First-class daughter

Chapter 1390 Feng Yu kills Feng Ye

Chapter 1390 Feng Yu kills Feng Ye
Chapter 1390 Feng Yu kills Feng Ye
Feng Yu froze for a moment, took a step back slightly, and panic flashed in her eyes.

What's going on here, isn't Feng Jue blind?

Didn't Jiang Keji have already been transferred to other places in order to leave no one around his father?

how come……

He looked at Feng Ye suddenly, "Brother..."

Feng Ye shook hands behind his back, narrowed his dangerous eyes slightly, looked at Feng Jue, looked at those bright eyes, and Feng Yunzheng next to him, with a slight smile on his face!
"That's right! An edict is an edict, but a fake edict is a fake edict!" Feng Jue walked into the hall and said, "Eighth Prince, what you are holding in your hand is a fake edict! The real edict is on Jiang Keji's body!"

"Oh?" There was a faint smile on the corner of Feng Ye's lips, and there was a trace of cruel coldness in the smile, "They are all edicts, why do you insist that mine is fake and Jiang Keji's is true, because Is the edict written on Jiang Keji's body handed down to you?"

Even if there is another imperial edict, at this time, the emperor has passed away, and it only depends on who is stronger.

Feng Yunzheng walked to Lian Siyue's side, and when he saw the sword pointing at her guards, a cold light appeared in his eyes, and the dark sword in his hand immediately stabbed out, and the two closest guards of Lian Siyue fell to the ground in response.

Feng Yunzheng stretched out his hand to protect his woman in his arms, wiped a drop of blood from her cheek with his hand, and asked, "Yue'er, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Han Shan has already been eliminated by me." Lian Siyue said.

"Thank you, my Yue'er." He held her face in public, and kissed her without hesitation, as if no one was there.


This move fell into the eyes of Night Breeze, and he couldn't help complaining in his heart, my lord, don't you see what time it is, your beloved brother is fighting the enemy to the death, your show love!

"Cough..." Night Breeze stretched out his hand, tugged at his master's clothes, and whispered, "Master, don't spoil the atmosphere."

Feng Yunzheng said indifferently, "It's an obvious result, why are you still nervous, Yue'er, do you want to go back home first?"

"No, just watch." Lian Siyue's eyes fell on Feng Jue's face.

This is her cherished brother, and she has to keep looking at him.

"Commander Jiang, please announce the edict on your body." Feng Jue turned her head and said coldly.


I saw that Jiang Keji walked to the center of the hall, turned his back to the crowd, took off the armor on his body, and began to undress after taking off the armor.

"If he doesn't take the imperial edict, why take off his clothes?"

"That's right, what does this mean?"

Seeing his movements, Feng Ye was stunned for a moment, could it be—

At this time, Jiang Keji had already taken off the last piece of clothes, and showed his strong back to others, only to see that the back was clearly engraved with the Feng Jue of the Eleventh Prince. Even if it is dropped, it cannot be erased.

"In order to protect His Majesty the Eleventh Highness, the emperor put the imperial edict behind the upright plaque for fear that someone would plot against him. He also carved this real imperial edict on my back with a knife. The emperor's seal and The jade seal is all scalded on my back, it is very clear, please open your eyes to see clearly!"

As Jiang Keji said, he turned around and turned his back to Feng Ye.

"What..." Feng Ye saw the edict behind Jiang Keji, and it was like a bucket of ice water was poured over him. He was stunned, and his heart felt like a sharp sword pierced through it.

Royal Father, Royal Father, you have managed to do this!

Not only Feng Ye, but also Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue were stunned, they never thought that the second imperial edict issued by the father turned out to be an edict of human flesh, which could not be overturned no matter what.

"Ginger is still old and hot." He said with emotion.

"Not only is it spicy, but it's also choking." Lian Siyue said.


"It turns out that the person selected by the emperor's will is really the eleventh prince! Not the eighth prince."

"So, the imperial edict issued by His Highness Eighth Highness is a fabricated edict, which is a serious crime of treason!" The crowd started to discuss.

Feng Yu was already sweating profusely, she grabbed Feng Ye's sleeve with one hand, and whispered, "Feng Ye..."

He was thinking quickly in his mind, how to break through the siege for Feng Ye, leave a way out, and prevent him from dying.

And Feng Ye staggered two steps back, with a wry smile on his face, "Hehe, hehehe...Father, you are so biased. You have thought of countless ways of life for Fengjue, but there is only one for my son. A dead end...hehehe..."

At this moment, the second prince stood up and said loudly, "The eighth prince, Feng Ye, forged his father's imperial edict with the intention of treason, and he should be sentenced to death!"

Feng Jue walked over step by step, looked at Feng Ye, and said, "Feng Ye, you forged the edict, your name is not right and your words are not right, you caused turmoil in the court, and caused a bloody storm in the palace. What should you do?"

Feng Ye slowly raised his head, his usual indifference had disintegrated, with a dilapidated smile on his face, and a hint of sarcasm in his tone, he said, "Eleventh emperors are all for the throne, why should you say so grandly, today, it's me Defeated, I have nothing to say! If you want to kill or cut, it's up to you!"

So far, Feng Ye is unwilling to bow his head, unwilling to really admit defeat in front of Feng Jue.

"Brother Eight Kings, I know that in your mind, you look down on me very much, and you think I am not qualified, but... you should trust your father's vision, and I will prove that your father did not choose the wrong person." Feng Tactic said.

Feng Jue at this moment is more stable than ever, more aura than ever, and calmer than ever.

He will prove to everyone that he can bear the heavy responsibility left by his father, and he will repay his father's trust with a prosperous age!
Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue looked at each other with a smile on their faces.

Then, Lian Siyue's eyes slowly fell on Feng Ye's body, with a slight flash of affection in his eyes, he finally clenched his hands and turned his face away.

"Feng Ye, you useless thing, you are going to die! You are going to die!" At this time, His Royal Highness Feng Yu suddenly pulled out the sharp weapon from Feng Ye's body, and stabbed Feng Ye fiercely from behind. directly pierced his body!

"Ah!" Everyone never expected that His Highness the Sixth Highness who was on the same front as Feng Ye would suddenly assassinate him!

How is this going?

Feng Jue, Feng Yunzheng, Lian Siyue and others were all taken aback.

"Hmm!" Feng Ye leaned forward, turned around slowly, and looked at the person behind him, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, "Six, Brother Six."

Feng Yu tightly held the hilt of the sword in her hand, trembling, her face was pale, she looked closely at Feng Ye, and with another swipe sound, she pulled out the sword, staggering backwards, the sword in her hand was firmly propped on the ground. on the ground.

"Oh!" A mouthful of blood spurted out of Feng Ye's mouth, he bent his knees and fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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