Chapter 1417
Chapter 1417
Seeing Lian Siyue coming in, Feng Xuan immediately moved away from Feng Yunzheng, as if he was afraid of making Lian Siyue unhappy.

"Second Highness, people have seen it, shouldn't you go back to your own mansion?" Sure enough, Lian Siyue cast a sideways glance at him and said calmly.

"...Yes, yes! It's time to go back." Fearing that he would offend this sister-in-law, Feng Xuan hurriedly left after a few words of pleasantries. Not to mention broth, he didn't even see the shadow of the deer. Couples are domineering.

Night Breeze brought the porridge in front of Feng Yunzheng, "Your Highness, have some porridge."

"I'll feed you."

Lian Siyue took the spoon from Ye Feng's hand, took a spoonful, put it near her mouth and blew gently, and then sent it to Feng Yunzheng's mouth.

After he opened his mouth and took a sip, he immediately gave a thumbs up, "It's delicious."

After finishing the porridge, Lian Siyue was about to take out the bowl, but Feng Yunzheng hugged her waist tightly and said, "Don't go, let Night Breeze go, you stay, don't walk around , I'm afraid you're tired."

"Princess, let the humble official come." Ye Fang immediately took the bowl over with tact, and then quickly disappeared tactfully.

As soon as the tent was closed, Feng Yunzheng couldn't wait to embrace Lian Siyue, covered his face with both hands, grabbed his mouth and pecked.

"Hmm..." Before Lian Siyue could react, she had already been hugged into his arms and kissed for a long time, until she was out of breath before letting go.

Only then did he let go, feeling that it wasn't enough, turned over again, pressed her under him, and kissed her again.

"Okay, okay..." Lian Siyue pushed him away forcefully, blushing, and said, "I still have to talk about business."

"You want to say that my injury is a trap, don't you?" Feng Yunzheng asked, stroking her smooth cheeks, flicking his fingers lightly.

"You know what I'm going to say?" Lian Siyue was slightly taken aback.

"Of course, we realized that this was a conspiracy. Someone deliberately used Brother Erwang, a delicious and brainless guy, to lure me to the hunting ground, and then tried to kill me with a pre-arranged trap. I was injured on purpose, otherwise the other party would think that I had died If he notices it, he will put the fox's tail away. Now that I am injured, he thought I was careless and didn't notice it. Seeing that I am not dead, he will plan the next step, so that we have a chance to catch him." Feng Yun Zheng said.

Lian Siyue's eyes narrowed slightly, "Tell me, is Feng Xuan really being used completely, or is he just pretending to be stupid?"

"People's hearts are unpredictable, and it's too early to judge, so I sent Night Breeze to follow up. If he is an insider, I will meet this person again," Feng Yunzheng said.

A flash of thought flashed across Lian Siyue's eyes, who could be the person who did this secretly?

Feng Ye hasn't given up yet?

A person who is unfair to Feng Yu?
Empress Dowager?No, it's impossible for the Empress Dowager to harm her grandson. Even if she had any thoughts, it was only aimed at her grandson-in-law. She still liked Yun Zheng, the grandson of the emperor, very much.

"Don't worry, the fox's tail will always be exposed." A cold look flashed across Feng Yunzheng's eyes.

After that, Feng Yunzheng continued to live with Lian Siyue in the hunting ground, loving each other as if nothing had happened.

During the day, Lian Siyue asked Feng Yunzheng to be carried outside to bask in the sun. He squinted his eyes and lay on the low couch, while Lian Siyue sat aside and talked to him, looking very comfortable.

In the evening, Night Breeze came back, and said solemnly: "After the Second Highness left the hunting ground, he went straight back to the palace, and showed that he went to the princess's room, had dinner with the three county kings and princesses, and then went to In the side concubine's room, everything seems to be normal."

"Looks like it?" Feng Yunzheng frowned slightly.

"However, at night, the Second Highness went to Princess Anguo's Mansion and stayed in the mansion for about an hour. She was very vigilant when entering and leaving the Princess Mansion," Night Breeze said.

"Princess An Guo's Mansion?" Lian Siyue said, "Princess An Guo is accompanying the Queen Mother in the palace these few days, what is Second Highness going to the Princess Mansion for?"

A flash of thought flashed in Feng Yunzheng's eyes, and he said, "Could it be that Brother Er Wang came here today to pretend to be crazy?"

"The person who encouraged him was Princess An? But, why did Princess An become an enemy of Prince Heng's Mansion? Could it be..." Lian Siyue recalled what Feng Jue had said to her privately in Rongyuan Hall yesterday.

"Could it be what?" Feng Yunzheng asked.

"The emperor is closer to Prince Heng's mansion, not as close to Princess Anguo's mansion as the first emperor, but now that Jue'er has become emperor, the person he likes is Lingyue, and Lingyue's influence in front of Jue'er in turn surpasses Princess An's, and Anguo must be The princess has long known that Jue'er loves Ling Yue'er, and in order to consolidate her power, Princess An will get rid of you and me, and then dominate Ling Yue'er and use Ling Yue'er to contain Jue'er." Lian Siyue analyzed.

The expression on Feng Yunzheng's face became a little heavy, and he said, "I hope we are wrong, I absolutely don't want to be an enemy of Aunt Huang."

"Whether it's true or not, we need to investigate further. Yefeng, Your Highness and I are going back to the residence now. Let's invite Second Highness to come over to eat mussel meat tomorrow morning." Lian Siyue said.

"Yes, princess, I will invite the Second Highness tomorrow morning," Ye Feng said.

Princess An, I hope she won't be an enemy, she is now Ling Yue'er's mother.

"I almost forgot, I have to go to the palace first, Ling Yue'er seemed to have something to say to me yesterday, you were injured and I came out in a hurry, I didn't have time to listen to her." Lian Siyue said.

"Okay, be careful, especially Aunt Huang." Feng Yunzheng reminded.

"Okay, if you don't have time to go back tonight, you can go back tomorrow morning."

Lian Siyue and Feng Yunzheng set off from the hunting ground separately.

When they arrived at the palace, Lian Siyue asked Qingdai to call Lingyue, but Qingdai came back and said, "Princess An Guo said that Princess Guchun is tired from studying during the day and is resting now, so I won't wake her up, and I will let the slaves go there tomorrow morning." .”

"Then let's talk about it tomorrow morning." Lian Siyue said.

That night, Lian Siyue stayed in Changchun Palace, but she didn't fall asleep until very late, thinking about Yunzheng's injury, Lingyue, and Jue'er, the most important memories Take a look at Princess An from the previous life.

Has Princess An really started to make plans for Lingyue?

By the next morning.

When Qing Dai went to Shou Ning Palace to invite her again, she came. Seeing Lian Si Yue, she immediately asked, "How is Brother Jiu? Where is he injured? Is it serious?"

"Shhh!" Lian Siyue put her hand next to Lingyue's mouth and said, "I didn't let the Queen Mother know that the death of the first emperor hit her hard, and she hasn't recovered yet, so I don't want her to worry."

Ling Yue lowered her voice and asked, "Is Brother Ninth well now?"

"While hunting, I accidentally hit a trap and hurt my leg. I'm fine now, but I have to rest for a while before I can walk normally." Lian Siyue pulled Lingyue to the other side and said.

(End of this chapter)

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