First-class daughter

Chapter 1398 If there is an afterlife, see you in the next life

Chapter 1398 If there is an afterlife, see you in the next life
Chapter 1398 If there is an afterlife, see you in the next life
Feng Ye burst into tears, crying presumptuously like a child, "I hurt you, I hurt you!"

In Feng Ye's mind, he thought about all the things he had with Feng Yu in the past. He claimed that he was as beautiful as a flower, that women were troublesome, and that he liked men.

Brother Liu Wang has no intention of fighting for power, loves poetry, loves to indulge in mountains and rivers, has traveled around for many years, chic and reckless, originally, he could spend his life like this.

However, because of this useless person like him, he finally gave his life for it. For this useless person like him, he died just like that. He, a person who cared so much about his own image, committed suicide by swallowing chicken bones protected him.

"Brother, I killed you, I killed you!"

He struggled to get up from the ground, leaning on the walls of the tables and chairs, staggeringly walked outside step by step, his steps seemed to be filled with lead, every step was so difficult.

"Brother, wait, I'll see you, I'll see you now, brother..."

There was another sound of "bang", and he fell to the ground again, his head was tied on the iron chain of the door frame, and suddenly his head was cut, bleeding came out, the blood slid down his cheeks and fell on the skirt of his clothes.

"Your Highness, Your Highness, you are injured!" Seeing Yun Qing, he hurriedly shouted, "Prince doctor, come here quickly! Your Highness is injured again!"

The imperial physician hurried over, "Your Highness, you are bleeding, let the humble officer bandage you!"

"Get out!" Feng Ye seemed not to notice it at all, pushed the person in front of him away forcefully, and continued to walk forward while holding the door.

Brother Liu Wang, wait a little longer, I'll go see you, I'll go see you.

As he said, he stumbled and walked forward. Every step he took was like stepping on the tip of a knife. The pain hurt to the bone. He was not afraid of pain!

However, this is an endless road, and if Poor Ji walks here all his life, he will not be able to reach the place he wants to go.

This is really frustrating!

No matter what he did, he could never save his life, never again!

Feng Ye walked outside the big courtyard.

Today's weather is very good, the sun is shining brightly, the sky is bright and clear, it seems to be a day suitable for a big wedding, but he feels so cold, so cold...

He couldn't walk, he couldn't walk anymore!He sat by the edge of the fish pond, sitting blankly, his face burning hot.

After a long, long time, the sun gradually set and the air became icy cold. His heart finally regained its temperature, but there was no expression on his face.

"Your Highness, the emperor sent people from the palace to deliver things." At this time, Yun Qing came over and said.

"Your Majesty? Which Emperor?" Feng Ye's eyes were a little dazed.

"Yes, it's the new emperor, called Emperor Ren, that is, His Royal Highness King Ming An in the past." Yun Qing said cautiously.

"Oh..." Feng Ye suddenly came back to his senses.

Yes, how could he forget that he is a loser, and the winner is Feng Jue, Feng Jue is already the current emperor, and he will soon become a prisoner, or follow the sixth brother to die.

"Your Highness..." Yun Qing whispered, fearing that Feng Ye would lose courtesy in front of the new emperor because of excessive grief, and would be severely punished. After all, everyone knew that the new emperor and His Highness the Eighth Highness were mortal enemies.

"This king knows, let's go." Feng Ye said, his voice was hollow, and there was no desire in his eyes, just like ashes.

Yun Qing turned his head and gestured to the maid behind him.

The maids immediately came forward, cleaned the blood on his head, changed into clean clothes, tied up his hair, and tied the jade crown.

Afterwards, Feng Ye went to the front hall.

I saw that Sijiu and a group of eunuchs were standing there waiting, seeing him, Sijiu took a step forward, bowed and said, "Your Highness Eighth, the emperor has spoken."

Feng Ye glanced at Sijiu, knelt down slowly, and said, "Long live the emperor, long live, long live."

"His Highness Eighth, His Highness Sixth Highness entrusted the emperor to hand this over to you." Sijiu sent the secret letter written by Feng Yu before his death to Feng Ye with both hands.

A letter from Brother Six?
Feng Ye's heart trembled violently, and the feeling of despondency was half revived again. He immediately took the letter and opened it impatiently, his eyes fixed on the words on it:

"My beloved brother Feng Ye:

When you read this letter, brother has already gone one step ahead, don't be too sad, and don't blame yourself too much, all of this is predestined, my fate should be like this, no one can change it.

Do you still remember that day, when you and I went to a restaurant to drink, the sorcerer I met on the street, he uttered wild words, saying that you are destined to have no daughters, I was very anxious, and then I went to him in private and asked him Next time I see you, I must change my words, otherwise, I will kill him.

Who knows, not only did this person not refuse to change his words, but he also said that even if he was killed, he would never lie.

Only then did I realize that this person was not an ordinary magician who deceived people, but a real master. Out of curiosity, I asked him to tell my fate.

Immediately, I became short of breath, and beat him hard for a while, scolding him all the time.

But in the end, I found out that what he said was correct, and I was destined to encounter this calamity after all.


Feng Ye, do you still remember?You were born well, but my mother and concubine were born in a humble, cowardly and cautious character. From a young age, I taught me not to show off, to be honest and responsible, not to seek fame and fortune, and to live my life in peace. Therefore, I always like to stand behind position, otherwise my father will see it, and I will not let you see me. I will try my best to make myself as inconspicuous as possible.

It's so good, I didn't leave any impression in my father's mind, so I did what I wanted to do in my own world.

Until one time, when I was hunting, I was still standing at the farthest place from my father. You fell off your horse, and your father said to send a brother to ride with you. Who do you want?

You suddenly walked up to me, held my hand up, and said to Father, I like this brother.

Hehe, I, who was inconspicuous at that time, suddenly appeared in front of everyone because of the dazzling you.

You said that you think this brother must be the best at riding horses.

I looked at you at that time, and you raised your head to look at me. I will never forget the smile in your eyes for the rest of my life. Since then, I have followed you habitually, looking at you in everything you do.

Gradually, I always hope, you can realize all your dreams.


Look at me, I wrote so much without realizing it.

You can never finish what you want to say, so just keep everything in your heart, you know brother.


Feng Ye, this is the end of the matter, I only hope that you will live a good life, spend the rest of your life, be loyal to the emperor, be loyal to the imperial court, if the emperor is disrespectful at all, don't complain about the emperor at all, you must keep in mind Come on, you are not only the Eighth Highness of Prince Yu's Mansion, you are also the Eighth Highness of the imperial court.

Feng Ye, if there is an afterlife, see you in the next life. "

(End of this chapter)

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