First-class daughter

Chapter 1403 A New Beginning

Chapter 1403 A New Beginning

Chapter 1403 A New Beginning

Feng Ye is finally leaving Prince Yu's mansion.

The servants in the palace were also emptied, and all these people were sent to other places, leaving only Yun Qing by his side.

Pushing open the heavy door, he lifted his foot and walked out. Taking this step, the next step is the next life.

He turned his head and looked at the place where he had lived for many years. The words Prince Yu's Mansion were written by his father himself.

Every brick, every tile, every plant and tree here has grown up with him.

Now that they leave, they will never see each other again, and there will never be Prince Yu's mansion again, nor will there be Prince Yu anymore.

"Your Highness, the door is closing." Yun Qing said in a low voice reluctantly.

"Close it." Feng Ye said lightly, turned around, and walked to the carriage, when the heavy door closing sounded behind him, as heavy as his footsteps.

After getting into the carriage, Yun Qing said, "Your Highness, the Emperor only said that he would become a monk after taking the wooden fish, but he didn't say where we are going. Has Your Highness thought about where to go?"

Feng Ye raised his eyes and said, "Go to Jiuhua Temple, no, don't go to Jiuhua Temple."

There are acquaintances there, and people in the palace often go to worship, if he goes there, there will always be ties.

"Where are you going? Your Highness?" Yun Qing jumped into the carriage and asked.

"Go to the south, keep going, and find a temple without much incense." Feng Ye said, besides, he also needs to walk to sort out the thoughts in his heart, slowly forget, and slowly repair the gap in his heart.

"Yes, Your Highness." Yun Qing swung his horsewhip vigorously, raised the horse's hooves, and walked towards the south.

Feng Ye raised the curtain of the carriage, and saw that the words "Prince Yu's Mansion" were getting farther and farther away, gradually becoming invisible. He lowered the curtain and closed his eyes.

When he left the palace, he only brought one thing, Feng Yu's last letter to him, other than that, he took nothing with him.

If one loses one's true love and one's close relatives, then everything becomes an external object.

He hugged the letter tightly, and said, "Brother Liu Wang, I will listen to you, I will live on, and use the rest of my life to redeem, remember, and forget..."

He suddenly remembered that when brother Liu Wang was still alive, seeing him always staying with some monks, he was worried whether he would become a monk or not, and said that he was not allowed to go to the temple all the time.

Who knows, he really wants to become a monk.

Life... There was a faint smile in his eyes.


News came from the palace that the Eighth Prince Feng Ye died of a serious illness.

This is the practice of the imperial palace. If the prince has a scandal and does not intend to make it public, he will all claim to have died of a serious illness. Since then, this person has disappeared.

a few days later.

Zhang Ji came to report Feng Jue, "Your Majesty, His Highness the Eighth Highness has become a monk in a small temple of Luoyun Temple in a corner, and his dharma name is Master Jingkong.

He lived alone in a meditation room, and like other young monks, he got up early and went to bed late every day, chanted sutras three times a day, sometimes until midnight, and was very diligent, but the people in the temple did not know his true identity. He never mentioned it himself, he was not treated specially, and he lost a lot of weight.

Originally, the abbot master said that he was not in the world of mortals, and he still had concerns in his heart, and advised him to take his hair to practice, but he said, if you lose your hair to become a monk, you will shave off three thousand threads of troubles, and once you shave off the threads of troubles, you will be able to regain your life. At first, the abbot agreed.

It seems that His Highness the Eighth Prince is going to become a monk and will not have any other ideas. The emperor can relax. "

At that time, Feng Jue was reviewing the memorial.

That's right, Feng Ye's every move has not escaped his sight, he is the emperor, and he will not take anything lightly.

Sending Zhang Ji to follow up, in addition to understanding Feng Ye's situation, there is another point, if Feng Ye has any objections, then let Zhang Ji cut the weeds and wipe out the roots.

"Understood, you go down." Feng Jue nodded and said.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I will retire at the end." Zhang Ji said.



In Luoyun Temple, it was the morning class time. Several monks and masters sat in front of the Bodhisattva with their eyes closed, with one hand on their lips, and the other tapping the wooden fish in front of them, chanting words.

At a glance, the monk sitting in the middle position, although dressed in the same clothes and bald as the other monks, has a different handsome temperament from the others.

His skin was pale, his facial features were handsome and distinct, and he had a demeanor that could not be concealed, and his lips were as rosy as two pieces of rouge.

The vicissitudes and hostility of the past were gone, like a calm lake.

The sound of the wooden fish stopped, and he slowly opened his eyes. Here, he is the same as everyone else, nothing special. The vegetarian diet for the past few days has made him thinner.

"Brother Jingkong, Master invites you to go over there." At this time, a young monk came over, put his hands together, and said.

"I'll go right away." He clasped his hands together, nodded slightly, and said, then walked towards the meditation room.

There is no trace of His Highness the Eighth Prince on his body anymore, and now he is just a monk, a monk who recites scriptures every day.


Prince Heng's Mansion.

Ye Feng was walking in the mansion when Wu Qiao happened to pass by and said, "Brother Ye, why are you here? Sister Leng has a friend here."


When Night Breeze heard it, the alarm bells in his heart immediately rang out, and he asked, "Male or female?"

"Male." Wu Qiao said.

"It's his second uncle's!" Before she finished speaking, Night Breeze, like a gust of wind, flashed past Wu Qiao, and the next moment, there was no one in sight.

"God, what is this man doing running so fast?" Second Monk Wu Qiaozhang was puzzled.


Lengmei's residence.

These days, I have been taking the medicine that Dong Shen and his master developed together. Although I haven't recovered yet, I haven't had heartache for a while. I live a relatively relaxed life, and occasionally I can practice swords. But recently, Night Breeze His Highness was dealing with other matters, so she practiced alone.

Today, a person whom we have never seen each other came and stayed at the Lian family's new house.

Seeing him, Leng Mei was a little surprised, and said, "I didn't expect you to come."

"I heard from the servants here that your health is getting worse and worse. I passed by occasionally today, so I came in to have a look. How do you feel now?" Lian Tian asked, his ears turning red.

"Thank you, I've been much better recently, and I haven't had heartache again. My master said that if there is no recurrence for a year, it means that I'm almost cured. But now, it's only two or three years later. It's only been a month." said Leng Mei.

"You are a good person, you will be fine, and you will live a good life." Lian Tian said, thinking of what happened in Lian's family, he could not help feeling a little melancholy in his heart, but he would not show it on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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