First-class daughter

Chapter 1381 Promulgation of the imperial edict

Chapter 1381 Promulgation of the imperial edict
Chapter 1381 Promulgation of the imperial edict
Holding incense burners in their hands, the eunuchs hurried between the palaces to announce the death of Emperor Zhou Cheng.

After the news spread, the crowd couldn't accept the news for a while. The wailing was loud and panicked. They hurried to the Rongyuan Hall, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and the thunder was rolling.

And this moment.

Inside the cell.

Feng Jue closed her eyes and sat on the cold stone bed.

"Your Highness Eleventh, the emperor has passed away." The jailer ran in and said.

Feng Jue trembled all over, as if his heart had been stabbed severely by a sharp weapon, died?
The scene of meeting Emperor Zhou Cheng for the first time appeared in his mind, he knelt down slowly, prostrated himself on the ground, and said, "Long live father, long live, long live."

Two lines of tears fell slowly.

In the Shouning Hall, the Empress Dowager was trimming asparagus bamboo with a pair of scissors. When Madam Wang rushed in to report the incident, she dropped the scissors on the ground, her eyes darkened, and she almost fainted, "Emperor, Emperor! Didn’t his body heal a long time ago? He, he pretended on purpose... Hurry up and help Ai’s family go to Rongyuan Hall!”

Without personal confirmation, the queen mother is unwilling to believe the facts!She had always known the emperor's thoughts, it was just a fake illness, how could he die suddenly?
The queen stayed in the Rongyuan Hall all the time, and the ladies in the other palaces were all terrified, wondering if the emperor left a will, and whether they were well placed in the will.

All the princes knelt in front of the palace. At this moment, what they were most nervous about was who Emperor Zhou Cheng had designated as the heir to the throne.

Princess An also hurried into the palace with Lingyue's support, she had no expression on her face, she had heard what Lingyue said, and felt that the emperor's death was strange.

When I came to Rongyuan Hall, I saw Emperor Zhou Cheng lying on the dragon bed, his body was stiff and cold. The servants were kneeling beside the bed and crying. The imperial physician had stopped treating him and was also kneeling on the ground.

Princess An Guo walked over step by step, and the person lying on the bed was her brother who was born and died with her, and fought for power together.

"Mother..." Lingyue called softly, and quietly took her hand, only to find that her mother's hand was icy cold.

"The empress dowager is here!" At this moment, a voice came from outside, and the empress dowager came in.

"Mother's Queen." Princess An Guo bowed hurriedly, while Ling Yue knelt on the ground.

"The emperor, the emperor..." The queen mother finally saw the person lying on the dragon bed with her own eyes.

"Queen, the emperor has passed away." Princess An Guo walked over, supported the queen mother, and said.

"What, yes, it's true..." The Empress Dowager's eyes darkened and she fainted.

"Quick, quick, the empress dowager has fainted..." Soon, the empress dowager was carried back to the Shouning Hall.

Princess An Guo looked at the imperial physicians below with sharp eyes, and asked, "My princess just asked a few days ago, and you all said that the emperor's health has recovered very well. After careful calculation, it has only been half a month since I said this, why? Will it suddenly collapse?"

"Back, back to the princess, the emperor's body is indeed much better, but the phlegm disease has always been there. Before the emperor passed away, today the emperor received too much stimulation. For a while, the blood surged, and the blood vessels in the brain burst." the imperial doctor said tremblingly.

"..." Princess An took two steps back, waved her hand, and said, "Get ready to read the imperial edict."

"Princess, Princess Heng is asking to see you." Liang Degui hurried over and said.

"Let her in." Princess An said.

After a while, Lian Siyue came in and said, "Princess, the emperor... the death of the emperor is not unusual."

"Is there any evidence?" Princess An asked.

Lian Siyue took her hands away, and there was a teacup-sized incense burner hidden under her sleeve, and said, "Although it has been burnt out, I just saw that there is a scent in it!"

"Mixiang? So, there is someone... Then who is it?" Princess An frowned. No matter who it is, she will never let it go once she finds out who it is!

Even Siyue naturally thought Feng Ye, but after a while, no evidence could be found!

At this time, several ministers appointed by the emperor to draft the imperial edict had already walked in, saying, "Princess, the time for announcing the imperial edict has come, we can't delay any longer, lest there will be trouble."

Thoughts flashed in Princess An's eyes, she glanced at Lian Siyue, and said, "Let's announce, let's go out!"


Everyone went out together.

"Sister..." Lingyue held Lian Siyue's hand, her eyes were very anxious.

Originally looking for evidence for Feng Jue to clear up the grievances, but at the most critical moment, the emperor passed away!
What about Feng Jue?
Lian Siyue shook her head at her, signaling her not to worry too much.

in front of the palace.

Feng Yunzheng knelt together with the other princes, his eyes scanned every corner of the hall, Yue'er had already told her about it just now.

He and Yue'er have long seen that the father is pretending to be sick, and since testing the princes, they just pretended not to know and cooperated with the father.

But when he entered, his father actually went!

Thoughts flashed in his eyes, and he looked at Night Breeze, who walked over, "Your Highness."

"You take this king's token and go to guard outside the prison. If someone harms the eleventh brother, you must protect him no matter what." Feng Yunzheng ordered in a low voice.

"Yes, Your Highness!" Night Breeze quietly went to the prison, avoiding everyone's sight.

At this moment, everyone's thoughts were focused on the sudden death of the emperor, and no one noticed the behavior of a hidden guard.

At this time, several ministers and the head of the eunuch Liang Degui came over, and in front of everyone, took down the edict placed behind the four-character plaque of "Upright and Bright". Immediately, everyone looked at the edict closely, There was the sound of wind and rain outside, but the air inside the hall seemed to freeze.

Mr. Cao, the minister in charge, handed the edict to Liang Degui, opened it, and looked at the contents, Liang Degui was stunned for a moment.

All the people below bowed their heads and knelt down, waiting for the reading of the will.

After feeling Liang Degui's pause, Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue raised their heads at the same time and looked at him.

"Eunuch Liang, please read the imperial edict." At this time, Princess An said.

"Yes!" No matter what, in black and white, Liang Degui was just a eunuch, and he didn't dare to neglect anything.

"By God's fortune, the emperor's imperial edict said: I now make my eighth son Feng Ye the heir apparent, and when I die, I will inherit the throne as the grand unification. This is my honor!" Liang Degui said loudly.

It's Feng Ye!
Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue looked at each other slowly - the one who inherits the line is Feng Ye!

The Eighth Prince Feng Ye?He was the one chosen by Emperor Zhou Cheng for so long?It's no wonder that the emperor had arranged for His Highness the Eighth Prince to supervise the country long ago. This result, in the eyes of most people, is already self-evident.

But Liang Degui's hand was trembling while holding the imperial edict, and the ministers who were drafting the edict by the emperor's side were also stunned for a moment.

How is this going?

At that time, the person chosen by the emperor was His Highness the Eleventh. Why did he become His Highness the Eighth Highness again?


(End of this chapter)

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