First-class daughter

Chapter 1391 belongs to the world

Chapter 1391 belongs to the world

Chapter 1391 belongs to the world

Feng Yu's hands trembled, her eyes were scarlet, and sweat slid down her forehead.

Feng Ye opened his eyes with difficulty and looked at him, "Six, Brother Liu, don't..."

"Feng Ye, you idiot! I took advantage of my father's vertigo to put incense in his censer, causing him to faint and pissed him off. I carefully deployed these elite soldiers for you, bribed Mother Wang to kill the Queen Mother, and wanted you After taking the throne, you actually failed my expectations, and ended up accomplishing nothing, so why should I keep you?"

Feng Yu pointed at Feng Ye with her sword, and loudly criticized, it was almost crazy like that.

Feng Ye tightly covered the wound with his hand, the blood stained his hand, he listened to Feng Yu's reprimand, and slowly shook his head.

Feng Yu's knees softened, she knelt on the ground, and laughed loudly, "Hahaha, hahahahaha, Father, Father, you are always superior. I changed the edict behind the plaque, but you have already engraved the edict on the Jiang Keji's body! What's so good about Feng Jue? Why should he inherit the throne? I'm not convinced, I'm not convinced!"

He suddenly took out a pack of medicinal powder from his bosom, threw it in front of Feng Jue, and said, "This is the medicine I gave to Father! You go and check to see if I did it!"

He found this in Feng Ye's room after he heard Feng Ye tell the truth about his father's death, and he took it with him at that time as stolen goods!

Seeing Feng Yu's "crazy" appearance, Feng Ye closed his eyes weakly.

Lian Siyue's eyes are slightly congealed, Feng Yu has always had no desires, loves poetry and songs, travels in mountains and rivers, how can she have such a meticulous mind to arrange these things.

But now, he pointed all the evidence of crime at himself.

Feng Yu's hands trembled, sweat dripped from his forehead, and the hand holding the long sword couldn't help shaking.

"No, brother Liu Wang..." Feng Ye opened his mouth, more blood flowed from the corner of his lips, the blood blurred his eyes, he closed his eyes weakly, tilted his head, and lowered his hands down.

Brother Liu Wang, you idiot, why...why did you sacrifice yourself so far for me? It's not worth it, it's not worth it.

My brother has never done anything for you, why do you do this for me, why, why?
Seeing Feng Ye's slowly closing eyes, Feng Yu's eyes overflowed with a painful expression.

After a while, he tightly held the sword in his hand, making a gesture to continue to assassinate Feng Ye, and shouted loudly, "You useless thing, I spent so many years of careful planning, just to push you to the top, if it weren't for you Children love each other and are indecisive, how could it lead to such consequences today! You have wasted my efforts, you should die, you should die!"

In Feng Yu's words, she had already taken all the guilt on herself, as if Feng Ye had only been forced to submit.

"Come here! Arrest the sixth prince Feng Yu!" Feng Jue gave an order, and Jiang Keji immediately led the guards to arrest him.

Feng Yu waved the sword in his hand like a madman, shouting in his mouth, and said, "Feng Jue, Feng Ye has repeatedly said in front of me that you are the best candidate to be the emperor because you are brave and decisive, generous and kind, and you will never refuse." I am against you, but in my eyes, in my eyes, you are just a young child. What qualifications do you have to inherit the throne? It is the father who has no eyes and no eyes, and chose you. Father, you are a fool, a fool Hey! The Great Zhou Dynasty is about to perish, the Great Zhou Dynasty is about to perish!"

Feng Yu cursed the emperor as much as she could, cursed Feng Jue as much as she could, and cursed the imperial court as much as she could.

Everyone was stunned, Feng Yu had always shown himself as a gentleman, it was unbelievable that these rude words came out of his mouth today.

The guards took him away forcibly, but he was still very unconvinced, cursing and cursing frequently.

When he finally stepped out of the Rongyuan Hall, he turned his head and his eyes fell on Feng Ye, with a sad broken smile on his face, and tears in his eyes:

Feng Ye, my good brother, live well.

"Come here, take the Eighth Prince Feng Ye out...for treatment." Feng Yunzheng ordered.

"Yes." Several guards stepped forward and carried down Feng Ye, who was knocked unconscious by the arrow.

Immediately afterwards, two rows of eunuchs quickly ran in and cleaned the blood in the Rongyuan Hall. The hall was clean, as if nothing had happened.

"Follow the sky to carry the goods, the emperor decreed:

Fengjue, the eleventh son of Emperor Ming'an, has a noble character and is deeply respected by me. "

Above the main hall, the voice announcing the successor resounded over the palace.

"Congratulations to the Eleventh Prince on his ascension to the throne."

"Long live my emperor! Long live!"

Feng Yunzheng, Lian Siyue and everyone in the palace prostrated themselves on the ground and worshiped loudly.

Feng Jue held the Chuan Guo Yuxi and walked up the high platform step by step. His face was resolute, steady, and calm, and he took every step so resolutely without any hesitation.

He knows, or, this is not his choice, but since God has chosen him, then he must be a good emperor, be diligent in government and love the people, and respect the virtuous and corporal.

At this moment, the past Zongzong appeared in Fengjue's mind.

At that time, the wind gently brushed across the face, and the clouds at that time were floating in the air, within reach, and facing each other far away.

At that time, he was just the grandson of the Lianxiang Mansion, carefree and happy with the status quo. His life seemed to have been planned out since he was born.It was my sister. The sister who came back from Yaocheng seemed to be a different person. My sister made him understand that the cruelty of life cannot be avoided. Only by facing it can we overcome it.

Lian Siyue looked at Feng Jue's back, growing up, the boy who used to carry a basket of green dates to her yard, like a ray of breeze blowing into her life, giving her a heavy and bloody life a little bright, After all, he grew up.

From now on, he is no longer her younger brother, he is the emperor, the emperor of the people of the world, and the hope of the people of the world.

The phoenix formula in the previous life was not a phoenix formula, but a continual formula. She was mutilated when she was underage, her arms and legs were severed, and she died cruelly.

But in this life, he garrisoned the frontier, killed enemies and defended the country, and finally ascended to the throne.

Jue'er, just go forward like this, go forward firmly, this is your path, the path you must go on, my sister believes that you will walk out of a prosperous scene, a prosperous world...

At this time, a warm hand stretched out and covered her palm, making her feel a little warm.

She turned her head and looked at him, "Yun Zheng..."


I saw that Feng Jue turned around slowly and faced the crowd.

The eunuch who had already prepared came over respectfully holding the dragon robe and knelt on the ground to put the dragon robe on for him.

Feng Jue looked majestic, opened his hands, looked straight ahead, and let everyone put the dragon cannons on his body one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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