Chapter 1378

Chapter 1378

"Qingdai, dress up this princess." Lian Siyue got up and said.

"Yes, Wangfei." Qing Dai signaled the maids behind her to come forward to comb Wangfei's hair and change her clothes.

Lian Siyue looked at herself in the mirror, her face was calm, without any waves. Finally, she took the red paper and put it on her lips and pressed it. The bright red lips made her look even more lonely and imposing.

"Let's go." She put her hand on Nanny Tai's and walked outside Changchun Palace.

Inside the Hall of Honor.

Facing Feng Ye's full momentum, Wei Lang felt a little apprehensive. After all, he was just a prince from a foreign kingdom in decline, and his opponent was the Eighth Prince who was in the limelight and strategizing in the Great Zhou Dynasty. His palms began to sweat.

No, you can't show your timidity, otherwise you will show your secrets.

"What's the matter, Prince Wei Lang, do you have something to hide?" Feng Ye clearly saw that Wei Lang's eyes lost their firmness before and began to wander, a slight smile slowly appeared on the corners of his lips.

He is obviously a weak chicken, so he must imagine himself as an eagle.

"I..." Wei Lang's heart trembled in the face of Feng Ye's persuasive eyes.

Ling Yue was slightly taken aback, what happened to Wei Lang, wasn't she fine just now?The words are powerful and well-founded.

"Prince Weilang..." she whispered.

Wei Lang glanced at her and began to sweat on his forehead.

Emperor Zhou Cheng also frowned, "Wei Lang, what else do you want to say?"

"I..." Wei Lang wiped the sweat from his forehead, recalling in his mind what Princess Heng and Princess Lian Siyue had told him, he took a deep breath, and finally calmed down slowly again.

That woman was the calmest and smartest woman he had ever seen, even more powerful than the Xiongnu's Yanzhi (yanzhi, the first sound, meaning queen). If you do what she says, there will be no problem.

So, he raised his head again and said, "Your Majesty, please allow me to present the gift I gave to His Highness Eleventh that day."

"Quite." Emperor Zhou Cheng said.

After a while, Sijiu walked in with a horse statue made of pure gold in his hand, knelt in the center of the hall, and said with a trembling voice, "I pay homage to the emperor, long live the emperor, long live the emperor."

There is only one thought in this servant's heart, that he must save his master from the fire and water.

Feng Ye's eyes fell on the golden horse, his brows frowned slightly, and a thought flashed in his mind, what's wrong with this horse?

"What is in your hand?" Emperor Zhou Cheng asked.

"This horse was given to Wei Rui by the Eighth Highness and the seven golden dragons, and asked to be given to the Eleventh Highness, saying that he was worried that we would not know what the Eleventh Highness liked." Wei Lang said.

"Yes, yes, yes, these were given by His Royal Highness the Eighth Highness when I went to Prince Yu's Mansion, Your Majesty." Wei Rui said hurriedly, standing on the united front with her brother. There is hope of returning to Mobei alive.

"Nonsense!" Feng Ye cupped his hands and said, "Royal father, the Huns will be punished for disrupting our Zhou Dynasty, and I am sure that the royal father will kill the two of them immediately.
Hanged to deter the Quartet, to revitalize the majesty of our Great Zhou Dynasty, and to revitalize the majesty of the father and emperor. "

"Prince Heng please see me!" At this moment, a shrill voice came from outside the hall.

Lian Siyue is here?
Feng Ye's heart trembled, the expression on his face finally fluctuated greatly, and he suddenly turned his head to look over.

But when Lingyue heard her sister's name, she felt even more joy in her heart. No matter what, as long as her sister was there, she would be braver and more confident.

And when Wei Lang saw her coming, his heart fluttered and he was relieved.

I saw that Lian Siyue walked in slowly, the accumulation of years, becoming the mother of two children, did not take away her beauty, on the contrary, she became more magnanimous, exuding a beautiful, noble, cold and arrogant temperament, The natural aura made people feel chills inexplicably.

Feng Ye's eyes narrowed slightly, and as she walked in step by step, his heart also rose and fell, surging, and he felt inexplicably uncomfortable.

The woman in front of him already felt strange to him. The girl in his memory who was clever and able to take advantage of the situation to achieve her own small goals had already been buried in the depths of the years and would never be seen again.

But now she was so far away from him, when he stretched out his hand, it was like a flower in water, and it disappeared with a touch.

When we met for the first time in Yaocheng, I never imagined that the two would go to the most absolute opposite. She has someone to protect, and he has regrets to end. The two roads that are gradually drifting apart will never be the same. There will be intersection.

Girl, if I knew that there would be such a day, I would not jump into your carriage at that time, and I would not coax you to help me escape from pursuit. You let me pay back the blood I stained on you that day from my heart.

Lian Siyue went all the way to the hall, knelt on the ground, and said, "My daughter-in-law, Siyue, pays homage to Father Emperor."

Hearing this cold voice and seeing this cold expression, Feng Ye came back to his senses and told himself in his heart that she is not her anymore, don't show mercy, cheer up, this is an enemy, not a lover.

"What's your purpose here?" Emperor Zhou Cheng asked, but his head was still a little dizzy.

"My daughter-in-law came here to say a few words for my younger sister, Princess Guchun." Lian Siyue nodded and said.

As the concubine of a prince, she knows very well that she cannot participate in the affairs of the prince, otherwise the emperor will be unhappy if she is suspected of interfering in the government affairs. If the emperor is not happy, then what she said is useless, so, She wisely chose Ling Yue as the entry point.

"Sister..." Ling Yue hurriedly called, "Sister, I'm sorry, I came to the emperor to intercede without the permission of you and His Highness the Ninth Prince."

Lingyue said this on purpose, to let the emperor know that Prince Heng's residence was not involved in this matter, and nothing she said or did had anything to do with His Highness Ninth Prince and Princess Heng.

Lian Siyue nodded to her, and said, "Please forgive Princess Guchun for being young and impulsive, don't blame her."

"Princess Guchun is not that ignorant person anymore. At least, she now knows how to subtly exonerate a prince. Look, the prince and princess of Mobei, the first-class guard of Prince Heng's mansion, and This lord, was mixed up by her, this is not something a young and ignorant person did." Feng Ye said calmly from the side.

The implication is that Lingyue participated in the affairs of the prince on purpose, with a purpose and a plan, not some youthful impulsiveness.

A faint smile appeared on Lian Siyue's face, she turned around, looked at Feng Ye, and looked at him with a pair of cold eyes.

Feng Ye moved his hands behind his back to meet her gaze, but his heart still couldn't control a throbbing.

"His Royal Highness, you are right. Lingyue is no longer the old Lingyue. She is the daughter of Princess An. Therefore, even my sister, I dare not talk to her casually. Her affairs are her own. The current mother is here to teach. I came here just to take her back and make an apology to the emperor."

(End of this chapter)

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