First-class daughter

Chapter 1396 Feng Yu

Chapter 1396 Feng Yu
Chapter 1396 Feng Yu
Feng Yu's heart trembled, and her eyes couldn't help falling on the flagon in his hand.

"Are you afraid of being poisoned?" Feng Jue looked at him, with a faint smile on his lips, and asked.

Feng Yu nodded slightly, and said, "Don't dare."

Feng Jue poured down a glass of wine, took a sip first, Feng Yu took the jug from him, poured a glass for herself silently, raised her head, and drank the wine in one gulp.

"I originally thought that I could become bosom friends with brother Liu Wang." Feng Jue said.

Feng Yu's hand holding the wine glass trembled slightly, and said, "Differences do not conspire, Feng Yu has let the emperor down."

Feng Jue smiled slightly, and said, "That's right, if we don't have different ways, we don't conspire with each other. The wine we drank together, the poems we sang together, and the places we visited together, all become less important."

Feng Yu bent her knees, knelt heavily on the ground, and said, "Your Majesty, these days, I have been thinking about you day and night, looking forward to seeing you, but if you don't come, I am waiting to die every day. While waiting, I think of the past All kinds of things, whether it is friendship or brotherhood, I have failed the emperor, and I really can't hold my head up in front of the emperor."

Feng Jue didn't speak, just looked at him quietly.

"But your majesty, all of this was done by me, Feng Yu, and Feng Ye was also persecuted by me. The emperor will deprive him of his title and expel him from the capital, but please spare his life, please. Your majesty is perfect." Feng Yu kowtowed heavily.

Feng Jue sighed slightly, and said, "If there's anything I envy Brother Eighth Prince, it's because he has a brother like you who wholeheartedly cares about him."

"Your majesty, I beg you to do it!" Feng Yu kowtowed three more times.

"The so-called state owns the state law, and the family has family rules. The prince breaks the law and commits the same crime as the common people. You and the eighth prince killed his father to seize the throne, forged the imperial edict, and even intended to kill too thickly. The crime is serious and unforgivable!" Feng Jue said firmly.

"Your Majesty! You are right. The crime is serious and unforgivable. Therefore, please let me die and let other innocent people live well, Your Majesty." Feng Yu begged loudly.

Feng Jue handed the ambulance in his hand to Feng Yu's arms, leaving only the words "I can do it myself", and then walked out.

Feng Yu hurried over, clutching the cell door tightly, looked at Feng Jue's back and shouted loudly, "Your Majesty, one life is worth one life, trade my life for Feng Ye's, Your Majesty, look at me For the sake of drinking and riding a horse, promise me."

However, no matter how Feng Yu yelled, Feng Jue did not stop leaving.

Feng Yu fell to the ground, feeling heavy in her heart.

"The emperor has already left, the emperor's dragon body is precious, and he will never come to such a place again in the future, so you should die." The jailer walked in, saw the dejected Feng Yu, and said in a rough voice.

Since ancient times, the emperor has been chosen for the success of the king and the defeat of the bandits, and he will definitely not keep such a brother. It will be a matter of time before the Sixth Highness dies.

Feng Yu raised her head, her eyes were ashen, and she said, "Give me the paper and pen, I want to write two letters, you keep them for me, and when you have a chance, hand them to the emperor together. Don't rush to refuse, You take them to the emperor and it will bring you good luck."

"Okay, you write." The jailer managed to get Feng Yu a pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

That afternoon, he sat there and wrote. The jailer couldn't understand what he wrote, but he kept it for him.

"It's time to eat!" When it was dark, another jailer came in, said in a rough voice, and put several bowls on the ground.

His eyes fell on the bowl. Today's food seems to be good.

"Today the new emperor is officially in charge, the food is good, and there is a chicken, you can enjoy it." The jailer said loudly.

Sure enough, there was a whole chicken in the bowl, which was fat and tender, and the chicken skin was roasted tenderly, exuding an attractive aroma.

"Eat, eat, I don't know how many meals I can eat, eat well, eat more." The jailer shook his head and said.

He got up, crawled over, put the chicken with the plate in his arms, tore off a corner of the chicken leg, and stuffed it into his mouth with big mouthfuls. While eating, tears fell down.

"Feng Ye, don't die, you have to live well, Feng have to live well..." As he spoke, he tore off another piece of chicken wing, chewed it hard, and swallowed it hard.


"Your majesty, your majesty is not well..." When Feng Jue was sitting in front of the desk reviewing the memorial, Sijiu hurried in, panting.

"What's the matter?" Feng Jue put down the pen in his hand and asked.

"Jailor, the jailer said, Sixth Highness, Sixth Highness is going down!" Sijiu gasped and said.

"What..." The pen in Feng Jue's hand fell to the desk with a snap, splashing a piece of ink.

"The one who swallowed chicken bones died. When the jailer found out, he was dead, and his hands and feet were cold." Sijiu said.

Feng Jue stood up abruptly, and walked quickly outside the palace, only to see the jailer kneeling on the ground tremblingly, and said in a trembling voice, "Your Majesty, you should be damned if you have a low position. You can't watch His Highness the Sixth Highness. The sharp weapon in the prison They are all put away, there is not even half a rope, I did not expect His Highness Six to commit suicide by swallowing a chicken bone."

Feng Jue's footsteps trembled, and he took two steps back.

"Your Majesty, His Highness the Sixth Highness left two letters, one said to be for the Emperor, and the other was for His Highness the Eighth Highness." The jailer raised his hands high and said,
Feng Jue reached out, took the letter for him, and slowly unfolded it, only to see the handwriting on it was scribbled and frantic. It can be seen that in the last moments of his life, he was flustered and restless.

His going to death this time has the nature of gambling.

At the end of the letter, Feng Yu wrote, "Your Majesty, please forgive me for my wild words, saying that you are not qualified to succeed the emperor, but in fact, in my mind, the person who is most suitable for the emperor is not Feng Ye, but you, the emperor, you will be a wise king, a benevolent king, and a holy king respected by all the people in the world.

I believe that in the near future, you will present a prosperous Zhou Dynasty to the world.

Brother, Feng Yu, must write. "



Feng Jue's heart tightened, and the letter in his hand fell to the ground.

"Your Majesty, the body of His Highness the Sixth Highness has been wrapped in a straw mat, waiting to be dealt with." The jailer said.

After a while, Feng Jue turned around, walked into the hall, and ordered, "Buy him according to the prince's treatment, bury him in the mausoleum, and put the tablet in the Taimiao."

"Yes, Your Majesty." The jailer was a little surprised, thinking that although His Royal Highness committed suicide in fear of crime, the Emperor would punish him publicly in order to set an example to others.

"Also, send the letter he left for the Eighth Prince." Feng Jue confessed again, with complex emotions flashing in his eyes.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I will obey you." The jailer turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

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