First-class daughter

Chapter 1404 You are the first

Chapter 1404 You are the first

Chapter 1404 You are the first

"Thank you, Lian Tian." Leng Mei said, "I have no friends, you are the first one."

Liantian listened, and my heart trembled slightly.

"This is the ointment I found for you. Take it." He took a bottle of medicine from the pottery pot in his arms and handed it to Leng Mei. He looked calm on the surface, but he was actually very happy in his heart. .

However, when his medicine bottle was about to touch Leng Mei's hand, a hand suddenly stretched out beside him, took the bottle over, and asked, "What is this?"

Leng Mei took a look, saw Ye Feng's face, and blurted out, "Why are you here?"

Lian Tian frowned and said, "This is the medicine I gave her."

Night Breeze looked at Leng Mei, then at this annoying Lian Tian, ​​and said, "What are you doing here?"

"Meet a friend, give him something." Lian Tian looked at him indifferently and said.


Night Breeze looked at him, then at Leng Mei, he just heard what Leng Mei said to Lian Tian,
Will Lengmei have friends?She has always been cold and lonely, no one can enter her world, he can stay with her for so long, all because of his slick face and glib tongue.

And Xiaomei often dislikes him, and keeps a cold face when she sees him.

And this Lian Tian turned out to be a friend Leng Mei was willing to admit?Moreover, when two people chat, they are so natural and kind, as if they have known each other for a long time.

He couldn't help but feel delicious, but...

He returned the medicine bottle in his hand to Lengmei, with a smile on his face, and said, "Xiaomei also needs friends, she can have you as a friend, I am happy for her, you have a good chat, I will go first , Your Highness still has a mission."

Night Breeze said, smiled, turned and left.

Leng Mei looked at his back in a daze for a moment, the sun came out from the west, and he actually took the initiative to retreat.

This is the truth. It is a good thing that Lengmei is willing to make friends. It shows that she is becoming more and more like a normal woman, but he still feels a little empty in his heart.

Wu Qiao saw Ye Feng coming over dejectedly. He was taken aback, stepped forward, and said, "Brother Ye, what's wrong with you? It shouldn't be like an eggplant that has been wilted by frost! It's like a gust of wind just now ?"

Night Breeze sighed, lay down on the stone chair beside him, put his hands behind his head, and said, "I've been frustrated, and I feel like a failure."

"Ah?" Wu Qiao looked surprised, squatting in front of him, as if watching a rare animal, "No way? Failure? You are the most powerful hidden guard around His Highness, you are our boss, you have failed ,what should we do?"

Night Breeze sighed again, and said, "So what about the most powerful hidden guard? It didn't take that long to get into a person's heart, and it wasn't completely successful. But, I think I'm such a bastard."

"Why are you an asshole again?" Wu Qiao was even more puzzled, "Brother Ye, are you sick? Do you want to call a doctor?"

Night Breeze didn't care what Wu Qiao was saying, and said to himself, "It's great that she has friends. I should be happy for her, but now I have a weird heart. Damn me, damn me!"

"I don't think you deserve to die. You should have a drink or two." Wu Qiao said, then reached out to pull Ye Feng, and said, "Brother Ye, get up, and go drink with you. After drinking, everything will be fine."

Night Breeze sat up abruptly and said, "Let's go."

"Alright!" Wu Qiao followed carelessly.

When he arrived at the restaurant, he drank all afternoon until it was dark. He was so drunk that he was helped back by Wu Qiao.

As soon as he pushed open the door to the backyard, Night Breeze stumbled and bumped into a person.

Wu Qiao took a look, "Sister Leng?"

Hearing this address, Night Breeze raised his head, his eyes were confused, only to see a woman in white standing in front of him, looking at him leisurely with crystal-like eyes.

Seeing that something was wrong with the atmosphere, Wu Qiao hurriedly said, "Brother Ye, Sister Leng, I'm leaving first, you guys tell me." After saying that, he left quickly, leaving Ye Feng and Leng Mei standing there.

"Hehe..." Night Breeze smiled, hiccupped, and said, "Xiaomei, you haven't slept yet, it's late, hurry up, go and rest, take a good rest, and your body will recover soon. "

Looking at him with cold eyebrows, he asked about the strong smell of alcohol on his body, and said, "If His Highness finds out about the smell of alcohol, it would be strange if he didn't punish you."

"Hehe..." Night Breeze smiled silly again, stretched out his hand, wanted to touch her face but retracted it, and said, "I'm fine, Your Highness only cares about the princess now, I'm free... Hehe .”

Looking at him with cold eyebrows, he suddenly sighed slightly, walked in, raised his hand, wiped the wine from the corner of his lips, and said, "Fool, of course you are the most important person."

"..." Night Breeze was taken aback, and he raised his head. The wine suddenly woke up more than half, his eyes stared at her tightly, and his eyes suddenly turned red, "You, what are you talking about?"

Leng Mei sighed softly, pinched his ears with both hands, and said, "Fool, of course you are the most important person."

