First-class daughter

Chapter 1405 Stranger

Chapter 1405 Stranger

Chapter 1405 Stranger

"Mother, however, if Lian Siyue didn't have such ruthlessness, you and I, mother and daughter, would have died in Feng Ye's hands long ago. Now the entire Great Zhou Dynasty is in a bloody storm. Fortunately, with her, we can save To be ruthless, not necessarily because of being ruthless, but for survival, to protect the people around you, in fact, your daughter is also a ruthless person, isn't she?" Princess An said.

"What you said makes sense, but the emperor is the son of heaven, and he deserves someone better. In my opinion, Gu Chun is still not worthy of the emperor. Why don't you go and recognize a daughter? I think Prince Yi The eldest daughter of the family is not bad, this Guchun, she can be a favorite concubine, let alone the queen." The empress dowager said thinking in her heart.

"Mother, what the emperor likes is the best." Princess An Guo said.

The empress dowager was taken aback.

"There is a saying that twisted melons are not sweet. If the emperor doesn't like it, if you have to give it to him personally, it will only make him resentful. No matter how long it takes, he will not change his mind. Instead, he will miss the one who owed it even more. In one point, my daughter has experienced more than 20 years in her own life, and I understand this feeling too well." Princess An Guo said, a dimness flashed in her eyes, and she couldn't help thinking of Xue Renfu who met at the gate of Zhengyang that day.

The Empress Dowager understood what Princess An Guo was talking about, so she picked up the tea bowl and stopped talking.

Outside the Shouning Hall.

Feng Jue walked ahead with her hands behind her back, Ling Yue nodded slightly and stood aside, followed by a group of eunuchs, court ladies and guards, the whole journey was quiet, only the sound of footsteps.

He couldn't help turning his head and looking at the girl next to him, a faint smile couldn't help but appear on the corner of his lips: she was like a shy flower, waiting for him to pick it.

Suddenly, he stretched out his hand and touched Lingyue's hand. Lingyue was startled when she felt the heat, looked around quickly, and retracted her hand, but there was a sweet thump in her heart.

"Cough..." Feng Jue put his hand to his lips and coughed lightly.

Sijiu understood, turned around to the servants, and said, "There are some things you need to do, step back and follow me."

"Yes." Everyone turned around and left with Si Jiuyi.

Seeing that everyone was walking away, Feng Jue walked up to Ling Yue in two steps, grabbed her hand, and said excitedly like a child, "Eleventh, you are finally here, I miss you, miss you You can't sleep every night thinking about it."

When Lingyue heard this, her face became slightly hot, she looked into his eyes and said, "Your Majesty, I miss you too."

Hearing what she said, Feng Jue was overjoyed, so he put his little hands in them and said, "I'm so happy when you say that, Eleven, you and Princess An will stay in the palace for a longer time , come and accompany me every day, okay?"

At this moment, Feng Jue, except for the bright yellow dragon robe on his body, does not look like an emperor. Instead, he is like the boy Lian Jue from before, when he talked to Ling Yue, he was a little cautious, for fear of offending her. of.

"Yeah!" Ling Yue nodded, blushing.

"That's great!" Feng Jue stepped forward suddenly, picked up Ling Yue, and stood on the spot circling.

"Ah!" Lingyue was taken aback, and quickly wrapped his arms around his neck. After a face full of panic, she smiled shyly, buried her face in his neck, and said in a low voice, "I feel good too." .”

Feng Jue stopped, put Lingyue back on the ground again, looked at her with a pair of fiery eyes, suddenly lowered her head and kissed her lips, Lingyue was startled, her eyes widened slightly.

Feng Jue's movements were still a little jerky, even still testing, Ling Yue was hugged in his arms, her hands secretly wrapped around his waist, passively welcoming his kiss.

After a long time, he finally stopped kissing, holding Lingyue's rosy face in both hands, with a hint of shyness on his face, but his eyes were still hot, and he said, "Eleventh, we have worshiped and married. Yes, you are already my wife, you haven't forgotten, have you?"

Lingyue's eyes trembled slightly, and she said, "I still remember, Your Majesty."

