First-class daughter

Chapter 1399 Feng Ye's Choice

Chapter 1399 Feng Ye's Choice
Chapter 1399 Feng Ye's Choice
If there is an afterlife, see you in the next life...

Feng Ye's hands trembled, tears fell drop by drop on the back of his hands, his heart felt like a knife was twisted.

"His Highness Eighth, the emperor ordered the servants to bring you some things, please have a look at them." Sijiu said, four eunuchs walked in one by one.

The four eunuchs held a tray in their hands, on which were placed: wooden fish, shepherd's whip, iron chain, and knife.

"The emperor said, let Your Highness choose one of these four things." Sijiu said.

Choose one of them?
Feng Ye's eyes fell on these four things. Feng Jue was going to give him four choices, and each thing represented a destination:
Muyu made him become a monk;

The shepherd's whip is to send him to the frontier to graze horses and sheep;
The iron chain is confinement to the prison, imprisoning his freedom;
The knife made him choose to commit suicide to end his life.

Hehe, he committed such a serious crime, Feng Jue gave him a choice, which is considered a great favor, he knew that brother Liu Wang gave him his life in exchange for it.

And Feng Jue also knows him very well, with his arrogance and dignity, wooden fish, shepherd's whip, and iron chains will make his life worse than death. If he doesn't want to live like this, then he can still choose that knife to end his life .

So, how should he choose?
His eyes fell on the letter left by Brother Six, Feng Ye, I hope you live well for the rest of your life...

If it was the original, he would definitely choose the knife without hesitation and end his life, and would not live in this way.

but now……

He can't die, he can't let Brother Liu Wang die in vain, he wants to live with Brother Liu Wang's last wish...

"Your Highness, please choose, the slave is waiting to go back and report to the emperor." Sijiu urged.

But he was thinking in his heart, the emperor's heart is really big, such a dangerous master dared to let the tiger go back to the mountain.

Feng Ye walked forward slowly, reached out and took one of the items, knelt down and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness."

Seeing what Feng Ye chose, Sijiu showed a hint of surprise in his eyes, bowed his head and said, "Your Highness, since you have already chosen, please get ready and set off immediately, the emperor only gives you one day."

"Yes, obey the order." Feng Ye said.


It is night, cool as promised.

Rongyuan Hall.

Zhou Rendi Feng Jue sat behind the desk, still reviewing the memorial.

After a while, Sijiu walked in, bowed and said, "Your Majesty, His Highness the Eighth Highness has already made a choice."

Feng Jue paused slightly, and said, "What did she choose?"

Sijiu motioned to the people behind him, and the three of them brought in the rest of the things. He took a look, and there were still sheep whips, iron chains, and knives left. Feng Ye finally chose wooden fish, and he decided to become a monk.

"Your Majesty, this Eighth Highness has evil intentions and almost killed you, the Queen Mother and Princess Heng. He is an extremely dangerous person. Why don't you just give him death, and instead let him choose the rest of his life?" Sijiu asked in puzzlement.

"This is what I promised Feng Yu, and moreover, I have this confidence, he doesn't have the ability to pose a threat to me anymore." Feng Jue said.

"Yes, the servant is talking too much." Sijiu bowed and retreated.

Feng Jue got up, put his hands behind his back, walked out of the Rongyuan Hall step by step, and stood outside.

Under the moonlight, the body wrapped in the bright yellow dragon robe looked cold and hard, his eyes were firm and calm, his face was solemn and serious, and he was born with the appearance of an emperor.

This palace is very cold, there are many people around him, it is still cold.

However, he remembered that someone had said a word to him, but when it was cold, he had to grit his teeth and move forward boldly.

"Come on," he called.

"Your Majesty." Jiang Keji stepped forward and said.

"I want to go out of the palace." Feng Jue said, he hadn't seen Ling Yue'er for more than 20 days...

"Your Majesty, you have only ascended the throne not long ago, and it is really not suitable for you to leave the palace. Even in the future, you will not be able to leave the palace casually. Please think twice, Your Majesty." Jiang Keji bowed.

"..." Feng Jue frowned, yes, as an emperor, one thing affects his whole body, and he will think more about every word and action in the future.

"Your Majesty, you have to get used to it as soon as possible." Jiang Keji reminded.

"Understood, you can take something for me to Princess Anguo's mansion, and send something for me to Princess Guchun." Feng Jue had to settle for the next best thing, said.

"Yes, I'm humble and respectful." Jiang Keji bowed.

Feng Jue walked into the hall, looked at the desk, and his eyes fell on a pony carved from jade. There was a smile in his eyes, and he reached out to take the pony, and said, "Give this to Princess Guchun for me. .”

"Yes, Your Majesty." Jiang Keji took the pony, put it on his body, and left the palace.

Anguo Princess Mansion.

Princess An Guo was closing her eyes, listening to the butler's report on some matters in the Princess Mansion over the past few days.

Lingyue sat aside, resting her forehead with her hand, nodding frequently, she was sleepy, tired, and fell asleep after a while.

Princess An raised her head, shook her head, with a smile on her face, and whispered to Xueli, "Take her into the room, it seems that I am really tired after learning these things from me these days. "

"Princess Chun has never been exposed to these things. It's already amazing to learn so much from you in a short period of time." Xue Li said.

"She has to learn these things. She still has a long way to go. If she doesn't learn from me, she will suffer in the future." Princess An said.

She has her own plans, Lingyue is too young, her knowledge is too shallow, she will go to a wider place in the future, but fortunately she is talented and can understand many things at once.

This may be a gift from God to her.

At this time, the maid outside said, "Princess, Commander Jiang is asking to see you outside."

Jiang Keji?
Princess An glanced at Lingyue who was deeply asleep, and said to Xueli, "Wake her up."

"Yes, princess." Xueli bent down and whispered in Lingyue's ear, "Princess, wake up, princess..."

When Jiang Keji walked in, Lingyue woke up rubbing her bleary eyes. Jiang Keji first greeted Princess An, then took out a pony, bowed, and said, "Princess Chun, what is this?" It was handed over by the emperor's entrustment."

When Lingyue heard that it was something from Feng Jue, she blushed immediately, and immediately reached out to take it, lovingly said, "That's great, I like it, thank you Your Majesty for me."

This little pony is crystal clear, very skillful.

Princess An understood and nodded, and said, "I see you are happy, go back to your room and enjoy it."

"Yes, mother!" Ling Yue hugged the pony and walked out happily, secretly kissing the pony along the way.

This is a gift from Feng Jue, she really likes it, counting it, it has been more than [-] days since I saw him, he is now the emperor, he is no longer as easy to see as before, but the miss in his heart has not diminished Half a point, but it became more and more intense.

(End of this chapter)

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