First-class daughter

Chapter 1377 Who is behind the scenes

Chapter 1377 Who is behind the scenes

Chapter 1377 Who is behind the scenes

Wei Lang put his hands on his heart devoutly, and said, "Your Majesty, I, Wei Lang, am willing to swear to the sun and the moon that every word I said in front of the Emperor today is true, if there is even a half-true lie, it will hurt my heart." You must die!” The Xiongnu Shanyu (chanyu, both are the second tone) will walk out of the camp in the morning to worship the rising sun and the moon in the evening. The Huns worship the sun and the moon and treat the sun and the moon as their god.

"First, the golden dragon in Ming An Palace was indeed buried by my sister Wei Rui, not by King Ming An himself; second, on the day I went to Ming An Palace, my sister Wei Rui and I went there together, and I was only there to visit His Royal Highness King Ming An, but he did not expect Wei Rui to say that he was bored at that time and wanted to go to the salvo field to play. The purpose was to bury the golden dragon so as to frame His Royal Highness Eleven. The reason for discipline and prevention! When I found out about this later, it was too late! Someone, bring Hulan up."

After finishing speaking, I saw the eunuch leading a trembling maid in.

Lingyue's eyes can't help but fall on Wei Lang. She saw Wei Lang yesterday and hoped that she would abandon Wei Lang and protect the princess, but she didn't expect that Wei Lang had made so many preparations, and everything was clear and well-founded.

It seems that Wei Lang is just looking at the honesty, and he is not a person without ideas, or maybe, the honesty he shows is just his way of survival in front of the Xiongnu Chanyu. After all, Shanyu has so many sons, he can It's not easy to be familiar, and Wei Lang's ability to represent the Xiongnu to propose marriage has already demonstrated his status.

Before, I underestimated him.

In the hall, when Hu Lan saw Wei Lang and Wei Rui, her face turned pale with fright, and she didn't dare to look at anyone anymore.

"Kneel down!" Wei Lang sternly said.

"Yes, yes, Your Royal Highness." Hu Lan bent her knees and knelt down on the ground, trembling all over, like a shaking sieve.

"Tell me what Wei Rui told you and what you saw, if there is even half a lie, I will not spare you!" Wei Lang said sharply.

"Yes Yes!"

"Hulan..." Wei Rui moved the corner of her bleeding mouth.

Hu Lan didn't dare to look at Wei Rui more.

"Who is this?" Emperor Zhou Cheng asked.

"Emperor, Your Majesty, this servant is the maid beside Princess Weirui." Hu Lan trembled.


"Yes, Your Majesty, my servant Hulan, the princess followed the prince to the Ming'an Palace to bury the golden dragon that day, and the servant, the servant also assisted." So, Hulan tremblingly described the process of planting the golden dragon in the Ming'an Palace that day. To be honest, I said exactly what I said, "What the servant girl said is all true."

"You, Hulan..." Wei Rui didn't expect that Hulan, who was always by her side, would betray her!
"And..." Hu Lan didn't dare to look at Wei Rui, and continued, "This golden dragon was given to Princess Wei Rui by His Highness Eighth Highness, and His Highness promised the princess that he would get His Highness Ninth for him, so the princess took the risk and agreed to His Highness Eighth Prince's request." Require."

Feng Ye slowly clenched his fists in his sleeves, and said, "A little maid, how dare to slander this king, ah, how can the Great Zhou Dynasty allow barbarians like you to talk nonsense!"

"Your Highness Eighth." Wei Lang bowed to Feng Ye, and said, "I, the Mobei Xiongnu, originally only came here for the purpose of begging for marriage. I was sincere and devout, but His Highness Eighth took advantage of my sister's ignorance and greed, She got involved in the dispute between you and His Highness the Eleventh, causing the emperor to misunderstand the Huns in Mobei, and it is really suspected of provoking relations between the two countries."

Feng Ye looked at this unexpected person with cold eyes, but his previous indifference had gradually disappeared in his heart, and he had to admit that Wei Lang's series of words and deeds had greatly disrupted his plan.

Now, he has to deal with it while repairing his strategy, and the most important thing is to find a way to get out of it.

He is now like a sensitive hunter, looking for the next prey as soon as possible.

However, during his contact with Wei Lang, he didn't find that Wei Lang is such a smart person at all. Could it be that he has the ability to hide to the point that even his Eighth Highness can't see it?A hint of doubt flashed in Feng Ye's eyes.

Or...Feng Ye's heart skipped a beat, someone is controlling Wei Lang from behind?
"Prince Wei Lang, from my king's point of view, you are the one who provoked the discord between the two countries." After thinking for a while, Feng Ye looked at Wei Lang with a pair of cold eyes, "You and your sister have tried every means to provoke this king. Is the relationship with the eleventh brother intended to cause internal turmoil in our court, and the Xiongnu will take advantage of the opportunity to grow stronger, in my king's opinion, you are here, and the marriage proposal is just a cover, in fact, it is to spy on the internal situation of our court."

"Your Highness, Wei Lang really can't bear the responsibility for this kind of crime. Now that our national power is weakening, the Xiongnu dare not be compared with the Great Zhou Dynasty." Wei Lang said, "Your Highness, do you still remember the visit gift we gave King Ming An from Where did you come from?"

"The Eighth Highness also prepared it for me." At this time, Wei Rui said suddenly, "Your Majesty, it was the Eighth Highness who gave it to me, it was the Eighth Highness who gave it to me, and it was all given by the Eighth Highness. Your Majesty, the Eighth Highness wants to get rid of the ten. His Highness took his place, it was Wei Rui who was ignorant and was deceived by His Highness Eighth!"

"Hmph!" Feng Ye said in a cold voice, "A woman who speaks nonsense has no credibility at all, she is just talking nonsense, father, this person and Wei Lang are really not believable!"


At this moment, Changchun Palace.

Empress is taking
Lian Siyue sat on the chair, narrowed her eyes slightly, without any expression on her face.

Qing Dai glanced at her, and whispered, "Princess, are you thinking about the princess? Just now Wu Qiao has come to report, and Prince Wei Lang has entered the Hall of Rongyuan. The things that the princess gave him yesterday are also Take them together, there is still secret news coming from the Rongyuan Hall, what Prince Weilang said and did is all carried out according to your plan, Princess, it seems that you don't have to worry, the princess and His Highness the Eleventh will nothing."

That's right, after Wei Lang met Ling Yue and before leaving Prince Heng's mansion, Lian Si Yue secretly invited him back and asked him about what Ling Yue said, Wei Lang told the truth, but, It didn't say that Lingyue would marry him and go back to Mobei with him.

Then, Lian Siyue told Wei Lang in detail how to deal with Emperor Zhou Cheng and the Eighth Highness Feng Ye when he entered the Hall of Rongyuan the next day, and assumed all kinds of emergencies to him. How should he deal with the situation according to Zhou Chengdi and Feng Ye's personalities.

Because of this, there is Wei Rui who is eloquent and unhurried in Rongyuan Hall today, if Lian Siyue hadn't agreed with Wei Lang in advance, he would not be able to do a job with ease in front of Feng Ye today.

A deep coldness flashed across Lian Siyue's eyes: Feng Ye, I have done my best even for Siyue to you, now, I can't blame me anymore!
(End of this chapter)

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