"That's good." With a satisfied smile on Feng Jue's face, he said, "Don't worry, after the first three months, the ministers will also start urging me to establish a queen, and when the time comes, I will directly say that I want to establish you." Why, now that you are the daughter of Princess An, no one else has anything to say, if someone really makes irresponsible remarks, then I will fix them well, and no one can say anything about my eleventh."

Listening to Lian Jue's words, Ling Yue couldn't help but pounding in her heart, feeling sweet, but for some reason, this sweet feeling was so unreliable.

"Let's go, are you hungry? I'll take you to eat something delicious." Feng Jue took Ling Yue's hand and started running in the palace.

Two young faces ran forward against the wind, their faces full of wanton youth and beauty.

And at this time, a pair of dim eyes fell on Ling Yue's blooming face from a distance.

"Prince, didn't this princess lie to you? She said she wanted to go back to Mobei with you to be a princess, but now she is happy with the emperor. In my opinion, Princess An is not a good person. She said she would give you an answer." , ready to get married, but brought the princess to the palace." said the accompanying guard.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Wei Lang reprimanded in a low voice.

"Yes." The guard closed his mouth.

Wei Lang turned around and left here with a gloomy expression on his face.

Feng Jue brought Lingyue to the Rongyuan Hall, and took her to sit in front of the table. Lingyue saw that the table was full of delicious food, such as rabbits with scallions, minced meat pancakes, sharks cooked twice, golden belly soup, Order sheep's head, crispy tendons, goose pear, black plum, fried ginkgo fruit...

There are also some exquisite and delicious pastries, which are crystal clear, which will increase your appetite just by looking at them.

"Eat quickly." Feng Jue pressed a lot and put it in front of her, urging.

Lingyue couldn't bear it any longer when she saw these foods. As soon as Feng Jue said it, she began to eat happily. Feng Jue looked at her with a smile and said, "You are delicious, I am going to review The memorial is over."

After he took office, he was diligent and reviewed a large number of memorials every day, and he had to do everything by himself. He had a very good memory. He remembered every order he conveyed clearly. Once he found any official who was slack, he would point it out and punish him when he went to court. , or downgrade their posts, or fine their salaries. In this way, all the ministers are extremely cautious, for fear that they will be named by the court.

Feng Jue got up, went to the back of the desk, looked up at Ling Yue who was opposite, she was having a good meal, he smiled, and began to review the memorial.

In this way, while reviewing the memorial, watching her eat without being disturbed by anyone, I felt a sweet and happy feeling in my heart.

Lingyue had a good meal at Fengjue's place, and later, ministers were going to come to him to discuss government affairs, Lingyue left Rongyuan Hall, Fengjue was a little reluctant, and whispered in her ear, "Tomorrow I'm still looking for you."

"En!" Ling Yue nodded, and left the Rongyuan Hall before the ministers arrived.

Originally Fengjue was given by Sijiu, but Lingyue said that the palace is very familiar, so there is no need to give it away, she eats a lot, so it happened to be a walk.

"Princess..." When she walked to the imperial garden, a voice suddenly came.

She froze for a moment, turned her head suddenly, and saw Wei Lang standing opposite, "Prince Wei Lang? Are you here?"

Wei Lang nodded and said, "I wanted to meet the emperor and tell him about my plan to return to Mobei, but he is too busy."

Lingyue's heart trembled slightly, and she squeezed the edge of her sleeve.

"Princess, your late emperor has passed away. Does the agreement between you and him and me still count?" Wei Lang asked.

Lingyue paused, and said, "Of course, it counts. I haven't forgotten. You can rest assured. After all, I was the one who took the initiative to find you."

After hearing this, Wei Lang showed a smile on his face, and said, "That's good, I haven't gotten any response from Princess An, and I thought this matter was over."

"Mother?" Ling Yue was slightly taken aback, and said, "Have you seen my mother?"

As soon as Wei Lang heard Lingyue's reaction, he knew that Princess An Guo hadn't told Lingyue about his going to the princess mansion that day.

"Princess, I only remember what you said to me. I don't care about other people's words. There are still a few days left. The princess is ready, and we will set off together when the time comes." Wei Lang said.

"..." Ling Yue nodded.

"Then I'll take my leave first." Wei Lang turned and left.

Lingyue stood where she was, feeling empty in her heart. She turned her head to look in the direction of the Rongyuan Hall, and saw the courtiers

(End of this chapter)

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