First-class daughter

Chapter 1414 Yunzheng Injured

Chapter 1414 Yunzheng Injured
Chapter 1414 Yunzheng Injured
"Sister, there is actually one more thing I want to ask you." The expression on Feng Jue's face became serious.

"What's the matter?" Lian Siyue saw his seriousness.

"Sister, can you imagine being like Princess An when the late Emperor was alive?" Feng Jue asked.

Lian Siyue was startled, with a slight surprise in his eyes, "Jue'er? Why are you asking like this suddenly."

"Princess An Guo wants to use Lingyue to control me, but I am not the first emperor, and I don't want to be controlled by her. She is Lingyue's adoptive mother. She is kind to Lingyue. I will remember her in my heart and will treat her as Lingyue's biological mother. Come and respect me, I will not touch her, I will keep everything she had. But that's all, she must not make up my mind, I am the king of a country, I will not be restrained by anyone, I want to control the Great Zhou If Princess An thinks that I can be a chess piece or even a puppet in her hands, then she is wrong, I only hope that she can stick to her limits and never cross the boundaries that should be." Feng Jue said, there was a kind of majesty in the eyes that belonged to the emperor and could not be offended.

Lian Siyue was startled when she heard this, and then she understood and nodded in relief.

Jue'er already had the ambition of an emperor in his heart, and he knew how to grasp the scale of an emperor, how to maintain the dignity that an emperor should have, and not let family affection cross the boundaries of power.

Even Princess An, who doesn't seem to have any threats, has already been considered.

"But sister, you are an exception.

You are the one who has been with me since I was a child. If you hadn’t resolutely led the family guards to rescue me back then, I would have died. Therefore, in my heart, only my sister is worthy of the glory in my hands now. Wealth and power, I will satisfy whatever my sister wants, and I am willing to give my sister a higher power and status. "Feng Jue looked closely into Lian Siyue's eyes and said.

"Je'er..." Lian Siyue held Feng Jue's hand and said, "I will stand where I should be, just be the concubine of Prince Heng, and you will be your Emperor Rendi Zhou."

Coming out of Rongyuan Hall, Lian Siyue looked back at the calm figure in the hall, with a gratified smile on his face:
No one can restrain him!
In a short period of time, he has silently dealt with many people who threatened his throne.

So, if she leaves, don't worry about him.

"Princess, Princess Guchun heard that you are coming, she has been waiting in Changchun Palace, and now she is having a good time with Xiaojun Wang and Xiaojunzhu..." Qing Dai stepped forward and said.

"Then let's go there quickly." Lian Siyue came back to her senses and said, as if a stone had been removed from her heart.

When they arrived at the Changchun Palace, they saw Ling Yue'er holding a rattle and playing it in front of the two children.

Wan Jun babbled along with her, and even reached for the rattle, very happy.

When it came to Chengjun, it was the opposite. Not only was he not interested, he even yawned, stretched out his hand and waved the rattle away, provoking Lingyue and said, "Little guy, you are not interested in this, and you don't pay attention to that." , what do you like?"

"Hehe." Lian Siyue smiled, walked over, and said, "He likes to be quiet and to be alone."

Lingyue looked very happy when she heard Lian Siyue's voice, and said, "Sister, you are here."

Lian Siyue nodded and said, "I just went to the emperor's place and chatted with the emperor for a while."

"Sister, look at Chengjun, he will definitely be great when he grows up, and now he has the aura of being number one in the world. I don't dare to provoke him, for fear of offending him."

"Haha..." Lian Siyue couldn't help laughing, "He's still a child."

"That must be a very, very special child, surpassing Brother Nine, surpassing Sister you, and surpassing Blue." Lingyue reached out and pinched that pretty little face, and finally, he stuck out his tongue, He yawned again and closed his eyes.

"Look, sister, how much he dislikes me..." Seeing Chengjun's reaction, Lingyue couldn't laugh or cry, she had never seen such an arrogant baby, "Chengjun, you are still a baby, you are still a baby. "

Lian Siyue pursed her lips and chuckled, and asked, "How is your mood recently? You live in the Princess Mansion now, and we don't have so many opportunities to speak our minds."

After hearing this, Lingyue paused for a moment with the hand holding the rattle, and said, "Sister, actually I..."

"Princess, concubine, it's not good, His Highness Ninth Highness is injured." Just as Ling Yue was about to talk about the Huns with her sister, suddenly a servant hurried over and said.

"What?" Lian Siyue was startled, and immediately stood up, "Where is it, lead the way right away?"

"Yes, yes, princess." The servant hurriedly led the way.

"How did you get hurt?" Lian Siyue was startled, Yun Zheng was always fine, but suddenly got hurt.

"What's wrong with Brother Ninth? Tell me quickly!" Ling Yue became anxious when she heard that because she was nervous,

"After I came out of the Government Affairs Hall today, the Ninth Highness was going to come back, but I didn't know what I said to the Second Highness, so I went out of the palace. I was injured, and I was at the hunting ground. The imperial doctor has already passed. What is the specific injury? I haven't seen it with my own eyes." The servant said hastily.

"Hurry up, my concubine wants to go to him immediately!" Lian Siyue said tightly.

What happened recently?Apart from Le Yan's frequent dreams, something happened to Yun Zheng again.

Lian Siyue's heart shrank into a ball, and hurried on the carriage to the hunting ground, tightly holding the handkerchief in his hand.

All the way to the hunting ground in a hurry, the carriage was not stable yet, she got up and jumped off the carriage neatly.

"Princess, be careful." The servants accompanying her turned pale with fright when they saw that she jumped down directly.

"My concubine is fine, there is no need to make a fuss, quickly lead me to His Highness Ninth Prince." Lian Siyue said tightly.

"Yes, yes, princess, this way please." The servant said quickly.

Lian Siyue quickened her pace until she reached the door of a tent, before she could enter, she heard a suppressed murmur.

"Yun Zheng!" She immediately opened the curtain and walked in.

I saw Feng Yunzheng leaning back on the couch, his face was a little pale, the imperial doctor was kneeling on the ground, bandaging his wound, his leg was injured!

"Yunzheng..." Lian Siyue hurried over, ignoring the presence of other people, and hugged him tightly, "What happened?"

Feng Yunzheng opened his eyes, seeing Lian Siyue, he was stunned for a moment, "Yue'er, why are you here?"

As he spoke, he gave Night Breeze a hard look, he must be talking too much!
"Don't blame him. If he didn't tell me, I will blame him. Tell me quickly, what's going on, it's so good, how can you get hurt?" Lian Siyue sat up straight, raised his hand to wipe his With the sweat on his forehead, he asked distressedly.

(End of this chapter)

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