Chapter 1394
Chapter 1394
Feng Jue solemnly swore an oath, as if afraid that Lingyue would not believe it, and said, "You believe me, you believe me?"

After hearing this, Lingyue had a smile on her face, and said in a low voice, "Fool, of course I believe in you, I have always believed in you, and I have never doubted you."

In fact, Feng Jue would say something like this, not to mention how happy she was, but if she told him that Emperor Zhou Cheng had an agreement with her before his death, the condition for saving Feng Jue was that she would marry Wei Lang Concubine, if you go to Mobei, you may never come back in this life, what will he do?
Although Emperor Zhou Cheng is dead, this is not a personal promise, and Wei Lang already knows that it is a covenant between two countries, it is impossible to say that it does not count.

However, seeing how happy he is now, she couldn't bear to tell him this, and spoiled his happiness.

Being called a fool by her, Feng Jue seemed very happy, and said, "Come on, I'm here to pick you up, don't just stand and talk in this prison."

"Okay." Lingyue nodded and looked into his eyes, which were full of smiles.

After the words were finished, a few court ladies came in, ready to change Ling Yue's clothes respectfully, Feng Jue blushed slightly, and hurriedly turned her back.

Although the two are already husband and wife, they are not yet husband and wife, so they can't watch her change clothes.

Seeing the shy look of the emperor, the maids secretly smiled. They have been in the palace for some time. It is the first time they see an emperor and they will be embarrassed to watch the woman change clothes. Not only that, but even their ears are red, which is really interesting tight.

Feng Jue waited, heard the sound of clothes being taken off, and heard the maid whispering "bring me the bellyband", her heart beat wildly, her fists in her sleeves were secretly clenched, and her body felt an inexplicable fever.

After a while, the maid said, "Your Majesty, it's all over."

Feng Jue let out a soft breath before turning around. Immediately, when she saw the person in front of her, her eyes became a little straightened. Removed from the prison uniform, she was dressed in water red, which made her look extraordinarily delicate and delicate, her cheeks were pink and tender. Yes, how beautiful it is, how beautiful it is.

Sensing Feng Jue's straight eyes, Ling Yue felt a little embarrassed, lowered her head, coughed lightly, and said, "Your Majesty, you can go out now."

"Oh, good, good, then, let's go out." Feng Jue turned around, but accidentally bumped his head on the door, he was too tall, he nodded slightly when he came in, and forgot when he went out.

The maids couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

"You, are you okay?" Ling Yue also blushed and asked.

These two people seemed to be competing who blushed more, one blushing like the other.

"I, I'm fine, I'm fine." Feng Jue hurriedly bowed his head and walked out first.

A smile flashed across Lingyue's eyes.

Outside, Feng Jue was about to send Ling Yue out of Shou Ning Hall to meet Princess An, but two eunuchs came and knelt on the ground and said:
"Your Majesty, the ministers of the Ministry of Rites are waiting for the Emperor to discuss the funeral of the late emperor."

"Understood, I'll go right away, you guys step back first." Feng Jue raised his hand and said.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Everyone retreated.

Feng Jue walked up to Lingyue and said, "I still have things to do, you go back to the princess mansion first." As he said, his mouth was close to her ear, "Don't worry, I take all your concerns into consideration. , when the time is right, I will hold a wedding with you."

Ling Yue'er's heart trembled slightly, she nodded, and said, "Other things are more important, go get busy, don't make the ministers wait too long."

"Okay, Eleven, wait for me." Feng Jue turned around and left reluctantly.

When he walked to the side, he told the maid again that she must remember to report to him when Lingyue will go.

Ling Yue looked at his back, but the smile on her face was a bit bitter.

"Princess, are you leaving now?" The maid came forward and asked.

"Let's go." Ling Yue withdrew her gaze, and returned to the Shouning Palace with all the maids.

"Daughter..." Princess An Guo, who had been waiting for a long time, stood up, walked over quickly, looked up and down, and said, "Are you all right?"

Ling Yue bowed and said, "Mother, my daughter is fine."

"The emperor went to pick you up in person?" Princess An Guo asked with a slight smile in her eyes.

"Hmm." Ling Yue said a little shyly.

"Okay, the emperor is kind and righteous, and I have not misunderstood the person." Princess Anguo said with satisfaction.

Now that Emperor Zhou Cheng is dead and the new emperor ascends the throne, she must quickly possess a magic weapon that can check and balance the new emperor, and Ling Yue'er is her most powerful magic weapon.

It is true that she was sincere in accepting Lingyue as her righteous daughter back then, and she liked this girl, but now, Feng Jue is interested in Lingyue, in order to keep the status of the princess mansion, then she has to make good use of this magic weapon.

Besides being Ling Yue'er's mother, the most important thing is that she is Princess An, and she must keep her status unchanged.

Thinking about it, a certain place in her heart gradually opened up, a smile appeared on her face, and she said, "Let's go home, you are tired, and I am also tired, it's like taking a good rest, other things, usually I'll talk about it later."

"Yes, mother." Ling Yue nodded slightly and said.

The two mother and daughter went to bid farewell to the queen mother, who was still ill, so she only said a few words and left.

All the way out of Zhengyang Gate, heading east is the direction of Princess Mansion. At this moment, a person suddenly rushed over and asked eagerly, "Is the one inside Princess An? Isn't it?"

The voice was urgent and worried.

Princess An Guo was resting her eyes with her eyes closed, when she heard the voice outside, she was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly clenched the edge of the sedan chair.

"Cong'an, Cong'an!" The man shouted again and again, "Are you okay? Are you okay?"

After a while, the sedan chair curtain slowly opened, and a face as cold as ice appeared.

"Xue Renfu, what's the matter with you? Come here to stop Princess Ben's sedan chair." She had no expression on her face, her tone was light, but the back of her hand was faintly white.

It turned out that the person blocking the sedan chair was none other than her former son-in-law Xue Renfu.

"Are you okay, how are you? Are you injured?" Xue Renfu asked, looking at her closely, trying to see her clearly, but she was in the sedan chair, the light was dim, and she couldn't see clearly at all. So the expression is very eager.

"I'm fine, there's nothing wrong with me," Princess An said.

However, she didn't understand why he came to ask her this.

"Really?" He said as if he didn't believe it, "I heard the voice of you summoning the Anguo Army. Nothing serious has happened. They will not be used unless it is a last resort. After all What happened? Are you really okay? Cong'an, I'm worried."

"Xue Renfu, I am Princess An, and you are just a commoner. It is not your turn to ask about this princess. Whether I have anything to do, it has nothing to do with you." Princess An looked at him and said.

(End of this chapter)

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