First-class daughter

Chapter 1409 Marrying a wife and having children in a dream

Chapter 1409 Marrying a wife and having children in a dream
Chapter 1409 Marrying a wife and having children in a dream
"I'm mainly responsible for the things in his son's room." The little girl said.

The proprietress was taken aback for a moment, and then she laughed randomly, "It turns out that you are really a little elf, Cheng, if you want something from the young master, I will let you deliver it."

"Good!" The little girl finally smiled happily.

"Great!" The drug boy was about to jump up happily.

The little girl was also very happy, and walked out with the medicine boy.

"By the way, what's your name?" Yaotong suddenly remembered and asked, "When I see you in the future, I must have a name."

"My name is..." She thought for a while and said, "Isn't my head broken? I don't remember what my name is, but I can give myself a name."

"What name do you want?" Yaotong asked.

"Le Yan, call me Le Yan." The little girl said.

"Le Yan?" Yaotong blinked, nodded, and said, "The name Le Yan sounds nice, so I will call you Le Yan from now on."

"Okay." The little girl finally breathed a sigh of relief, "Brother, thank you for finding a way for me, you won't be punished by your son."

"No, don't worry, no matter how generous my son is, I can do whatever I want at ordinary times." Yaotong said.

"What are you doing here? Did you do what the young master ordered you to do?" At this moment, a rough voice came.

Yaotong saw it, got up quickly, and said, "Master, I'm here." Then he lowered his voice and said to the little girl, "Miss Leyan, I'm leaving first. If you need my help, we are right here Meet."

"Okay!" Le Yan nodded vigorously, watching Yaotong walk away, she let out a sigh of relief, looked around, but felt confused.

This is Qizhou. The little brother said just now that it takes more than 20 days to drive from Kyoto.

How is she going back?Really begging all the way?However, she didn't know which direction to go, she was very scared.
She looked down at the wound on her hand, it hurt so much, what if she met someone who bullied her like this today and was beaten to death?
At the age of ten, she simply does not have the ability to go back to Kyoto safely by herself. She needs someone to help her.

Not only did she want to go back, she also had to go back safely, because she wanted to tell her mother not to be with her father, and to beware of her aunt and her biological mother.

But what to do?

She was very anxious, but there was nothing she could do.

She walked to the small chair in the yard and sat down, feeling a sense of desolation in her heart.

Thinking about what happened to her in the past, she trembled all over, and tears fell down her face.

It's a nightmare!
A nightmare that made her terrified whenever she thought about it.

"Mother, what are you like now? In this life, you will never know that there is such a person as Le Yan, right? Mother, are you happy? Mother, I miss you so much, I miss you so much what……"

She whispered in her mouth, under the moonlight, her thin back looked very lonely.

Feng Qianyue stood by the door, her eyes fell on the child's back from afar.

Strange, how could this child's back give him a familiar feeling?It seems to be very similar to someone, and it seems to have seen it somewhere.

His world seemed to be getting more and more chaotic.

"Master..." Yaotong walked over cautiously and called out.

Feng Qianyue glanced at him indifferently, and said, "You can make up your own mind!"

Yaotong said resentfully, "I think she is really pitiful, but I can't disturb the young master. I can only remind her to ask the proprietress to take him in. Who knows that she is very clever, and the proprietress immediately agreed. Young master, I am not violating your promise." Order."

"You glib guy, mind your own business!" Feng Qianyue said, then turned and went back to the wing.

The drug boy chuckled, and finally passed the test, the young master didn't blame him.


He looked up into the yard again, only to find that the little girl, Le Yan, was gone.He was taken aback, and hurried over, only to realize that she was just going back to her room.

this evening.

Feng Qianyue dreamed again, a long and strange dream.

In the dream, I had a daughter, and the daughter was beautiful, cute, cute and lovable.

But every time the child sees him, his eyes dodge, timidly, and he refuses to look at him. In his opinion, these eyes seem to understand a lot of things, which makes him feel like he has nothing to hide. It even made him feel irritable, so he wished to stay away from her.

Anyway, he didn't like the child's mother, so he didn't like the child either.

"Ah..." He sat up suddenly, sweating profusely, and even his clothes were soaked.

After a long while, I finally came back to my senses and realized that this was another dream.

What the hell happened to him?
How did he live out two worlds, one is the self in real life, and the other is the self in the dream. ,
In the dream, she got entangled with Lian Siyue, got married, and even gave birth to a child, and the child became so old in a flash.

On the contrary, the world in the dream is more like the real world, while the real world is more like a fake.

He rubbed his temples, sat up, put on a cloak, pushed open the door and walked into the yard.

The moonlight in the sky is like this, reflecting on the ground, and the whole body is quiet.

"Woooooo..." At this time, he suddenly heard a suppressed cry. It was the cry of a child. Although the sound was very small, he could hear it clearly. The child was crying very sad. There is also a fear.

Not knowing what he was guided by, he followed the crying sound and walked over. In the end, the source of the crying sound was in a woodshed.

Is there anyone in the woodshed?
He walked over and gently opened the door of the firewood room, only to see a little girl fell asleep lying on the firewood stack, and it was she who was crying.

He saw that there were wounds on her forehead and hands, he was slightly taken aback, this is the little beggar during the day?

She is good-looking, if it weren't for the injuries on her body, she wouldn't have recognized it all at once.

At this moment, she looked like an abandoned person, curled up into a ball, trembling all over, without a single blanket or sheet on her body.

"Mother, mother, father is a wicked person, don't believe him, don't believe him, he is a wicked person..." She cried and murmured over and over again, so eager and sad.

"You hate your father so much? What on earth did he do to make you curse in your dreams..." Feng Qianyue looked at the people on the ground, tears streaming down her cheeks. teardrop

A gust of wind chased in, and the person on the ground turned over and hugged his body more tightly, and he also felt the coolness.

Feng Qianyue looked at her for a while, took off the cloak on her body, covered her body, and walked out.

(End of this chapter)

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