First-class daughter

Chapter 1376 Feng Ye

Chapter 1376 Feng Ye
Chapter 1376 Feng Ye
"Brother..." Seeing that her brother arrived in time, Wei Rui was very happy in her heart, with tears in her eyes. It's better to be her brother, who will come to rescue her at the critical moment.

However, Wei Lang didn't look at her.

"Wei Lang, you two, brother and sister, are so courageous! How dare you meddle in the affairs of the Great Zhou Dynasty!" Emperor Zhou Cheng said displeased.

"Your Majesty, forgive me. As an elder brother, Wei Lang failed to take good care of his younger sister, and let her mess around. Not only did she meddle in the affairs of the prince, but she also hurt Princess Guchun and Princess Heng. He really deserves death." Wei Lang Lang nodded and said.

"Brother, you... what are you talking about?" Wei Rui's smile froze when she heard this, her heart trembled, didn't her brother come to save her?Why was she convicted in the first place?

Wei Lang still didn't look at her, but took out something from his bosom and presented it, "Your Majesty, this is something my younger sister Wei Rui hid under the bed."

When Wei Rui saw what her brother took out, she turned pale with fright, and said in a trembling voice, "Brother, brother, you, you are crazy, you are crazy."

Emperor Zhou Cheng took a look from the eunuch's hand, and stood up abruptly:

It turned out that these were puppet figures secretly carved by Wei Rui. There were three in total. One of the puppets had Lian Siyue's name and her birth date written on it. The other two were Cheng Jun's name and birth date, and One is for the king, these three puppets are all covered with needles, densely packed, it is enough to see Wei Rui's resentment towards these three people!

Even Lingyue was shocked when she saw it. She wanted to abandon Weirui yesterday, but unexpectedly, he found such a thing.

"Bold! How dare you curse my concubine and grandson (daughter) of the Great Zhou Dynasty? You deserve death!" Emperor Zhou Cheng was furious again!
"Emperor, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, spare me, I, I..." Wei Rui never expected that her brother would find the three puppets she made, let alone that he would take them out and make her suffer to death!

"Your Majesty, calm down and take care of your health. Because my sister loves His Highness the Ninth Highness, she hates Princess Heng and her children, but I never thought that she would do such a vicious thing. Your Majesty, please be careful. This is definitely not the original intention of our Xiongnu, the Xiongnu is willing to submit to the Great Zhou Dynasty forever, and always submit to you." Wei Lang said, and kowtowed three times reverently.

"Brother..." Wei Rui's face was pale, trembling all over, she fell to the ground.

And the expression on Feng Ye's face gradually froze, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at Wei Lang, this innocent-looking prince of the Xiongnu actually stood up at a critical moment to testify against his sister, this was really to show the sincerity of the Xiongnu, Or... is there another reason?
"It's you!" Wei Rui suddenly pointed at Lian Lingyue, "Is it you who encouraged my brother? You took advantage of him to like you, so you encouraged him to betray my sister, so as to keep your Eleventh Highness! You Woman, what a vicious heart! You actually separated our brother and sister so much. Brother, brother, you must not be confused by this woman, she must have lied to you, she must have used you, I am your sister, I am your sister Ah! How can you do this!"

"Shut up!" Furiously, Wei Lang walked up to Wei Rui, raised his hand, slapped her face twice, and said, "We were originally ordered by our father to lead Ox and horse tribute, come to beg for marriage, as a Xiongnu princess, not only did you not keep your father’s teachings in mind, but you also did a lot of evil for your brother without telling it, how can your brother spare you, today is to replace your father and punish you!”

Wei Lang was so powerful that when he hit Wei Rui, his cheeks became red and swollen, blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, his face was numb, he opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word for a long time, and could only look at him with trembling lips, she understood, Brother really likes Lian Lingyue, for her sake, he really can abandon her as a younger sister!
However, even if her elder brother really abandoned her and went back to Mobei, his father would not blame him. At that time, as long as he said that he was thinking about the overall situation of the Xiongnu, his father would forgive him.

Moreover, she is not very favored by her father, she is just one of dozens of children, she is still a very ordinary one, maybe her father will not even frown, the only person who will be sad in the future is her own mother That's all.

She suddenly began to regret it, regretted being against Lian Lingyue, and she also began to understand that a man is so cruel, so cruel that at a critical moment, he can abandon his dear ones without hesitation!

So, now, if you want to go back to Mobei alive, you have to stand on the side of your brother. If your brother doesn't take him back, she will stay here and be given to death by the Emperor of Great Zhou!

She doesn't want to die, she wants to go home, she wants to go home to see her mother!She also has an underage sister... She wants to help her mother survive among the concubines of many fathers and kings.Otherwise, with the weak personalities of the mother and daughter, they will definitely be bullied miserably!

"Brother...Brother..." The corners of her mouth moved, she looked at Wei Lang with pleading and pitiful eyes, and showed her kindness to him, "Don't, don't leave me, don't leave..."

Wei Lang's face was stern, and he was indifferent to Wei Rui's tragic situation. He and Wei Rui were not born to the same mother, and his mother and Wei Rui's mother still had many conflicts. In this case, he didn't need to protect her!
"Princess Weirui, you, you... cast such a curse on my sister and my nephew and niece, your intentions are too bad!" Lingyue took the opportunity to say, "Also, just now you clearly admitted what you did Why, bite me back again, this is bad intentions!"

Feng Ye frowned slightly when he heard this, and said, "Father, in this way, the words of this Wei Wei are not credible at all, the words that testify against Princess Guchun are not credible, and the words that testify against my son are also not credible. The minister and Wei Rui are not familiar with each other."

Wei Rui suddenly turned her head to look at Feng Ye!

"You, you..." He actually...

Sure enough, what Lian Lingyue said was right, His Highness the Eighth Highness didn't take her seriously at all, she was just a tool!

But, so what, she can't even fight against her seemingly simple and honest brother, let alone this Eighth Highness!
Feng Ye's brows stretched, and he didn't put Wei Rui in his eyes at all, but, this Wei Lang... His stretched brows froze again, it was a trouble, he obviously had something waiting for him that he didn't take out .

"Your Majesty, Wei Rui did tell a lie!" Sure enough, Wei Lang continued, "She did not tell the Emperor truthfully about the deal between her and His Highness the Eighth Prince!"

As soon as Wei Lang's words came out, Emperor Zhou Cheng frowned, "Say."

Wei Lang glanced at Feng Ye, and Feng Ye looked at him coldly, curled up his hands behind his back.

Let's see how this Wei Lang can help Ling Yue to prove Feng Jue's innocence, thinking about it, his eyes became colder.

(End of this chapter)

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