She said it again, clearly, Ye Feng's tears fell down, and she looked at Leng Mei seriously, "Yes, I'm a fool, I'm the biggest fool in the world."

Seeing him crying non-stop, Leng Mei felt dizzy, "If I knew you were crying, I wouldn't have said it."

"Don't cry, don't cry, just say it, say it again, say it again." Night Breeze burst into tears, wrapped his eyebrows coldly, and asked her to say it again.

"I won't say any more!" Leng Mei turned and left.

Night Breeze immediately followed her like a puppy, wagging his tail. He was already half awake from the wine, and wrapped around her behind, saying, "Little sister, my dear little sister, please tell me, please, please tell me again." Do it again, or I won't be able to sleep tonight..."

With cold brows and pursed lips, without saying anything, a smile secretly appeared on the corner of his lips.

"Little eyebrow..." Night Breeze held her arm with both hands, stuck to her body, shaking.


Imperial Palace, Rongyuan Hall.

Sijiu trotted in, knelt on the ground, lowered his voice, and said happily, "Princess Guchun is here!"

After hearing this, Feng Jue immediately put down the brush in his hand, stood up, and asked excitedly, "Really?"

"Really! It's in Shouning Hall." Sijiu said happily.

Only he knew how much the emperor wanted to see the princess these days, but because of his status, he couldn't leave the palace casually, so he was very uncomfortable.

"Hurry over and have a look." Feng Jue ran out impatiently.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, manners, manners!" Sijiu hurriedly shouted.

Feng Jue was stunned for a moment, and looked around. There were many slaves, and then he slowed down, with a serious expression on his face, and walked out of Rongyuan Hall.

But when he got to a place where there was no one, Feng Jue immediately started running quickly, his heart was like a blossoming of joy, he really wanted to see her right away!

At this moment, Shouning Hall.

Princess An Guo was talking to the Empress Dowager, Lian Lingyue was sitting on a chair, apparently listening to the Empress Dowager and Princess An Guo talking, but she couldn't help leaning forward slightly, and couldn't help but look outside.

The Empress Dowager didn't pay attention, but Princess An watched her every move.

"The emperor is here." At this moment, a voice suddenly came from outside.

Hearing this voice, Lingyue's eyes shone with light, and a smile appeared on his face.

After a while, I saw Feng Jue's figure walking in, wearing a bright yellow dragon robe.

Everyone hurriedly knelt down and said, "I pay homage to the emperor, long live the emperor."

Feng Jue looked over, and his eyes fell on Ling Yue's face, and the corners of his lips could not help but twitched. At this time, Ling Yue also raised her head quietly, their eyes met in mid-air, and they smiled lightly at the same time.

"Cough..." He coughed lightly and said, "Get up."

Ling Yue hurriedly lowered her head, covered her mouth with her hands, and secretly laughed, noticing her smile, Feng Jue's face turned slightly red.

He walked up to the Empress Dowager, bowed and said, "Meet the Empress Dowager."

The Empress Dowager nodded and said, "The emperor came here when he was free, and he was so filial that the Ai family saw it."

So, Feng Jue sat down and chatted with the Empress Dowager and Princess An, and Lingyue sat aside, not saying much, but kept secretly looking at Feng Jue.

But Feng Jue seemed to have strong concentration at the beginning, and never looked at her again, sometimes answering the questions of the Empress Dowager, and sometimes asking a question or two.

However, when he got to the back, he couldn't help it anymore, and glanced at Ling Yue from time to time, this kind of sneaky look, it would be nice to take a second look, which made the two of them clearly look like two young boys and girls in love, beautiful Extremely.

Finally, about half an hour passed, Princess An got up, bowed to the emperor, and said, "Your Majesty, the Empress Dowager should rest."

So, Feng Jue stood up and said, "If that's the case, I'll go back first, so that Grandmother can rest."

"Lingyue, send the emperor off." Princess An Guo said.

When Lingyue heard this, she raised her head, took a quick look at Feng Jue, lowered her head and said, "Yes, mother, Your Majesty, I will send you out."

"Very good." Feng Jue said.

So, Feng Jue and Ling Yue walked out one after the other.

After the two walked away, the Empress Dowager said, "The Ai family can see your thoughts."

Princess An showed a smile on her face, and said, "You can't hide anything from your mother, what does your mother think?"

"The Ai family knows that you want to use Ling Yue'er to consolidate your power so as to ensure that the Princess Mansion will not decline for a long time, but the Ai family always feels that...even though she calls you mother, she is still not your own. Don't worry, the person her heart is most towards is her sister Lian Siyue. If Lian Siyue can't be on the same side with you, she will definitely favor her own sister and sacrifice you. You can think about all these The Empress Dowager said, "That Lian Siyue is not an ordinary person, think about that day, even though she saved Aijia's life, when you Aijia think of her methods, her ruthlessness, the whole person will be shocked Feel shuddering."

(End of this chapter)

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