First-class daughter

Chapter 1412 Maltose

Chapter 1412 Maltose

Chapter 1412 Maltose

Feng Qianyue listened, frowned slightly, and said, "Who told you this?"

After all, he was a child, innocent enough to make people laugh, but the daughter who appeared in his dream was also like this, pure and persistent like a fool, as stupid as her mother, so stupid that it made him angry and disgusted.

So, he hated that daughter, and that daughter didn't like him either.

"My mother said so." Le Yan said.

"Your mother?" Feng Qianyue frowned.
"Yes, my mother told me that if one day I can't find her, remember the first person who helped me, follow him closely, and he will find my mother for me." Le Yan firmly believed Mother said, so now I have to do what mother said.

She didn't know at all that now, her mother Lian Siyue would never say such a sentence.

"Hehe." Feng Qianyue smiled lightly, and said, "You are stupid enough, then your mother didn't tell you, who can't find a second time?"

Le Yan nodded blankly, "I don't know, uncle, who can't find a second time?"

"A person like me." Feng Qianyue said, with a trace of decisive coldness in her eyes.

Le Yan was startled.

"Little girl, you have found the wrong person. I am not a nosy person. The first time I shot was purely accidental, and it was mainly because they were too noisy and disturbed me. So, the second time you are looking forward to, There won't be any, give up as soon as possible and let's go." Feng Qianyue said coldly.

"But..." Le Yan's heart sank to the bottom of the valley full of anticipation when she heard it, and she said with tears in her eyes, "Uncle, what do you want, you are willing to help me."

"Go out." Feng Qianyue waved his hand, lowered his head and began to eat, his eyes were cold.

Le Yan was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly felt that the uncle's eyes in front of her were terrifying and familiar, just like her father.

She immediately took a step back, putting her little hands behind her back, did she really find the wrong person?

Is uncle a bad guy too?

She thinks that look is really scary, and every time she thinks about it, she feels lingering fear. If she has the chance to see her father in this life, she, she, she must bite him hard, no, she will cut his throat with a knife , Just like my aunt cut her hands and feet with a knife.

She remembered that after her mother was thrown into the cold palace, her aunt secretly abused her, but her father turned a blind eye to it, she couldn't help shivering, standing in front of Feng Qianyue, unable to move.

Noticing the abnormality of the child, Feng Qianyue was stunned for a moment, and when she looked up, she saw her face was pale, big beads of sweat were streaming down her forehead, and she looked like she was about to lose her footing.

"What's wrong with you? Are you sick?" Seeing her like this, Feng Qianyue put down her chopsticks and asked.

Le Yan took a step back, leaned her back against the door, and shook her head desperately.

Feng Qianyue got up and walked towards her.

Le Yan looked at her, the uncle in front of her suddenly changed into her father's appearance, she shook her head again and again, and said, "Don't come here, don't hit me, mother, mother save me, emperor uncle save me..."

Feng Qianyue stopped in her tracks, her eyes full of doubts.

Uncle?Or Uncle Huang?
Who is this little girl?

After a while, Le Yan finally calmed down. She looked around and breathed a sigh of relief.

She is no longer in that terrible place, and now there are no those people around her, and she is alive again, and she is alive through another person's body.

So, don't be afraid of them, she just needs to work hard to find her mother.

She raised her hand to touch the sweat on her forehead, and said, "I, I have a cold and feel a little uncomfortable. I'm sorry, Uncle, to bother you. I'm going first."

She got up from the ground, Feng Qianyue saw that her body was full of injuries, and looked at her staggering steps with a pair of cold eyes.

When I walked to the door, I suddenly turned around and said, "Uncle, I will not give up. I will do my best to help you until you are willing to help me. Uncle, take your time and I will leave first." .”

She put a small paper bag that she had been holding in her hand on Feng Qianyue's table, and said, "Uncle, this is what I gave you."

She bowed obediently, and walked out obediently.

Feng Qianyue looked at her back, and saw her rubbing her back, as if it was in pain.

He withdrew his gaze, walked to the table and sat down, and continued to eat with his head down. As he ate, his eyes fell on the tightly squeezed paper bag.

The paper bag was poorly wrapped, and it was crumpled badly, and even the sweat from his hands was left behind.

He picked it up and raised his hand to throw it away.

However, after all, he put down his hands and opened the paper bag. When he opened it, he saw that there was a piece of maltose wrapped in it. The sugar had already melted and stuck to the paper, making it a bit mushy. It looked like, It's been a long time in my hand.

The kid asked him to eat this thing?He never eats sugar.

Ha ha……

He put the maltose aside.


"Le Yan..." Lian Siyue sat up abruptly, clutching the quilt tightly with her hands, her face was pale, her eyes were full of fear, and her cheeks were wet with sweat.

"Yue'er..." Feng Yunzheng woke up from his sleep when he heard Lian Siyue's voice, and quickly hugged her tightly, "Have you had a nightmare again?"

Lian Siyue looked around, felt the temperature in Yun Zheng's arms, exhaled, and fell limply in his arms, with tears streaming down her eyes.

In her previous life, she was tortured to death by scumbags and sluts, and finally returned from the bloody rebirth. She put on the hardest armor and had the coldest heart. No matter it was stormy, she would stand still.

However, there is always a place in my heart that I can't let go of, and that is Le Yan, her poor daughter Le Yan, especially after Chengjun Wanjun, every time I see them so happy, I can't help but think of that sensitive and poor daughter .

"It's my fault. I'm too stupid and too weak. I was her whole world, but I didn't protect her well. That's why I was treated like that. When I was ten years old, I was sent to the Huns to get married. She is still so young. She should live like that." How bitter... Yun Zheng, my heart hurts too much." Lian Siyue said while lying in Feng Yunzheng's arms, with tears streaming down her face.

"Yue'er, it's my fault, I didn't protect you well, it's my fault." Feng Yunzheng held Lian Siyue tightly in his arms, and said with self-blame.

"Yunzheng!" Lian Siyue suddenly raised her head from his arms and said, "I want to go to Mobei, to the Xiongnu!"

"Yue'er..." Feng Yunzheng showed surprise in his eyes.

"Recently, I always dream about the back of a little girl. She is barefoot, looks like a beggar, and keeps crying. In the dream, she seems to be in a place like Mobei... I think, I think this Could it be some kind of hint..." Lian Siyue said with anticipation in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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