Chapter 1383
Chapter 1383

Very moment, very means.

"Wu Qiao." Feng Yunzheng ordered.

"Yes, Your Highness!" Wu Qiao immediately made a move, caught off guard, and struck the guard's neck with a palm. The guard let out a muffled groan, and took a few steps back with a painful expression on his face.

"This king wants to leave the palace gate, whoever stops him will definitely be killed!" Feng Yunzheng sternly exuded a steadfast aura, and the guard guarding the gate couldn't help but slowly backed up a few steps.

But at this time, there was a sound of orderly footsteps on both sides of Zhengyang Gate. The footsteps were hurried, unified, and full of momentum. Feng Yunzheng looked to the left and right.

I saw two teams of guards with long knives running over, all of them surrounded Feng Yunzheng with murderous looks in their eyes.

"His Royal Highness has an order to kill anyone who leaves the palace at will!" Han Shu from the Ministry of War led a group of people to block Feng Yunzheng's way, "His Highness Ninth Prince intends to rebel, come and take him down!"

"Oh." There was a sneer in Feng Yunzheng's eyes. Even the soldiers were ready. No wonder Jiang Keji failed to enter the palace on time. It seemed that Feng Ye had prepared everything, and unknowingly separated his father's cronies, and then Take advantage of the convenience of supervising the country to exercise privileges to ensure that he can ascend the throne smoothly.

That's right, Feng Ye supervised the country, but he could partially carry out his father's orders. On this point, no one could defy him. Moreover, he had about 30 troops at his disposal.

At this moment, in Rongyuan Hall.

The Queen Mother of the Shouning Hall hurried over, walked up to Princess An, and said, "Princess, the Empress Dowager told you and Princess Heng to go to the Shouning Hall as soon as possible. The Empress Dowager is not feeling well."

"The queen mother is not feeling well?" Princess An immediately got up and said, "Ask Princess Hengqin to come over and go to the Shouning Palace with me."


After a while, Lian Siyue came over and walked towards the Shouning Hall with Princess An.

Princess An Guo walked much faster than usual, but Lian Xiangyue felt some doubts in her heart. The queen mother was not feeling well, so it was reasonable to call Princess An Guo, after all, she was a mother and daughter.

But why call her?The Empress Dowager was not close to her, and once disliked her very much.

Just as she was thinking about it, she had already arrived in front of the Shouning Palace. Princess An Guo had already walked in, and even Siyue looked around...

"Princess, please go in." Wang Momo urged, nodding her head.

"Is the empress dowager's medicine ready?" Lian Siyue asked.

"If you go back to the princess, the medicine has already been decocted, and Baohua will bring it over immediately." Wang Momo said.

Lian Siyue nodded and walked into the hall.

"What kind of medicine is the Empress Dowager taking recently?" Lian Siyue asked suddenly.

"..." Wang Momo didn't expect Lian Siyue to turn her head back suddenly, she was startled, and then said, "It's the calming medicine that Doctor Jiang prescribed earlier."

"Oh." Lian Siyue walked in, and Wang Momo followed behind with her head down.

Princess An Guo sat in front of the empress dowager's bed, stretched out her hand to hold her hand, and said softly, "Mother, you are here from An..."

The queen mother kept her eyes tightly closed, her face was pale, but in a short time, she became several years older, and the wrinkles on her face became deeper. The sudden death of Emperor Zhou Cheng was a great blow to her. For a while, she was mentally tormented by recalling Concubine Liu because of the white cat and the Pteris.

"The Empress Dowager's medicine is here." At this time, Baohua came out from the outside, holding a bowl of thick black concoction in her hand, exuding a strong medicinal smell.

"Princess, the Empress Dowager is about to take medicine." Wang Momo took the medicine bowl from Baohua and said, preparing to give medicine to the Empress Dowager.

Princess An got up and moved to the side.

"Let me do it." But Lian Siyue said suddenly.

After hearing this, Wang Momo was slightly taken aback, "This..."

"Wang Momo, let me do my filial piety." Lian Siyue said, she had already taken the medicine bowl from Wang Momo's hand, looked down at the medicine juice, shook her hand, and the medicine juice in the bowl also Then he shook.

"Thank you, princess." Wang Momo hurriedly bent down, nodded and said, but a sneer froze in the corner of her eyes, it's better this way, she thought, and the expression on her face relaxed.

Baohua and Sunflower were about to go forward to help the Empress Dowager up, but Lian Siyue ordered Qingdai and Tai Nai, "Help the Empress Dowager up."

"Yes, Wangfei." Qingdai and Mother Tai walked over, Mother Tai pouted her butt slightly, and pushed Baohua and Sunflower apart.

Wang Momo secretly grabbed Sunflower and Baohua and backed away a little.

Qingdai and Nanny Tai stepped forward, helped the Empress Dowager up, Lian Siyue scooped up a spoonful of medicine with a spoon, and sent it to the Empress Dowager's mouth.

Nanny Wang quietly stood on tiptoe to look inside, but Nanny Tai was so tall that she just covered her tightly, while Princess An was sitting on the other side, so she couldn't see it at all.

Princess Hengqin fed the medicine into the Empress Dowager's mouth spoon by spoon, because every time she fed, Wang Momo heard the sound of the spoon touching the edge of the bowl.

"Ah..." Suddenly, Lian Siyue stood up abruptly, took two steps back, and the bowl in his hand fell to the ground with a thud, with a frightened expression on his face, "Mother, Empress Dowager, Empress Dowager... ...she, she..."

"What's going on?" Princess An Guo walked over a few steps, she was taken aback when she saw the person on the bed, her eyes widened suddenly, she suddenly looked at Lian Siyue, "Siyue!"

Lian Siyue's hand suddenly stretched out, grabbed Princess An's wrist, held it firmly, and said, out of breath, "Princess, what, what should I do, Queen Mother, Queen Mother..."

"What's the matter with the queen mother? What's the matter with the queen mother?" Upon hearing this, Wang Momo hurried over a few steps, with an anxious expression on her face.

However, when I listened carefully, I found that her voice was not full of worry, but a hint of excitement, an inexplicable feeling of excitement.

"The queen mother is not good! The queen mother is not good!" Taimo said suddenly.

When Wang Momo heard this, she rushed over immediately, only to see that the Empress Dowager's hand was hanging down, and the medicine juice at the corner of her mouth could no longer be fed.

"Mother's queen, mother's queen!" Princess An's eyes flashed, she threw off Lian Siyue's hand, threw herself on the queen mother, and shouted loudly.

"The Empress Dowager is dead! The Empress Dowager is dead!" At this time, Wang Momo suddenly said loudly, knelt on the ground, and began to cry louder than Princess An.

Suddenly, she raised her head suddenly, with scarlet eyes, she looked at Lian Siyue firmly, and said, "It's you! It's you who killed the empress dowager, you and Princess An! You poisoned the empress dowager!"

"Presumptuous!" Hearing this, Princess An suddenly turned her head and looked at Wang Momo fiercely, "You are crazy! How dare you frame me? Someone, arrest her!"

(End of this chapter)

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