First-class daughter

Chapter 1400 She Said to Marry Me

Chapter 1400 She Said to Marry Me

Chapter 1400 She Said to Marry Me


Lingyue's gaze suddenly became a little dim. It is said that Wei Lang will return to Mobei in the next few days, and she will go with her when the time comes.

After all, this is not only the agreement with the late emperor, but also the condition that she wanted Wei Lang to give up Wei Rui and protect her. She can't speak for nothing. She has been anxiously waiting these days for Wei Lang to come to the door and ask her to fulfill her promise. promise.

If he comes, she will go!

Between her and Feng Jue, there should be no such fate, but when she arrives in Mobei, she must find a way to make Mobei stable. In her lifetime, Mobei will submit to the Great Zhou Dynasty, and will not cause him any trouble, and will not cause trouble. Waste her every soldier.

Thinking about it, the darkness in her eyes deepened. She put the pony on the table, laying her face on her face, and said, looking at her without blinking, and said, "You little pony, leg It's been so long, but it can't take me to his side."


Princess An took a look at Jiang Keji and asked, "Does the emperor really want to leave the palace?"

Jiang Keji lowered his head and said, "Back to the princess, the emperor is still young, and he was not used to it for a while, so he wanted to go out of the palace to get some fresh air, but after he said that, he dismissed the idea and never went out of the palace again.

Since the emperor took office, he has been conscientious and diligent, and he is bound to bow down. "

Princess An Guo nodded and said, "This is not in vain for the efforts of the late emperor to protect him. Now, the ministers are most concerned about the candidate for the empress three months later. As the commander of the emperor, Just like before, learn to understand the emperor's thoughts, and make the emperor feel comfortable and at ease, only when the emperor lives well can the court and the people be well."

"Yes, the humble position is in my heart." Jiang Keji said.

"Since the late emperor passed away, the empress dowager's health has not been very good. I decided to move into the palace and take care of the empress dowager myself. After two days, I will bring Princess Chun into the palace. I can't live without her now." An Guo Princess said.

"Yes, princess."

Jiang Keji turned to leave, Princess An showed a slight smile, turned and said to the maid at the side, "Go and tell the princess, let her prepare, and enter the palace with me in two days."

"Yes, servant girl is going now." The maid said.

Princess An picked up the tea in front of her and took a sip, her face relaxed.

And after a while, another servant came to report, "Prince Wei Lang of Mobei came to pay a visit."

A look of doubt flashed in Princess An's eyes, and said, "What's the matter with the people from Mobei coming to my princess mansion?"

"The slave doesn't know, but Prince Wei Lang has brought some gifts." The slave said.

"Let him come in." Princess An ordered.


After a while, Wei Lang came in, put his hands on his heart, bowed, and said, "Princess, Wei Lang is here to pay a visit."

Princess An Guo nodded, "Prince, please sit down. I don't know if the prince is here, what's the matter?"

Wei Lang didn't sit down, but knelt down and said sincerely, "Princess, I'm here to welcome Princess Guchun."

"What?" Princess An was taken aback, "Marry my daughter?"

"Yes, this is the agreement between the first emperor and Princess Guchun, and it is also the agreement between Princess Guchun and me." Wei Lang said.

"Princess An Guo's eyes flashed with deep thought, and she said, "A promise with the late emperor?I've never heard of it, I wonder if Prince Wei Lang made a mistake? "

"Princess, if Princess Guchun didn't tell you about this matter, you really don't know about it." Therefore, Wei Lang told Princess An Guo the details, "That's how things are, we will return to Momo in a few days. I'm going north, so I'm going to come to marry Princess Guchun and go back."

After listening to Princess An, she didn't speak for a moment.

"Princess Anguo, what requirements do you have for Mobei's marriage this time? You can just say that I am sincere to Princess Guchun and will never treat her badly. Treat her like a woman from Mobei, she can live in the way of people from the Central Plains, and I can guarantee that I will never marry another woman, and I will treat her with care." Wei Lang said sincerely.

After being surprised, Princess An quickly regained her composure, with a faint smile on her face, and said, "Prince Weilang, this princess only just heard about this from you. There is no rush for a big event, or else please ask the prince to go back first, and let Bengong prepare and prepare."

Wei Lang was a little worried, and said, "Princess, will you give me Princess Guchun? Or, the princess doesn't want to marry her to me, and sending me away now is just a stopgap measure?"

Princess An always had a slight smile on her face, and said, "The prince is too worried. I will give the prince a satisfactory answer when I ask my daughter clearly. How can I, Wei Wei Dazhongyuan, be a person who goes back and forth? On this point, the prince can rest assured."

After hearing this, Wei Lang smiled, and said, "Okay, Xiao Wang is waiting for news from you, Princess."

Princess An Guo smiled and nodded, but there was a flash of indifference in her eyes.

"Then, can Xiao Wang meet Princess Guchun now?" Wei Lang asked, with a touch of shame on his face.

"Prince, there is a saying in our Great Zhou Dynasty that men and women are different. It is very difficult for the prince to see Ling Yue'er now. Please also consider my daughter's reputation." Princess An said patiently.

"Then... well, I'll go back first, Xiao Wang specially bought these gifts for Princess Guchun, please pass them on to Princess Guchun." Wei Lang said relieved.

"Okay, I will pass it on, the prince will go slowly." Princess An said.

"Trouble princess." Wei Lang said goodbye.

When he turned to leave, the smile on Princess An's face turned cold, and she became expressionless, and said in a cold voice, "Throw away all these gifts, and don't let Princess Guchun see it, and don't let her know that Wei Lang is coming. After that, no one is allowed to talk about this matter in the princess mansion, otherwise, this princess will kill her!"

"Yes, slaves obey." Everyone knelt down and said.

A flash of thought flashed in Princess An's eyes. Wei Lang obviously believed in the agreement, so he came to propose marriage with gifts. If he ignored the agreement and canceled the engagement, he would break the trust of the four kingdoms and let the Great Zhou Dynasty come to fruition.

She shook her head thinking about it, and said, "This silly girl really likes the emperor, and she is willing to marry to Mobei for her."

If Lingyue is really allowed to fulfill her promise to marry her, then her plan will be in vain, and Lingyue's life will be ruined. She may not last long, and she will die in a foreign land!

Princess An frowned deeply, what can we do to make Wei Lang retreat and regret the marriage?

She got up, her eyes flashed in thought.

(End of this chapter)

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