First-class daughter

Chapter 1406 Find a way out

Chapter 1406 Find a way out
Chapter 1406 Find a way out
Father is dead.

Then there is no one in this world who can help him recover his identity, and Feng Qianyue will die forever.

Father, how did you die?

Didn't Wu Yong say that the father's body is already fine, as long as he pays attention to maintaining a good mood, he can live for a long time.

Why did it suddenly collapse?
The news came so suddenly that he couldn't recover for a long time.

However, he didn't feel much sadness, just a little melancholy, because he was never close to the emperor.

Later, when he found out that he was born not from a slut, but from his favorite girl, he didn't feel too much. After all, he had a hard and tiring life when he was a child. Those who wait for him to know the truth have already experienced vicissitudes.

"Who is the new emperor?" After a while, he asked tightly.

"The new emperor is Zhou Rendi, who is the original eleventh prince, King Ming'an." Yaotong said.

"It turned out to be him?" The person chosen by the emperor was him?

A man who grew up among the people turned out to be an emperor.

Hehe, everyone was guessing between Feng Ye and Feng Yunzheng, but they didn't expect that it would be Feng Jue, a brat.

"Is there any other news?" Feng Qianyue asked, as the new emperor ascends the throne, there will definitely be major events in the palace, which is a common practice.

"Yes, His Highness the Sixth Highness died unexpectedly, and His Highness the Eighth Highness contracted a serious illness and also passed away." Yaotong said.

"What? Both of them died?" Feng Qianyue was even more shocked.

In his memory, Feng Yu was an unrestrained and unrestrained person, and he had never participated in any battles. This dispute between princes must have nothing to do with him. Others don't understand why his accidental death was an accident, but he I know, there must be something ulterior in this, but the palace will not announce it to the outside world.

And what about Feng Ye?It is even more impossible for him to die casually. He has always been a powerful heir to the throne.

After hearing these news, although he was not in the palace, Feng Qianyue could also feel the thrilling battle. He could imagine what kind of means these people went through before they ascended the throne and died.

But it was obvious that Feng Jue was the winner, while Feng Ye... lost.

But at the same time, he also lost the chance to recover his identity forever. In this world, apart from the two people around him, only his father knew that he was alive.

"Wu Yong..." he called out.

"My lord." Wu Yong walked in. He was also shocked when he heard the news of the emperor's death.

"When Royal Father asked you to take me out of the palace, did you tell me anything?" Feng Qianyue asked.

"The emperor just said, let me take the young master away from the palace, the farther the better, and report the news to the emperor when I settle down, and when the time is right, I will let the young master return to the capital and arrange an identity or official position for the young master. So that the young master can be close to him. For the rest, nothing has been said." Wu Yong said.

"It's just that the emperor has passed away now, and everyone thinks that the young master has...then what the emperor said at the beginning is too much to do. Young master, we have to find another way out."

A flash of thought flashed in Feng Qianyue's eyes. In this way, Emperor Father has already thought about how to arrange the rest of his life.

But now, his father is dead, so he has to arrange the rest of his life by himself.

How should I live the rest of my life?

Feng Qianyue looked at the master and apprentice in front of him indifferently. His father was dead, and the drug boy was ignorant. He did whatever he was asked to do. He didn't know his identity, but only knew that he was a son who needed to be taken good care of.

In other words, Wu Yong is the only person in this world who knows his identity.

Wu Yong read a hint of danger from Feng Qianyue's eyes, his heart trembled, he quickly knelt down, and said, "Young master, don't worry, I must keep my mouth shut. I used to serve the emperor, and now I will serve you. There is only one son and one master."

Yaotong didn't understand the undercurrent between the young master and the master. He only knew that when the master knelt down, he would also kneel down, "Young master, I will continue to serve you."

Feng Qianyue nodded, as if nothing had happened, with a smile on her face, she said, "From now on, I will only have you two as master and apprentice, let's live a good life."

"Yes, son, follow orders." Wu Yong and Yaotong said.

"Is my face all healed?" Feng Qianyue asked, reaching out to touch his face, and asked.

Wu Yong slightly raised his head and glanced at his face, and said, "Young Master, don't worry, this face is not a human skin mask, but a real face. This face will belong to you for the rest of your life, and there will be no more problems."

Feng Qianyue nodded and said, "Very good."

"My lord, you have such a pretty face." Yaotong looked at his face obsessively and said.

Feng Qianyue stretched out her hand to touch it, and said, "Really? In fact, my original face is the only one that looks good."

His appearance is also one of the best in the capital, although it is not as stunning as Feng Yunzheng, but there are also many women who are addicted to his skin and let him order

"Really? It's a pity that I didn't see the young master's original appearance." Yaotong felt a little regretful.

"You're the only one talking too much!" Wu Yong said quickly, because he was worried that Feng Qianyue would care.

"It doesn't matter, it's good for him to talk about it, otherwise, I will also forget what I look like. To be honest, when I think about my previous appearance now, it's a little fuzzy." Feng Qianyue said.

"If the young master is afraid of forgetting his appearance, why don't you draw it?" Yaotong said.

Feng Qianyue smiled, stretched out his hand to flick the bullet boy's forehead, and said, "That's a good idea."

After hearing this, Wu Yong hesitated, and said, "Master, why don't you forget about it."

Feng Qianyue listened, her hands trembled slightly.

"It's the safest thing to forget to guess yourself. If you paint it and let it out, you will be exposed, and it will bring you a disaster." Wu Yong said.

Feng Qianyue slowly lowered his hand holding the ink pen, yes, he must forget himself, "You are right, I still remember what to do, I will never come back, remembering will only add to the sadness. "

Seeing that Feng Qianyue was shaken, Wu Yong gave Yaotong a hard look, and scolded in a low voice, "If you talk too much, you will spoil the business of your son. I will skin you and send you back to continue picking shit!"

"Understood, I'm just curious." Yaotong said, muttering.

Wu Yong glared at him again, and then asked, "My lord, what should we do now? Should we continue to stay in Qizhou?" Wu Yong asked.

"Open a clinic." Feng Qianyue said.

"Open a clinic?"

"When we run out of money, when we are short of money, hungry and cold, it is better to start thinking about ways to make a living now."

(End of this chapter)

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