First-class daughter

Chapter 1392 Congratulations

Chapter 1392 Congratulations
Chapter 1392 Congratulations
The bright yellow dragon robe is wrapped around her body, and every part is just right. The young man has become the emperor, and the heaven will send him a great mission. Everything yesterday is in the past, and it must not be pursued again.

"What happened in the inner palace this time, beyond this palace wall, no one is allowed to leak it, so as to damage the majesty of our Great Zhou Dynasty. If anyone disobeys the order, no matter who it is, it will be divided into five horses, and the nine clans will be implicated." Feng Jue Xia It was the first order after becoming the emperor.

Lian Siyue nodded secretly, Jue'er is right, this is conducive to the unity of the government and the peace of the people.

Since then, this struggle for the throne and for the country has finally ended in a bloody storm, and ended with the eleventh prince Feng Jue winning the throne.

After a while, everyone retreated one by one, leaving only the Ninth Prince Feng Yunzheng and Hengqin and Princess Lian Siyue by his side.

Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue looked at each other, bowed together, and said, "Congratulations to the emperor, congratulations to the emperor."

"Hey, get up quickly." Seeing this, Feng Jue quickly reached out to drag the two of them up.

The two of them didn't get up, and said, "Now it's not the eleventh prince, but the emperor. From now on, kneeling down like this is a common thing, and the emperor should accept it calmly. I am a subject, and the emperor is the emperor. There is a difference between emperor and minister. Since then, the etiquette."

"Actually, no matter what, I never thought that I would be the one to inherit the throne. I thought it was Feng Ye." Feng Jue looked down at the bright yellow dragon robe on his body, and now he still felt that he was dreaming, misty.

Life is so wonderful, yesterday I was still struggling with how to survive and struggle, but today I am already the king of a country.

"Your Majesty, don't doubt yourself. The late emperor chose you, which means that you are the most suitable candidate for this position, and no one else can replace you." Lian Siyue saw the uneasiness in Feng Jue's heart, and said in a very sure tone , "In retrospect, the first emperor actually took a fancy to you early in the morning. Your Majesty, you were born in the common people and studied in the academy since childhood. You have contacted many people, and the emperor is the best at treating virtuous and corporals. So far, you have maintained a good relationship with the partners who have studied in the academy. Relationship, I have never alienated anyone because I became a prince, and I am willing to personally experience the sufferings of the people. No one can match the emperor's heart. Compared with being wise and powerful, the people need a ruler like the emperor more. "

Even Siyue's words dispelled the last mist in Feng Jue's heart. A smile appeared on his face, and he said, "No matter when, my sister can solve the confusion in my heart the most. Don't worry, since Father Royal You have chosen me, since I have taken this position, I will do my best to be the emperor, not to disappoint my father, nor to let you down, so that the people of the world can rest assured that I am the emperor."

Feng Yunzheng nodded and said, "The emperor can definitely do it, and the princess and I will also help the emperor behind his back."

Feng Jue stretched out his hand, took the hands of these two people, and said, "This fierce battle is finally over."

"Actually, the most gratifying thing is that the emperor's eyes have recovered!" Lian Siyue looked at Feng Jue's bright eyes and said.

"Yes! There is nothing more gratifying than seeing the light again. I dare not close my eyes now, for fear that when I open them again, I won't be able to see anything again." Feng Jue was as happy as a child Like, "Dong Shen and Ye Hongfei have made meritorious deeds, they should be rewarded properly!"

"Rewards are necessary, and it seems that Lengmei's medicine has almost been developed." Lian Siyue said.

"However, what people didn't expect was that Brother Liu Wang's behavior today, he not only excused Feng Ye, but also took all those important crimes, and with sufficient evidence, Feng Ye became a person who was forced to submit. "Feng Yunzheng said.

"Then, is it possible that what Feng Yu said is true? All this is actually his scheme?" Feng Jue raised another possibility.

"Impossible!" Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue said in unison.

In the previous life, Feng Yu did not make any achievements in the government, nor did he reveal any ambitions. He just had a close relationship with Feng Ye. He did not have this heart, nor did he have the strategy to plan such a major event: tampering with the imperial edict, intending to rebel, Only people who are as thoughtful as Feng Ye can do it.

Feng Jue revealed slightly surprised eyes.

"If your majesty has any doubts, you can go and check it out yourself." Lian Siyue quietly tugged on Feng Yunzheng's sleeve and said.

"Oh, yes, Your Majesty, the concubine and I are just guessing like this, you should check it yourself." Feng Yunzheng also said hastily.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!" At this moment, the eunuch hurried in from outside.

"what's up?"

"His Highness the Sixth Highness wrote a long letter of confession, saying that he would present it to the emperor and ask him to have a look." The eunuch said out of breath, "it was written in blood."

"I've never seen a person plead guilty in such a hurry." Feng Yunzheng said.

"Bring it up." Feng Jue ordered after thinking for a while.

"Yes." The eunuch said.

After a while, a confession letter as long as a person's height appeared in front of Feng Jue.

He glanced at it, and it was really written by him with blood. Every word and sentence, he clearly explained his crimes, logical and well-organized.

"The Sixth Highness also said that he does the work alone, please don't pursue the crime of the Eighth Highness." The eunuch said.

Feng Jue glanced at Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue, asked the eunuch to put away the confession, and asked, "How is His Highness Eighth?"

"The imperial physician said that His Highness Eighth Highness was hit too deeply by the sword, and he is still unconscious." The eunuch replied.

"As my order, you must do your best to heal His Highness Eight's injuries, and no mistakes are allowed." Feng Jue instructed.

"Yes, the slave obeys."

"Killing the late emperor and attempting to usurp the throne is a serious crime of beheading. Feng Yu will not be unaware of this, but she is still so persistent..."

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..." At this time, the eunuch hurried in again, knelt on the ground, and said, "His Sixth Highness has been calling to see the Emperor in the prison..."

Feng Jue's face was slightly cold, and he said, "You went back to him. Since I am the emperor, it doesn't mean that he can see me whenever he wants. If he wants to see me, he can wait by himself, but I'm not sure whether I will see him or not." However, what I can be sure of is that if he continues to be restless in prison, then I will never see him again in this life. Let him not forget that he committed a capital crime, and he is about to die. Close your mouth tighter. My patience is not as good as he imagined."

"Yes, Your Majesty, the slave will go now," said the eunuch.

"Wait a minute, remember to take off the fine clothes on his body." Feng Jue explained again with a cold voice.

Feng Yu thought he could control the development of the matter, but he wanted him to learn to be quiet.

(End of this chapter)

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