First-class daughter

Chapter 1411 Help Me

Chapter 1411 Help Me

Chapter 1411 Help Me

Ever since she was married off to the Xiongnu, she had suffered so many injuries and almost died. She didn't take this little injury to heart.

The little brother remembered, he is really a great good man.

"When I see my mother in the future, I want to tell her that my little brother helped me find a way to eat steamed buns. I must thank my little brother. My mother said that people should know how to repay their kindness. My little brother is my benefactor." .”

Le Yan sat on a rock under the tree with white flour steamed buns, tilted her head and stuffed the steamed buns into her mouth bit by bit.

"It's delicious. I haven't eaten such delicious food for a long time." She said softly, as if the white flour steamed bun in her hand was the most delicious food in the world. You know, she was originally the only princess in the palace. .

As she ate, her eyes fell on the big cloak in the firewood room opposite, and a flash of thought flashed in her eyes.

Feng Qianyue's cold eyes fell on the child from a distance, and his eyes narrowed slightly:

A beggar, but how noble and elegant he is in eating, no different from those little princesses in the palace, even more princess-like than them.

However, such a good-looking little girl hates her father so much, what has she experienced?
"..." At this time, Le Yan finished eating the steamed buns, clapped her hands contentedly, and stood up.

Seeing this, Feng Qianyue flickered, stood in the dark, and walked across from him.

There was nothing to do in the inn in the morning, and Le Yan didn't have much to do, but she was still very nervous, because she had never done such a thing, and she was afraid that if she didn't do it well, she would be driven away, and she would go to be a beggar on the street again.

Therefore, always cheer up and prick up your ears.

She occasionally looked in the direction of the cold-faced young man's wing, but his door was always closed and he didn't come out all morning.

She wanted to find him, but there was no chance.

He was the first person to help her here, and she believed that he would help her, to help her go back to the capital and find her mother!
When it was almost noon, she ran to the dining room and waited. When the younger brother was about to deliver Feng Qianyue's food, she hurried forward and said, "I'll deliver it, the lady boss said yesterday , let me be in charge of the guests in the east wing."

The little second brother glanced at her and said, "Go, go, a girl, who can't walk steadily, why come here to make trouble."

Seeing this, Le Yan hurriedly followed and said, "The proprietress promised me."

The second brother's face darkened, he stretched out his hand to push Le Yan, and said, "You still dare to challenge me?"

Le Yan's feet were unsteady, and she squatted on the ground. Her hand that had been smeared with the medicine was scratched again, and tears were about to flow out of pain.

"Hmph, go away!" The second brother gave her a hard look, and walked past her with the food, not paying attention to her at all.

"You..." Seeing how tall he was, Le Yan didn't dare to confront him, so she could only swallow the bitterness into her mouth, got up from the ground resentfully, touched her sore buttocks, and comforted herself, "It's okay, he may be willing to give it to me at night, it's okay, Feng Leyan! This pain is nothing, it's okay!"

She clapped her hands and walked out of the dining room.

In Feng Qianyue's wing.

With a creak, the door opened, and the second brother bowed and walked over carefully, put the food on the table, bowed, and said, "Master, your food is here, please take it slowly."

The second brother secretly raised his eyes to look at Feng Qianyue, and said, he was standing by the window, wiping a sword. The sword was shining with cold light, his eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a shivering chill in his eyes .

This expression seemed to be thinking about killing someone.

"Slap." The spoon in his hand fell to the ground with a snap.

Feng Qianyue heard the movement, turned around, frowned slightly, showing a displeased expression.

The little second brother was startled, quickly knelt down, and said, "Master, son, I deserve to die, I..."

Feng Qianyue looked behind him, but there was no sign of the child.

"Get out." He said coldly.

"Yes, yes, son!" The second brother was so frightened that his legs went limp.

Feng Qianyue walked over, glanced at the food in front of him, and the figure of that child flashed in his mind.

"Stop." Feng Qianyue said.

"Yes." The second brother quickly stopped in his tracks. He regretted it to death now. He thought that the young man looked rich, and he might give him a reward when he was happy, so he snatched the little girl's work, but he didn't expect , but accidentally angered this son.

"Take all these meals away, and bring some light ones." Feng Qianyue ordered.

"Yes, yes, young master, I'll go right away." The second brother ran out scrambling.

When he saw Le Yan who was wiping the table in front of him, his expression turned cold. When he passed by her, he stuffed the food that Feng Qianyue didn't eat into her hand, and said, "Young master in the east wing doesn't like to eat it." These things, you go to change some light past."

When Le Yan heard it, her face was full of joy, "Okay, I'll go now!"

Great, I have a chance to meet Uncle!

She hurried to the back kitchen, took two light side dishes, held them carefully, stood at the door of the east wing, knocked on the door and walked in.

I saw the uncle sitting in front of the table pouring tea, she lowered her head, walked over, suppressed the excitement in her heart, put the food in front of him, and said, "Uncle, your food is here, eat it quickly Well, it's hot."

Feng Qianyue heard this voice and slowly looked towards her.

When his eyes met hers, he was inexplicably startled, as if something suddenly broke into his face, which made him feel a little guilty

Guilty?He didn't know this child, and yesterday he rescued her for the first time, why did he feel guilty?

"Uncle, don't you want to eat?" Le Yan blinked and asked softly.

Feng Qianyue withdrew her gaze, and said lightly, "Just let it go and go out."

Le Yan heard this, bit her lower lip, stepped forward suddenly, took Feng Qianyue's arm, and said, "Uncle, please help me."

Feng Qianyue frowned slightly, looking at his hands, he didn't like others approaching, especially this child.

Sensing his rejection, Le Yan was taken aback, let go of her hand, took a step back, and said, "Uncle, please help me."

"So many people don't ask, why do you only ask me for help?" Feng Qianyue asked, but her eyes fell on her back, which added another heartache.

"Because uncle is the first person to help me after I came here, and uncle will help me the second time after I come here." Le Yan said, with a serious expression, her big eyes full of expectation.

(End of this chapter)

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