First-class daughter

Chapter 1382 The Edict

Chapter 1382 The Edict
Chapter 1382 The Edict
"Boom..."" The thunder rang again suddenly, and the entire Rongyuan Hall.

A man in a purple robe slowly came in from outside Rongyuan Hall. He was completely soaked, his robe was tightly stuck to his body, his hair was hanging wet on both sides of his cheeks, and his eyes were red, as if full of sadness.

Immediately, everyone turned their attention to him:

Feng Ye, this will be the future emperor.

I saw that he walked in step by step, and the water on his body fell to his feet drop by drop.

Holding the will, Feng Degui trembled all over. He looked around, why didn't Commander Jiang come?Haven't you already sent someone to pass it on?

Such procrastination is not his usual style, what is it?What should I do now?
Could it be that His Highness the Eighth Prince is the crown prince, is this the real meaning of the emperor?The imperial edict issued in front of several ministers was just a cover to protect His Highness the Eighth Prince?

Your Majesty, Your Majesty, you are in such a hurry, you don't have time to say anything, what should I do, my slave?
Not only Feng Degui, but also the ministers who drafted the edict that day had the same thoughts as Feng Degui.

At this moment, Feng Ye was almost at the center of the hall.

Feng Degui gritted his teeth, and quickly walked in front of Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue, whispered something in their ears.

The two were taken aback, Lian Siyue asked, "But there is such a thing?"

"..." Feng Degui nodded vigorously, sweating profusely, and whispered, ""It's true, Commander Jiang has a copy engraved on his back, which was engraved by the emperor himself. As long as you find him, you can prove it. According to his style , should have come a long time ago, I don’t know why I didn’t show up today, I don’t know if there is any accident, and, the slave now, I don’t know what the emperor’s real intention is, is the greeting behind Commander Jiang still there? ..."

"The emperor will not take this kind of matter and change it at will. The edict on Commander Jiang's body is the emperor's true intention." Lian Siyue said very firmly.

"That's right, father is extremely cautious in this regard. It seems that the edict behind the upright plaque has been swapped, and there are traitors in Rongyuan Hall." Feng Yunzheng said.

"Then, that slave, I will expose this matter immediately. I will die, and I will, and I will be loyal to the emperor in the end." Feng Degui said with a trembling voice.

"No." However, even Siyue's eyes fell on Feng Ye's face from a distance, his expression was so calm, he probably thought that he had already made the most comprehensive plan.

But the emperor is still the emperor, and Jiang is still old and hot. He never thought that his father would leave such a trick in order to prevent treasoners.

"Princess." Seeing that Feng Ye was about to walk in, Lian Siyue ordered, "Eunuch Feng, don't startle the snake, and immediately tell Princess An about this matter. Only the princess can question the imperial edict. .Yun Zheng, hurry up and bring Jiang Keji back, the longer it takes, the more unfavorable it will be for us! Feng Ye must have made all the preparations!"

"Yue'er, be careful, I'll go quickly." Feng Yunzheng took advantage of everyone's unpreparedness, bowed his head and walked out.

"Yes, my concubine." Feng Degui hurried back to Princess An, and told her about the matter. After hearing this, Princess An's eyes showed shock.


Feng Degui and the surrounding ministers nodded.

"Long live the father, long live, long live!" At this time, Feng Ye had already entered the hall, his eyes were sharp, and he naturally saw the back of Feng Yunzheng leaving.

Hehe, it's just that, today, what else can he think of?
The edict has been announced, no one can take away his throne!From then on, he will be in charge of the country!

Feng Degui was very nervous and trembling all over.

"Congratulations to His Highness the Eighth Prince..." Everyone prepared to pay homage to the new emperor.

"Wait!" Princess An suddenly raised her hand to stop her.

Everyone was stunned, and they raised their heads to look at Princess An, what's wrong?Does Princess An want to prevent the new emperor from ascending the throne?
Princess An Guo took the edict, unfolded it, and looked at it carefully, but couldn't see any flaws, it was clearly a real edict.

Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue looked at each other, the chill in Lian Siyue's eyes became even worse.

Feng Ye also raised his head slowly, and said, "Aunt Huang?" There was a glint of coldness in his eyes, but there was a smile on his face, showing puzzlement.

Princess Anguo walked over to the emperor's dragon chair with the imperial edict in her hand, and said, "The emperor told this princess before his death that Jiang Keji, the commander of the imperial army, still has an edict on his body. Only when the two edicts are presented at the same time can it be considered official." Announced will." She said, looked at Feng Ye, and said, "Is there any problem with this?"

Two edicts?

Feng Ye was taken aback for a moment, and the confident expression on his face froze, but his father actually prepared two edicts?
how could be?

Even Siyue's gaze was fixed on Feng Ye, a chill appeared on her forehead.

Tonight will be a bloody night, just like the weather outside, turbulent and unpredictable!Until the last moment, no one knows what will happen.

Where each of them will go, no one knows now.

At this moment, no one dared to talk nonsense. Once the eighth prince succeeds to the throne, he will be the future emperor, and no one dares to offend anyone.

"Since this is the case, we should wait for the edict on Jiang Keji's body. The two edicts will be combined into one to be considered the real imperial edict of the father!" At this time, Lian Siyue stood up and said.

"Father's imperial edict should be followed!" The second prince also stood up and said.

Feng Ye looked at her and said, "Okay, since Second Brother, Aunt Huang and Princess Heng have said so, then wait."

The air in Rongyuan Hall seemed to have frozen, and the time passed extremely slowly, and everyone seemed to be suffocating.

Ling Yue'er has Feng Jue in mind, today is also the day of Feng Jue's life and death, if His Highness the Eighth Prince ascends the throne, Feng Jue will undoubtedly die!

The sweat on her back drenched her clothes!

Feng Ye put his hands beside his hands, coughed twice, and then slowly put them down.

This is a signal...

Feng Yunzheng walked out of the palace, but when he reached the gate of Zhengyang, he was blocked by guards.

Wu Qiao's eyes sank, and he said, "If you're blind, how would His Highness Ninth Dare stop you?"

The guard hurriedly knelt down and said, "Your Highness Nine, forgive me, this is an order, the emperor is dead, no one is allowed to enter or leave the palace at will, otherwise, they will all be executed!"

"Whose order?" Feng Yunzheng asked with a cold look in his eyes.

"Yes, it is the order of the Eighth Prince. The Eighth Prince supervises the country. He has the emperor's...token in his hand. The humble rank has to be respected. The Ninth Prince forgives the sin." The guard was also taken aback by Feng Yunzheng's momentum, and quickly knelt down Please forgive me, said.

That's right, Feng Ye supervised the country, but he could partially carry out his father's orders, on this point, no one could disobey.

(End of this chapter)

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