First-class daughter

Chapter 1408 Where Did She Come From?

Chapter 1408 Where Did She Come From?
Chapter 1408 Where Did She Come From?
Immediately, his eyes lit up, he quickly stood up straight, and looked straight at the little girl in front of him, pink and white, with a small cherry mouth, very pretty.

"Brother, it's not okay to stare at the little girl like this!" The proprietress waved her hand and said with a smile.

Yaotong came back to his senses suddenly, and asked, "Miss Boss, where was that little beggar just now?"

You can't patronize the little girl and forget about the little beggar instead.

"Isn't it right in front of you?" The proprietress said with a smile, "So she is such a pretty little girl."

Yaotong's eyes widened, he looked at her in disbelief, and said, "It's really you?"

"It's me, little brother." The little girl nodded and said, she found that this little brother is also quite interesting.

However, the most important thing is not him, but the uncle who saved him.

"Brother, can you take me to see the uncle? I have something to say to him." The little girl nodded slightly and said.

"Okay, you come with me." The drug boy found that although she was a beggar, she was very well-mannered. After tidying up and dressing up, she looked more like a child from a wealthy family, not like one who grew up begging.

"Thank you." The little girl followed the drug boy all the way to the east wing, and the drug boy reminded him in a low voice as he walked, "Our young master is indifferent and doesn't like to talk very much. You must not be noisy and offend him. , you will be driven away."

"Brother, do you think it's possible for me to stay?" the little girl asked.

"This..." Yaotong shook his head and said, "I can't make the decision, it depends on the young master's wishes, but if you can stay, I won't hate you." Yaotong said, hehe Laughed.

The little girl lowered her head, pursed her lips and said nothing, thinking of the uncle's appearance just now, she still felt timid in her heart.

However, he was the first person who was willing to help her. No matter what, he had to let him take him in so that he would not be bullied by others. She was still too young to have a heart that didn't want to be bullied.

It's just that she doesn't know what kind of person she is here now. She saw this face in the bronze mirror just now, and it looks beautiful, even more beautiful than her original appearance.

Such a person is not like a real beggar.

Thinking about it, she had already reached the door of the east wing. The drug boy knocked on the door and shouted respectfully, "Master, this girl has already cleaned up."

"Clean up, let's send some money away." However, unexpectedly, the people inside seemed very indifferent, and had no intention of seeing the little girl again.

When the little girl heard this, her heart sank to the bottom of the valley. She hurriedly took two steps forward, lay down on the horse and said, "Uncle, Uncle, open the door. I have something to say to you. Open the door."

However, no matter what she said, the door was always closed and never opened.

Seeing this, Yaotong was afraid that Feng Qian would get angry, so he quickly grabbed her sleeves and said, "Stop shouting, you've annoyed the young master, I'm afraid you'll lose the clothes and money on your body, since the young master refuses to meddle in your affairs , I think you should go first."

"But..." But she didn't know where to go.

"Hush!" Yaotong put his finger on his hand and said, "Stop arguing, I think you'd better go first, and think of a way later, my son's temper is a bit weird, you can't force it."

"Okay." The little girl looked at the door frame in disappointment and said, "But, I won't let it go."

Yaotong led the little girl out of the East Wing.

"Brother, what's the name of this place?" The little girl asked suddenly.

Yaotong was taken aback, "You are begging here, don't you know what this place is?"

The little girl was stunned for a moment, guilt flashed in her eyes, she touched her head, and said, "I, I was beaten on the head, and I don't remember some things."

"Oh, so you don't even remember your family?" Yaotong asked curiously.


A dimness flashed in the eyes of the little girl, sadness appeared on her face, and she whispered, "I only know my mother."

"Your mother? Since you know your mother, why don't you go to find her? Do you want me to help you? I run errands for my son every day, so I can help you find someone." Yaotong felt that the little girl was very Poor, but somewhat mysterious.

The little girl shook her head and said, "You can't find it, she's not here."

"Then where is she?" Yaotong asked, "You and your mother got lost? Were you kidnapped? Or, she, she doesn't want you anymore?"

"No." The little girl shook her head, with tears in her eyes, and said, "She is also very pitiful. She didn't want me, but she should be in Kyoto now. I don't know what life she is living now. Even if she sees me, she You won't even recognize me..."

Yaotong Yue Tingyue couldn't understand, "Why doesn't my mother remember me? Don't worry, when I see you, I will definitely recognize you. It's a family relationship."

"I hope." The little girl said with a sigh.

The drug boy looked at her really pitifully, so a cleverness flashed in his eyes, and he said, "Yes, I have a solution. I don't need to ask my young master for help, and I can give you a shelter."

"What way?" The little girl asked quickly, with excitement on her face.

"Come on, come with me!" Yaotong pulled the little girl's sleeve and found the proprietress of the inn.

When the proprietress heard Yaoboy shaking her head, she waved her hands again and again, and said, "That's not okay, this little girl looks delicate and weak, she has never suffered, how can she do the rough work of coming to the inn, don't play around with me, You go now."

"I have endured hardships! I can endure hardships!" The little girl immediately raised her hand to assure her that she has really suffered a lot, and she still...

Seeing the proprietress' refusal, Yaotong said quickly, "I can help too. If she can't do what you want her to do, I'll help her."

"But..." The proprietress still hesitated.

Seeing this, the little girl lowered her head, took off a gold lock hanging around her neck, put it in the hands of the proprietress, and said, "Leave me here to help, I don't want any wages, and I will give you this thing, but if you want Give me food, let me have a place to sleep, you can't drive me away tomorrow if you regret it, but take me in until I want to go."

The proprietress looked at the golden lock, her eyes glowed.

"You can take a look at the craftsmanship of this lock. It is of excellent quality and very valuable." The little girl said with a very firm tone.

The drug boy looked at her, and suddenly felt a little strange. Sometimes she was so smart that she didn't look like a ten-year-old girl, and she even knew how to read gold and silver crafts.

"Okay, you little guy, you're pretty good at bargaining, so let's do it! You stay, just sweep the floor, wipe the table, and listen carefully when the guests ask for something, so you don't make a mistake." The proprietress bit Take a bite of this golden lock, and it's a deal!

(End of this chapter)

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