concluded that Ye Feng had entered the Zhou Mansion, and as Feng Yunzheng's first-class secret guard, Ye Feng was completely capable of silently Sneak into Zhou Mansion.

Night Breeze also caught Feng Ye's flashing smile: Oops!Got it!

His Highness the Eighth Prince is really different from ordinary people, he is a very difficult target!Various thoughts flashed through his mind, and he even thought about it, if His Highness Ninth Prince was involved in the matter, how would he let His Highness Ninth Prince be alone!

"This..." Zhou Liguan was caught in the middle, and as a predicament, he raised his sleeves and wiped the sweat on his forehead frequently. When Zhou Chengdi's sharp eyes looked over, he almost collapsed on the ground, crying bitterly, saying, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, there is nothing you can do about a lowly position. Yesterday, yesterday, the guards of His Highness Ninth Prince sneaked into the mansion of the humble minister, forcing the humble fact..."

Seeing that the Zhou etiquette officer started to talk back, Yue Feng was taken aback for a moment, and Ye Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, with evil spirit flashing through his eyes.

"What is forcing you, tell your father well, and don't lie any more." Feng Ye said slightly, but his eyes were like a mountain, pressing on Zhou Liguan's body.

"Your Majesty! The wire and the meat were actually made by the minister himself. It has nothing to do with His Highness the Eighth Prince. It was the guards of the Ninth Prince who persecuted the minister. At that time, he put a knife on the neck of the humble official. The humble official is really innocent." A solution..." Zhou Liguan suddenly untied his skirt, and saw that there was indeed a knife mark on his neck, and the skirt was healed, but there was a long trace of blood.

Up to now, Zhou Liguan can only knock out his teeth and swallow his blood, and confess the crime. If he still said that it was His Highness the Eighth Prince's instigation, he would not only rise up and perish.

"You!" Seeing Zhou Liguan retorting, Lingyue said angrily, "As an official of the imperial court and on the imperial salary, I should be loyal to the emperor, but you actually backtracked in front of the emperor! Zhou Liguan, are you impatient?"

"Princess Guchun, it's not that my humble position wants to lie to you, it's true, it's really the guard who is His Highness the Ninth Prince's man, with superb methods, I didn't even notice when he sneaked into my mansion, he forced me to say it!" Zhou Liguan said bitterly. .

"Nonsense!" When Night Breeze heard that Zhou Liguan had pulled out His Highness the Ninth Prince, he hurriedly stepped forward, knelt down, and said, "Your Majesty, although I am a secret guard of the Ninth Highness, this matter has nothing to do with the Ninth Highness, and the lowly position has nothing to do with it." He used a knife to persecute the official Zhou Li, but the humble staff accidentally discovered that this week the official Zhou Li searched for people's fat and people's anointing. Shen lost the orb, in order to survive, he begged for mercy from Beizhi, saying that he would use a shocking secret in exchange for his official career. Only then did Beizhi know about the dragon head. Beizhi originally thought, let him talk about the dragon head first, and then let him talk about the dragon head. Report to the emperor about the people's fat, people's anointing and precious pearls. If the emperor doesn't believe it, he can send someone to the Zhou mansion immediately."

Night Breeze said while thinking carefully.

No matter what, His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince cannot be allowed to wade into this muddy water. Even if he dies, he still has to protect His Royal Highness!
After a while...

The guards outside came to report, and box after box of gold and silver treasures were brought in, among which was the one kept by the late emperor, which Emperor Zhou Cheng saw at a glance.

Official Zhou Li's face was ashen, he collapsed on the ground, trembling, and couldn't even sit up.

"Your Majesty, these are the treasures hidden in the secret room by Officer Zhou Li, and the beads lost by the late emperor." Ye Feng said.

Emperor Zhou Cheng only felt the blood surge up in his chest, and a surge of anger lurked in his heart.

"Because I found out about this, Zhou Riguan told me this secret. I didn't dare to lie to the emperor, so I followed the princess into the palace to report to the emperor," Ye Feng said.

Feng Ye's eyes fell on Night Breeze, and there was a hint of admiration in his eyes. He was indeed the secret guard trained by Feng Yunzheng. Not only did he not panic in this situation, but he knew how to judge the situation and seize the weakness of Zhou Liguan to make a fuss. One point, it is much stronger than Yinhuai.

(End of this chapter)

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