Chapter 1389
Chapter 1389
Looking at this scene, Feng Jue closed his eyes deeply, buried the heartache, held the hand of the soldier talisman, and tightly pinched his palm, the smell of blood filled his nostrils.

"Jue'er..." Feng Yunzheng understood Feng Jue's thoughts. He was originally an innocent and bright child, but as a prince, these fights and bloodshed were inevitable, and he had to grow up under such cruelty.

This is his fate, and it is an inescapable path.

"I understand, Brother Nine Kings, I am no longer that bastard who doesn't understand anything." Feng Jue nodded, reassuring Feng Yunzheng.

"Your Highness, Commander Jiang Keji and his 30 troops are already outside the city gate!" At this time, a soldier ran over and knelt on the ground and said loudly.

finally come!

Then, the real, final battle begins!

Feng Jue walked to a high place, raised the sword in his hand high, and the blue brocade robe fluttered, making a rustling sound in the wind, and said loudly, "Open the palace gate!"


With Feng Jue's order, the palace gate slowly opened, Jiang Keji was riding on a steed, holding a sharp sword high in his hand, his eyes were deep, looking at the palace wall, his eyes were cold, his eyes were moist, and his mouth Said, "Your Majesty, the lowly position deserves to die, the lowly position is too late!"

Two days ago, he suddenly received an order from His Royal Highness the Eighth Prince to oversee the country and go to another place to perform a mission.Last night, he suddenly received an order from His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince, telling him to return to the palace quickly. He said that he had a premonition that something big would happen in the palace.

As a result, he was ambushed by His Highness the Eighth Prince on the way. In order to protect the edict on his body, he finally rolled down the cliff and escaped the pursuit. Today is too late!
The struggle among the princes was too fierce and turbulent. No wonder the emperor was so cautious during his lifetime.

Jiang Keji rode his horse all the way into the palace wall, and when he saw Feng Jue, he dismounted immediately and knelt on the ground, "Your Highness!"

He had known for a long time that the man in front of him was the true future king of the Great Zhou Dynasty!
"Commander Jiang, you came just in time. Someone in the palace intends to usurp the throne. You immediately follow me into the palace and arrest the traitor!" Feng Jue said loudly.

"Yes! I would like to obey His Highness's orders!" Jiang Keji and the generals behind him shouted in unison.

Feng Jue looked back at Feng Yunzheng.

Feng Yunzheng nodded towards him, with a hint of approval in his eyes.

People always have to grow, even if this growth is accompanied by cruelty, taking this step, Feng Jue has truly grown.


Inside the Hall of Honor.

Feng Ye held the Jade Seal of Chuanguo in his hand, and accompanied by Feng Yu, he walked step by step towards the position of the Ninth Five-Year Supreme. One step, and a blood mark was left on the ground of Rongyuan Hall.

Father, I'm sorry, my son can only use a prosperous Zhou Dynasty to atone for your sins, under the Nine Springs, you may rest in peace!

With this confidence, the ministers will definitely manage the Great Zhou Dynasty well. Within three years, the treasury will be full, there will be no corrupt officials, the people will live and work in peace and contentment, the world will return to their hearts, and foreign countries will submit.

He turned around, glanced at Feng Yu, Feng Yu nodded towards him, and said, "If it's what you want, then go ahead."

He nodded, with determination in his eyes, he finally lifted his foot and walked over to the dragon chair.

"Wait!" At this moment, a woman's voice sounded at the entrance of the hall.

Feng Ye's feet stopped, his heart trembled, and he turned to look at the door——

"Lian Siyue!" Feng Yu was taken aback.

"Princess Hengqin?" Everyone in the hall was stunned when they saw the person at the door, and there was a lot of discussion for a while, "Didn't she murder the emperor and was captured by Mr. Han?"

"Siyue!" Seeing Lian Siyue, the Queen's eyes showed a hint of joy, it's great, Siyue is fine, which shows that things have turned for the better.

Lian Siyue held a tiger amulet in her hand, looked at Feng Ye with cold eyes, dragged her long skirt behind her, and walked in step by step. Behind him were the emperor's bodyguards in front of him, and Anguo from Princess An's mansion. military.

Feng Ye turned around slowly, the eyes of the two met in mid-air, one was colder than the other.

He smiled slightly and said, "You are here, are you here to congratulate me or to kill me?"

Lian Siyue glanced coldly across his face and said, "I'm glad I wasn't killed by the people you sent."

"How could I kill you?" He explained to Han Shan, Yin Huai, and others that no one is allowed to touch Prince Heng's hair, just control it.

"How do I know you won't kill me." Lian Siyue looked cold.

"Yes, after all, you have never trusted me. After all, you have everyone in your heart, but you have never had me. You don't even know whether I will kill you or not." Feng Ye's eyes flashed A wry smile.

"Feng Ye..." Feng Yu called softly, "Now is not the time for children to love each other."

"Come here!" Feng Ye slowly closed his eyes, and ordered loudly, "Take down Princess Heng!"

"Yes!" Dozens of guards suddenly blew in from around the hall like the wind, surrounding Prince Heng and Concubine Heng.

The bodyguards and An Guojun behind him also immediately drew their swords to face each other. Immediately, swords were on the verge of breaking out in the hall, and a bloody storm was about to unfold.

Everyone in the hall was nervous and did not dare to breathe.

"Feng Ye, let it go to the end! The emperor understands his thoughts, he absolutely has no intention of letting you inherit the throne, because your mother and concubine, he will never consider letting you inherit the throne, your imperial edict is fake !"

The queen stood up, pushed aside the guard's sword, stood with Lian Siyue, and said.

"The empress is right. I was in charge of drafting the imperial edict that day. The emperor said it himself, and we wrote it down. The person who will inherit the throne is not the eighth prince, but...the eleventh prince Feng Jue!"

At this time, the minister who drafted the edict also said loudly.

"Because the imperial edict issued by His Royal Highness was also taken from the upright plaque without any flaws, I thought the emperor had changed his mind at some point, but now it seems that the ministers also think that there is something wrong with the imperial edict of His Royal Highness. !"

Feng Yu was displeased, and said, "Nonsense. Father's imperial edict seems to have no flaws, so it must be true. An edict is an edict. How can you wait for random speculation!"

"..." Feng Ye's eyes filled with coldness, "Kill!"


Just as Feng Ye's voice fell, he saw an arrow feather suddenly shoot into the hall, right above the center above the "Fair and Bright" plaque.

"Who?" Everyone was surprised, who is this?
Looking back, I saw that His Highness the Eleventh Prince Feng Jue appeared at the entrance of the main hall. He was wearing a blue brocade robe, exuding a dignified aura all over his body, with a smear of fortitude on his face.

And the people standing beside him were the Ninth Highness Feng Yunzheng and the commander of the imperial army Jiang Keji respectively, and they defended it with a gesture of support.

(End of this chapter)

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