Chapter 1395 Let's Have a Drink
Chapter 1395 Let's Have a Drink
Princess An Guo leaned forward slightly, and said, "Did you hear what my princess said clearly?"

Xue Renfu was slightly stunned. Seeing that she was indeed safe and sound, he slowly withdrew his hand, a look of gloom flashed in his eyes, and said, "What the princess said is that Xue is just a commoner, so how can he be so high-ranking? It's a grassroots troublemaker. Please, princess." walk slowly."

"Let's go." Princess An Guo said indifferently, she let go of her hand, and the car curtain was lowered, and that glamorous and noble face disappeared in front of Xue Renfu.

"Get up!"

Xue Renfu took a step back, bowed slightly, and watched Princess An's sedan chair leave until it disappeared.

A servant came up and said, "Master, you haven't eaten or drank all day and night, let's go home, don't be exhausted."

Xue Renfu didn't speak, turned around, and walked in the direction of Xue's house, his steps faltering.The servant hurriedly followed him, supported him, and said, "Master, your leg is injured, please find a doctor."

"No need, just take a rest." Xue Renfu's voice sounded a little tired.

"The face is also hurt. You have to apply ointment, otherwise it will leave a scar. The guards in the palace are all snobbish. When the master was the son-in-law, which one didn't kneel and lick? Now it's fine, dare to treat it The master has done it!" The boy said indignantly.

Xue Renfu glared at him, and said displeasedly, "You talk a lot."

"Yes, the slave won't say anything." The servant hurriedly shut up, but he still cursed the guards in his heart.

On the sedan chair, Princess An slowly lowered her hands, leaned her back on the mat, and slowly closed her eyes.

"Princess, I heard that this son-in-law, oh, no, this Xue Renfu..." Xueli quickly changed her words, "He came to the gate of Zhengyang yesterday, and has been guarding outside. He has clashed with the guards several times and insisted on entering The palace saw Her Highness the Princess and said that Her Highness was in trouble, but he is no longer a son-in-law. Without a badge, no one would listen to him. Naturally, he would not be able to enter the palace, but he was very stubborn and insisted on going in, and he ended up with The guards had a conflict, were beaten on the legs, and punished to kneel.

Originally, the guards wanted to arrest him and put him in prison. A guard with good eyesight said that he was a former son-in-law, and he was somewhat involved with the princess, so he should not be arrested, lest the princess' reputation be damaged, so he asked They drove him away.

But he didn't know what to do, he came back just after he was kicked out, said that he must see the princess with his own eyes, and waited for the princess outside, but he was beaten several times. limping. "

After Xueli finished speaking, the people in the sedan chair didn't respond, so she stopped talking, thinking, it seems that the princess really put down the son-in-law, otherwise, how could she be so calm?

"Xueli, you send the bone-damaging ointment that the late emperor bestowed on this princess to Xue's family. I don't want to owe Xue any more." After returning to the princess mansion, Princess An ordered.

"Yes, princess, I will go now." Xueli said.

Next came the funeral ceremony of Emperor Zhou Cheng.

On the third day after his death, the successor (heir to the throne) Feng Jue and all the descendants of Emperor Zhou Cheng wore white mourning clothes, and the palace people also walked around in mourning clothes. There was an air of sadness.

The body of Emperor Zhou Cheng was put into the Zi Palace. There was a yellow dragon curtain next to the mourning hall, white silk curtains hung on both sides, a rosewood couch with the best yellow satin embroidered dragon mattress in front, and a silver incense tripod on the altar table. Candlesticks and vases and more.

The princes and ministers entered the mourning hall in batches to pay their respects to Zigong. Feng Jue led the princes and grandchildren to stand on the steps in filial piety. According to the ancestral regulations, the heir emperor had to wear filial piety for 27 days, and then wore plain clothes for three years.

The Zigong was placed in the mourning hall for seven days, and after seven days, it was ready to be buried. On the day of the burial, another laying ceremony was held, and the Zigong was carried into the underground palace, and the ceremony was held in front of the underground palace. At this point, the funeral of Emperor Zhou Cheng was finally over. up. (The funeral process refers to Baidu information.)
The successor emperor Feng Jue called Zhou Rendi, the empress was the empress dowager, and the empress dowager was promoted to the empress dowager.

Since then, the Great Zhou Dynasty has begun a new chapter.

The giant wheel of history has turned around again and taken a step forward.

The day of the funeral.

In the prison, His Highness Sixth Prince Feng Yu knelt on the ground, facing the direction of the underground palace, with tears in his scarlet eyes.

"Father, the child is not filial. I failed to kneel before the spirit. The child kowtowed to the father here. Father, the child is not filial, the child is not filial... the child indulges the younger brother... the father, the child is not filial..."

He kowtowed heavily, the skin on his forehead was broken and blood flowed out.

After kowtowing, he leaned against the corner, his originally clean and handsome face was covered with stubble, and his eyes were blood red. The handsome and handsome appearance that day when the jade trees were facing the wind no longer existed.

Ever since he handed in the confession letter, Feng Jue has not summoned him until now. In his opinion, Feng Jue must be investigating something, so he has been silent.

Thinking back, there was some kind of friendship between him and Feng Jue back then. At that time, he didn't know that he was his own younger brother, and he once liked that handsome and innocent boy, and even thought of making love with him, but , In the end, it was buried in the family relationship.

He also heard from the jailer that His Royal Highness Feng Ye has not woken up since he was stabbed by a sword that day and fell into a coma.

What should be done to completely exonerate him?
"The Emperor is coming..."

At this moment, a voice came from outside.

Feng Yu's heart trembled, she suddenly raised her head, walked quickly to the door, and lay down on the door.

After a while, I saw Feng Jue, who was wearing a bright yellow dragon robe, walk in. His face already had the majesty of the emperor, and his brows and eyes showed the demeanor that an emperor should have.

"Bold traitor, when you see the emperor, hurry up and kneel down!" The guard at the side saw him staring at Feng Jue in a daze, and shouted loudly.

He came back to his senses, quickly knelt down, and said, "Yes, I greet the emperor, long live the emperor."

Feng Jue didn't ask him to get up, but first motioned to the others to leave before he said, "Brother Liu Wang is willing to call me Emperor too."

Feng Yu knelt on the ground, with her head pressed against the ground, slowly clenched her hands, and said, "Feng Yu is guilty, please punish him."

"Get up." Feng Jue said.

"Feng Yu dare not." He still knelt and said.

"Get up, since I'm here, you don't have to put on an air, you both know what's on your mind, why bother to pretend?" Feng Jue said.

Feng Yu was startled for a moment, finally raised her head, and said, "Yes, Your Majesty."

Feng Jue took out a jug of wine from his sleeve and said, "I still remember that when I was still in Lianxiang's mansion, brother Liu Wang often invited me to drink on horseback. Have a drink."

(End of this chapter)

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