First-class daughter

Chapter 1397 You Are Too Stupid

Chapter 1397 You Are Too Stupid

Chapter 1397 You Are Too Stupid

Prince Yu's Mansion.

In the room, a strong smell of medicine permeated the air, the servants walked cautiously among them, and the imperial doctor stood beside the bed solemnly looking at the person on the bed.

His eyes were tightly closed, his face was as pale as paper, his chin was covered with black stubble, his eye sockets were sunken, his smooth skin was rough and dull, his upper body was bare, and a white cloth was wrapped around his shoulders, from which oozed red blood.

"Prince doctor, when will His Highness wake up?" The slave next to him asked worriedly.

Feng Ye has been in a coma for a month, and it is really worrying to have to rely on a dose of medicine for half a month.

In the past half a month, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the world, but he doesn't know it.



so dark!Too dark!so heavy!
Feng Ye felt that his eyelids were heavy, he wanted to breathe, he wanted to open his eyes,
He was injured, the pursuers behind him had arrived, and the road ahead was blocked!
There is no way to escape!
A look of coldness flashed in his eyes, heh, because his mother was always favored, he was the most powerful heir to the throne, but at the same time, he was always accompanied by killing and assassination.

Suddenly, he saw a lady getting on and off a carriage, and at the moment when the curtain of the carriage was lowered, he saw a figure inside the carriage. Although it was only a momentary glimpse, that face left an extremely deep impression on him. impression:
When facing the madam, her face was submissive and gentle, but when the madam turned around, the expression on her face immediately became indifferent and cruel, full of schemes, as if she was about to peel someone's skin in the next second. bone.

This girl is very interesting, a playful smile flashed in his eyes, and when he turned around, the pursuers were almost here, and her carriage was heading towards an alley.

Without any hesitation, he covered the injured part with his hands, and immediately followed the carriage.

Then, when the carriage stopped, he got into the carriage.

Immediately, the girl in the car suddenly raised her head, her eyes were full of vigilance, watching him flash a difference.

This is the first time he has seen her up close, he has never seen such a face, it is clearly a child's body, but the face is an adult expression, especially the flash of indifference in the eyes, which even made him I felt a chill from the bottom of my heart.

At that moment, he had a feeling for her that he had never had before.

He wants her!



Suddenly, the person on the bed made a sound, and suddenly opened his eyes, a look of bewilderment flashed in his eyes.

"Your Highness is awake! Your Highness is awake!"

At this time, the slaves in the room shouted excitedly, the drowsy imperial doctor suddenly opened his eyes, came back to his senses, and hurriedly felt Feng Ye's pulse.

Feng Ye looked over, with some confusion in his eyes, and asked, "Why am I here?"

He spoke with a hoarse voice, dizzy for a while, and closed his eyes again.

"His Royal Highness's pulse condition has stabilized, he is good at self-cultivation, taking medicine on time, and he can recover his vitality in about half a month." The imperial physician said pleasantly.

Feng Ye finally opened his eyes slowly again, and said, "Help me up."

"Yes." The servant immediately stepped forward and carefully supported her.

Feng Ye looked around the room for a while, and asked, "Where's Yin Huai?"

The expression on the servant's face dimmed for a moment, and he said, "Return to Your Highness, Lord Yin is... already dead. In Zhengyangmen, he pierced his intestines with a sword and killed him on the spot."

Yin Huai is dead?

Feng Ye was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt a splitting headache, and finally recalled the events of that day in his mind.

Competing with Feng Jue for the throne, he lost, and was defeated by a piece of imperial father's imperial edict.

Brother Liu Wang arrived at a critical moment, stabbed him with a sword, and then...

"Brother Liu Wang!" He sat up suddenly, and suddenly there was a pain below his chest!

Brother Six!
He confessed all his sins, all sins for him!
"How is His Highness Six?" he asked in a deep voice, enduring the pain in his body.

"Your Highness, you have just woken up, so let's cultivate first." The servant named Yun Qing said.

A flash of anger suddenly appeared in Feng Ye's eyes, and he said, "Say!"

"Your Highness!" Yun Qing suddenly bent his knees and cried bitterly, "The Sixth Highness is dead!"

"What..." Feng Jue felt as if he was being hit hard by a sap stick. He felt dizzy for a while, and couldn't hold his breath. There was a sharp piercing pain in his heart, and he clutched his hand tightly. Chest, "What did you say, you, you say it again! You say it again!"
"The Sixth Highness is dead, Your Highness!" Yun Qing kowtowed and said heartbroken.

"Dead...dead..." Feng Ye heard it more clearly this time, and he really said that brother Liu Wang was dead! "How did he die, how did he die?" With scarlet eyes, he stumbled off the bed, grabbed Yun Qing's collar tightly, and asked loudly with all his strength.

"Your Highness, your injury..." The imperial physician hurried over.

"Get out!" Feng Ye sternly roared, the blood from the wound oozes out again, but he doesn't know the pain at all, he only wants to know the news of his brother urgently in his heart, he wants to tell Yun Qing that this is a dream, this is his dream. a dream!
"It is said that His Highness the Sixth Highness committed suicide by swallowing chicken bones. Before committing suicide, he wrote a ten thousand-character blood letter as if the Emperor had confessed his crimes. In the end, he swallowed the chicken bones. I heard that His Highness the Sixth Highness asked the Emperor to protect His Highness before he died. Your life!" Yun Qing said.

"What... Swallow chicken bones..." Feng Ye let go of his hand suddenly, as if the strength in his body had been emptied, he took two steps back, and fell to the ground with a bang.

"However, the emperor was merciful and did not disclose the crimes of the Sixth Highness. Instead, he was sent away according to the prince's funeral, and the tablet was entered in the Taimiao..." Yun Qing said.

"Hehe, hehehe..." Feng Ye laughed, the smile was so sad, the smile was so miserable, it felt like he was being cut into pieces by thousands of knives, and his body was about to be torn apart.

Never had it hurt so much, never had it been so hopeless.

His face was full of sorrow, but tears rolled down his cheeks unconsciously. He braced his body and staggered to his feet.

However, just as soon as he stood up, he fell down again, stood up again, fell down again, stood up again, and fell down again.

The strength of the whole person seemed to be hollowed out, and finally he couldn't stand up anymore, and fell to the ground, tears flowing into rivers.

"Brother Liu Wang, I have lost so much, and now even you have left me. What is the meaning of my life in this world? What is the meaning of my life..."

As he spoke, his body curled up into a ball, calling Feng Yu's name over and over again.

"Brother Liu Wang, why are you so stupid? Why are you doing this... why? Brother Liu Wang, brother Liu Wang, come back, come back!"

(End of this chapter)

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