Chapter 1410 Uncle Jiuhuang is the best
Chapter 1410 Uncle Jiuhuang is the best
the next morning.

The sky was pale, and the sound of roosters crowing came from outside, and the people in the inn also started to work.

"Father, don't!"

The little man who was sleeping in the firewood room suddenly sat up from the pile of firewood, sweating profusely, clutching the big cloak on his body tightly, panting heavily, with a slapped face full of panic .

After a while of confusion, she realized that she was no longer in the palace of the Hun King, and there were no such terrible people around her.

Only then did she breathe a sigh of relief, raised her hand to touch the sweat on her forehead, shrank her small body back a little, her big eyes couldn't help being moist, and she called Nan Nan:

"Mother, mother, Le Yan will definitely find you, don't let you be cheated by father again, God, please, don't let mother meet father again, please..."

She had a nightmare again, dreaming of the Changchun Palace, the palace maids who bent over and filed in with trays in their hands, and the eunuchs with high-pitched voices.

In the dream, that terrible scene reappeared.

The mother, who has followed her father to the throne and mothered the world, hugged her in her arms, took a rouge-colored bead flower from the tray in the hand of the maid, put it on her head, and said with a smile, " Le Yan looks really good-looking."

"It's the queen mother who looks good..." She raised a pair of small hands, touched the large scar on her mother's face, and said.

How beautiful my mother used to be. In order to save her father, she was scratched by a bear and left a scar on her face.

Mother smiled and said, "Only Le Yan thinks I look good, how ugly I am."

"Not ugly, my mother is the most beautiful person." Le Yan said firmly and seriously.

"Hehe..." Mother smiled and said, "Le Yan is Mother's caring little padded jacket. Mother feels very happy when she has Le Yan."

"Mother..." Le Yan hesitated to speak.

"What's the matter, child?" Mother asked.

"Father doesn't want us now, he hasn't been to Changchun Palace for a long time, he only likes Auntie, doesn't he like us?" She said sadly.

She felt her mother's body tremble, and then hugged her tightly, and said, "No, you are your father's first child, and he likes you most, so he won't want us."

"However, I heard those servants say yesterday that my aunt is favored and is about to conceive a dragon seed. Once she gives birth to a child, I, the eldest princess, will be worthless. Is that true?" She asked naively road.

"Who said that? No, Le Yan, don't believe these words. Your father, your father is the emperor, and your mother is the master of the harem. She is busy with affairs and doesn't have so much time to take care of him. He also needs someone It is good for your aunt to do her best for him." Mother said, but her eyes were clearly filled with sadness.

"However, father said before that he would repay his mother well, and you will be the only one in this life." Xiao Leyan said stubbornly.

"Stupid child, father is not an ordinary person, he is the king of a country, he, he..."

"But, if it's Uncle Nine Emperors, it won't be like this..." Le Yan glanced at her mother and said in a low voice.

Uncle Nine Emperors?
She found that when her mother heard the name of Uncle Nine Emperors, a dim light flashed in her eyes...

"Queen, I really like Uncle Nine Emperors. It would be great if he was my father." She said innocently.

"Le Yan!" Upon hearing this, Mother immediately covered her mouth with her hand, lowered her voice, and said seriously, "Never say this kind of thing again! Hurry up and promise Mother that you will never say this kind of thing again Yes! No, you can’t even think about it, understand?”

"Why? I just like Uncle Nine Emperors. He also said that Xiao Leyan should not marry casually in the future. If he wants to marry a good family, he will help me look after him. If he thinks it is good, I will marry again. Father Emperor will never say these things to me ..." She didn't understand anything, so she said what she wanted to say.

"Le Yan!" The mother seemed very anxious, even a little scared, "The wall has ears, it's no longer like being in the Prince Yue's mansion now, if the queen mother doesn't let you say it, you must not say it, understand?"

"Well, Le Yan won't say anything from now on." She nodded and said.



"Knock knock knock..."

When she was thinking about it, there was a knock on the door, she came back to her senses and stood up quickly.

When I got up, I realized that I was covered with a big cloak? , she was taken aback, touched, "Where did this come from?"

"Knock knock..."

At this moment, the door rang again.

She walked over and opened the door——

"Le Yan, come quickly, there are no customers yet, I brought you two steamed buns."

It turned out that it was the little brother who helped her yesterday. She had a smile on her face, and when she saw the white and fat steamed buns in the little brother's hand, which were still steaming, her stomach growled.

"Thank you, little brother." Le Yan took the steamed bun with both hands, put it on the tip of her nose and smelled it.

It's so good, you can still smell the white flour steamed buns.

"Eat it quickly, if it's not enough, I'll steal it from our young master." The medicine boy urged.

"Steal?" Le Yan's steamed buns stopped as soon as they reached her mouth.

"Hey..." Yaotong rubbed his ears embarrassingly, and said, "I exaggerated, it's my son's ration, I brought two here, don't worry, he won't find it, you want it today Help with work, if you don’t eat a little bit, you won’t have the strength to do things.”

Le Yan looked at the drug boy in front of her, feeling very touched.

When she was in the Huns, many people bullied her, beat her, her nose was bruised and her face was swollen, and the Queen of the Huns took revenge on her, but she didn't meet anyone who treated her well.

Now this little brother is simply sent by the Bodhisattva.

"Thank you, little brother, you are a good person, thank you." Le Yan said.

"It's okay, it's okay, you're welcome." Yaotong smiled a little embarrassedly, "Eat quickly, I'm going out with Master today to find a place, the young master plans to open a medical clinic here, and he may not come back until very late " Yaotong said, and approached her ear, "Don't be so honest, learn to be lazy, don't rush to the front to do everything, you know, you are still young, don't wear yourself out."

When Le Yan heard this, she looked at Yaotong with surprise in her eyes.

"Shhh, I should go!" Yaotong saw Wu Yong coming from a distance, and said hastily.

"Okay, little brother." Le Yan nodded seriously.

"By the way, this is for you. Apply it on the wound. This is a good medicine I stole from my master. It will be fine if you wipe your wound a few times." The medicine boy took out another medicine bottle from his chest. , handed it to Le Yan's hand, and said.

Le Yan looked down, and there was still a scar on the back of her hand, which was hit by those little beggars yesterday.

(End of this chapter)

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