Chapter 1415

Chapter 1415

"It's just an accidental fall. Don't worry too much. They make a big fuss. I'm a big man. This little injury is nothing." Feng Yunzheng didn't want her to worry too much, so he seemed indifferent and cared comfort her.

Even Siyue looked at this leg, it was obviously seriously injured!She couldn't believe what he said was just a fall.

So, he turned his head abruptly and looked at Night Breeze with a look of questioning in his eyes.

Night Breeze was taken aback, startled, and quickly looked at Feng Yunzheng with a look of embarrassment in his eyes.

That's all, that's all!
Between His Highness and Wangfei, Wangfei is the biggest. His Highness said it himself. If you betray His Highness, you will be scolded at most. If you make Wangfei unhappy, His Highness will be the first to deal with him.

So he perfectly and completely ignored his master, solemnly, clearly, and said to Lian Siyue seriously:
"Princess, you heard from the humble official, the thing is like this: Today in the Zhengshitang, the Second Highness happened to talk about the traces of the muntjacs that were recently found near the hunting ground, and said that he would come to hunt the muntjacs and take them back to the mansion to make soup for drinking." , Your Highness heard from Imperial Physician Rong that the musk deer meat in this season is particularly delicious, eating it will nourish your body..."

"Night Breeze!" Feng Yunzheng "sternly" stopped him.

Night Breeze turned around, turned his back to Feng Yunzheng, and continued, "So, Your Highness passed the Second Highness, and came to the hunting ground to hunt deer by himself, and he didn't ask the humble official to come with him. As a result, His Highness, the old man, saw When I arrived at Jizi, it is said that I was excited for a while. I didn’t notice that there was a mechanism for hunting animals left under my feet. I accidentally tripped over it. The arrow shot out of the mechanism and stabbed the old man’s leg. , I didn’t care about my legs, I still hunted those muntjacs back,

In the end, because the arrow had a barb on it, he didn't stop for diagnosis and treatment in time. Now it was stabbed in the leg. The imperial doctor saw it and said that he had to cut the piece of meat with a knife before taking out the barb. He was about to cut it. , and there you are. "

Lian Siyue was startled when she heard Ye Feng's specific situation, and looked at Feng Yunzheng's leg, and sure enough, one part of the arrow had been pulled out, and the other part was stuck in the flesh and blood, and the imperial doctor was holding a knife in his hand , Prepare to separate the meat some.

She shivered all over, holding his face with both hands, tears streaming down, and said, "Fool, listen to Feng Xuan's nonsense, it's just musk meat, is it worth your hard work?"

"Don't cry, this injury is nothing." Feng Yunzheng raised his hand and gently wiped the tears on her face, "I see that you have been restless recently, and you haven't eaten anything, and you look thinner Some, when Brother Er Wang talked about this meat, he drooled while talking about it, it was very delicious, so I thought about getting some back for you to eat, who knew that I was too careless to hit the trap."

After hearing this, Lian Siyue felt sad and distressed, and said, "Big fool, big fool! If something happens to you, what should I do? I can't live without you, and I don't want you to get hurt."

After hearing this, Night Breeze's eyes widened. How could the princess say these words in public?She is simply an iceberg, and he often feels that his highness is pitiful, and the princess can't get a reply even if he talks about love.

Feng Yunzheng's bones were brittle when he heard Siyue say that, and asked with a silly smile: "Yue'er, really? You can't live without me?" He asked.

"Of course! I can't live without you!" Lian Siyue said firmly, holding his face with both hands and not letting go.

She has always been indifferent, her heart is harder than a rock, but in front of this man, she is a woman with normal emotions and six desires, who can feel pain, worry, and care.

After hearing this, Feng Yunzheng felt that the pain in his body disappeared suddenly, and said quickly, "It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt. With your words, it doesn't hurt at all!"

Hearing Yue'er's words, let alone this little injury, it doesn't matter even if it's going up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​flames!

"Hehe..." He smiled foolishly.

Lian Siyue's heart moved, she became more determined, and said, "Yun Zheng, I don't think about the past anymore, don't worry about me anymore, I've been through this way, you should understand that people can't live in In the past, especially our past, I know that I will never see her again. I can only treat the past as a nightmare! From now on, I will never mention it again!"

"Yue'er..." Feng Yunzheng stared at her, "This is not only your past, but also my past, our common past, so it doesn't matter, no matter what mood you are in, I will accompany you well Get through... I was injured today, not because of you, but because of my own carelessness."


"Old Nine, you are so disrespectful. You agreed to hunt deer tomorrow, but you are so lucky. You actually came a day earlier without telling me, and even hunted all the deer, killing me. Can't even hunt, is this the behavior of a man?

It really pissed me off!How can I sleep if I can't eat this deer? "At this time, a loud noise came from outside, interrupting Lian Siyue's words, and then saw the Second Highness, Feng Xuan, lift the curtain, and walked in angrily.

Lian Siyue frowned,
Seeing that Lian Siyue was there, he was stunned for a moment, and felt an inexplicable chill in his heart. He couldn't help pursing his lips, lowered his voice, and said, "Ninth sister-in-law is here too, I don't know."

It's strange, he is more than half older than this sister-in-law, why does he always have the illusion of being overwhelmed by her aura when he sees her?

Even, when she looked at him so fixedly, a chill rose in his heart inexplicably.

What's more, she just frowned, and he felt that he really did something wrong.

"Cough, it's nothing, just leave me some soup when your family makes musk meat." Feng Xuan raised his respect, put his hands behind his back, and said.


"No." Just as Feng Yunzheng was about to speak, Lian Siyue had coldly rejected Feng Xuan's request, without the slightest tone of discussion.

"Hey, you..." Feng Xuan didn't expect Lian Siyue to be so shameless and refuse even a sip of soup in front of everyone, so he looked at Feng Yunzheng and said in a low voice, "Old Nine, don't you care? "

But, who knew, Feng Yunzheng moved to Lian Siyue's side, leaned behind her, and said, "I'm in her charge."

"You..." The Second Highness gritted his teeth, glared at Feng Yunzheng secretly, and said with mouth shape, "You are really useless. You can be regarded as a big shot in the court. In front of your own princess, you are more powerful than a bear." Still cowardly."

"I haven't blamed the Second Highness for encouraging my family Yunzheng to come and beat the deer, but he was injured. The Second Highness is thinking about the deer meat." Lian Siyue said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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