Chapter 1416

Chapter 1416

"Hey, that's not right, Ninth Sister-in-Law, if it wasn't for the old Ninth who acted on his own initiative and waited for me to come together tomorrow, he wouldn't be injured. Why is it that I'm the only one to blame now?" Feng Xuan cried out.

"Second Highness, what does it mean that my Yunzheng deserves such a serious injury?" Lian Siyue asked.

"..." Puchi!Night Breeze was about to laugh out loud!

In terms of protecting weaknesses, the princess is not inferior to His Highness. When both of them protect their shortcomings, they can make others mad, and in terms of eloquence, the Princess is obviously better than His Highness.

Look at the colorful face of His Highness Second Highness who was instantly excited by the princess, it is really wonderful, wonderful.

"Well, I was wrong, I was wrong, I was wrong, okay?" Facing such a strong and unreasonable couple, Feng Xuan was still above him in power and status. It's easy for a daughter-in-law to have siblings, what can he do, of course he has to admit defeat!
"Brother Erwang, do you still want some soup?" Feng Yunzheng asked.

Feng Xuan gritted his teeth, swallowed, and said, "Don't drink it, leave it all to your princess!"

Feng Yunzheng snickered, his Yue'er was so courageous, the second brother could only helplessly be bullied, and didn't dare to say a word.

"Princess, the injury on Your Highness's leg needs to be diagnosed and treated immediately." At this time, the imperial physician who had already applied the disinfectant on Feng Yunzheng said.

"Okay, let's start, be careful." Feng Yunzheng sat on the couch, Lian Siyue stood beside him, holding his shoulders with both hands, looking at his wound, she gasped.

"Your Highness, because there are barbs on the hook, it will hurt a little, please bear with it." The imperial doctor said, then half-kneeled in front of Feng Yunzheng, and inserted the tip of the knife into his flesh.

"Hiss!" Feng Yunzheng twitched in pain all over his body, gasped, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, his hands were tightly clenched into fists, and the veins on the back of his hands bulged.

Seeing Feng Yunzheng's painful appearance, Feng Xuan gloated in his heart, "Hey, whoever told you to snatch all the good things to your own woman deserves to hurt you to death!"

However, at this time, Lian Siyue suddenly cupped Feng Yunzheng's face with both hands, lowered her head, and kissed his lips in public. .

Actually... actually...

Feng Xuan's eyes widened, looking at the scene in front of her in disbelief, she actually... actually...

"Boom!" Night Breeze took a step back and hit his head on the shelf behind him. There was a crackling sound, and all the things on the shelf fell off.

He looked at the scene in front of him, his eyeballs were about to fall out.

Suddenly feeling the softness between Lian Yue's lips, Feng Yunzheng's head suddenly buzzed, and he lost consciousness all of a sudden, immersed in her tenderness.

But the doctor's knife was deftly flipped open, and the barbed hook was taken out from the leg in one fell swoop.

Then, the medicine was quickly applied, bandaged, and the wound was treated as quickly as possible.

"Your Highness, Concubine, it's all right." The imperial doctor wiped the sweat from his forehead, not daring to look at these two people.

Lian Siyue opened her eyes and let go of Feng Yunzheng's lips. The roots of her ears were a little red, but she said calmly, "Okay, go and prescribe the medicine."

On the other hand, Feng Yunzheng, with blurred eyes, couldn't help reminiscing about this sudden kiss, feeling that she hadn't fully enjoyed it yet, and the hand placed by her side couldn't help but quietly grabbed her clothes.

Feng Xuan finally knew why this brother had such good conditions, but his eyes were always the same. It turned out that Lian Siyue did have something that surpassed ordinary people. He had a charming demeanor, and even his indifferent appearance would attract people's attention.

Just say that in his mansion, there are many concubines, concubines and concubines, but all of them will only try their best to please him, which makes him feel boring instead.

"Aren't you going out yet?" Seeing that Feng Xuan and Ye Feng hadn't left yet, Feng Yunzheng frowned and said lightly.

"Yes, yes, Your Highness, I will leave immediately." Night Breeze came back to his senses and said hastily.

"I, I'm leaving too." Feng Xuan also left.

In the account, only the husband and wife are left.

Feng Yunzheng looked at Lian Siyue obsessively, shook her sleeves, and said, "Yue'er, do it again."

Lian Siyue blushed slightly.

"Yue'er, do it again." He liked it so much that she took the initiative so much, it made his whole heart burst into joy, his excited body was ready to move, and he felt as if he wanted to go to heaven.

Lian Siyue bit her lower lip, this action made Feng Yunzheng dumbfounded again.

Obviously, they have already given birth to their children, so they can be regarded as an old couple, but her every move still attracts his attention and makes him feel itchy all the time.

Lian Siyue saw the expectation in his eyes, held his face with both hands, lowered her head and kissed his lips, and tasted lightly.

But this time, Feng Yunzheng immediately responded enthusiastically, and the two were inseparable.

He pulled her hard into his arms, and she fell into his arms.

"Ah...does it hurt?" Lian Siyue was startled, for fear of hurting his leg.

"It hurts when you stop, it hurts like hell." He pinched her chin and said with fiery eyes fixed on her face.

After Lian Siyue heard this, she quickly offered her fragrant lips, wrapped his hands around his neck, and relieved his pain in this way.


Feng Yunzheng was injured, and the imperial doctor said that it is not suitable to move now, so Lian Siyue decided to stay here for one night.

Lian Siyue went to make porridge for Yun Zheng herself.

Feng Xuan opened the curtain and walked in. Feng Yunzheng was leaning on the bed with his eyes closed and rested. When he opened his eyes and saw her dull face, he said, "As for it? You want to eat so much, I'll take one back for you All right."

"Hey." Feng Xuan sighed, and said, "Suddenly, I feel that your life is only counted as life, and your husband and wife are considered husband and wife."

"Oh? Why did Second Brother Brother suddenly sigh like this? There are so many beauties in your house, why are you still feeling sad?" Feng Yunzheng moved his legs and said.

"There are too few people in this world who are as interesting as the ninth sister-in-law. Although there are many people in my house, each one is more boring than the other." Feng Xuan said regretfully.

After hearing this, Feng Yunzheng said seriously, "Brother Erwang, you are wrong, it's not that they are boring, but you are playful." Feng Yunzheng said lightly.

"..." Feng Xuan was speechless at his words.

"You want too much, but you have never cherished it. How can you experience the only feeling, you, let's spend it, don't add to the sadness..." Feng Yunzheng said.

"Hey, look down on people, I also had a true love, okay?" Feng Xuan glared at him and said.

"Tch..." Feng Yunzheng smiled.

"Why, don't you believe it?" Feng Xuan asked immediately.

"It doesn't matter whether I believe it or not, as long as you believe it yourself." Feng Yunzheng said.

"Yun Zheng, it's time for porridge." At this time, Lian Siyue opened the curtain and walked in, and Ye Feng behind him was holding a night of steaming porridge in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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