First-class daughter

Chapter 1421 Never agree

Chapter 1421 Never agree
Chapter 1421 Never agree
"What?" The two Ministers of Rituals looked at each other after hearing this, and were speechless for a while.

"Princess Guchun and I have known each other since we were young. When I fought in Khitan, I was also Princess Guchun's life and death companion. I have recognized her for a long time. I only want her to be my queen. I don't want anyone else. Dear friends, you can let me get what I want, don’t hand it over to others, I won’t take a second look.” Before the ministers expressed their opinions, Feng Jue had already expressed his wish firmly, and he would not tolerate it. Beak.

His woman, he decides!

"Princess Guchun's mother's family is Princess Anguo's mansion, and she is also the direct younger sister of Princess Hengqin. Regardless of her appearance, she is naturally the best choice, but..." Mr. Jiang showed embarrassment.

"But what?" Feng Jue's face darkened, revealing the majesty of an emperor, and said, "I am the emperor, and I must follow the ancestral system, work hard for the court affairs, and be a wise king. However, the choice of the empress must be my own decision, there is no second choice." There are two people, I will never want anyone other than Princess Guchun, I hope all the ministers know this, and I hope everyone in the world knows this."

"Your majesty has a deep love and never forgets the person who accompanied you when you were a child. This love and intention is moving, and it also moves the humble ministers. But, your majesty, isn't this princess Guchun going to marry the Hun prince Wei Lang? If the emperor If the news of robbing someone with Prince Mobei gets out, people in the world will laugh at him." Lord Jiang said.

After hearing this, Feng Jue stood up abruptly, with a dangerous look in his eyes, "What did you say? Wei Lang and Gu Chun? Why didn't I know? Who decided this?"

The adults looked at each other again, and Master Jiang said, "I don't know who made the decision, but Princess Guchun is right that she agreed. In the past two days, Wei Lang went to the Ministry of Rites to discuss the customs and scale of the wedding, and the Ministry of Rites is also there. I have prepared a wedding dress for Princess Guchun, presumably Wei Lang will come to report to you, the emperor, I heard that this was an agreement in the time of the late emperor, and Princess Guchun did not deny it."

How could this be?
Feng Jue only felt that his head was hit by a sap stick, and he fainted for a while, "What's going on?"

"Prince Weilang said that Princess Guchun promised to marry him, and he will take her back to Mobei to become the princess of the Xiongnu..." others said.

"Princess Xiongnu? I will never agree to this matter!" Or did Ling Yue'er agree to it herself?He will never agree.

Ever since he became the emperor, Feng Jue has been calm in everything, and will not easily reveal his emotions to be known by others, but he couldn't calm down at all in this matter, and immediately turned into an impulsive young man. walked out.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!" Several ministers called out quickly, their eyes showing puzzlement.

"What exactly happened here?"

Feng Jue had a cold face, clenched his fists tightly, and his face was very ugly. He walked quickly towards the Shouning Hall. He wanted to ask Ling Yue personally what was going on, what was the agreement of the former emperor, He didn't know until she was about to get married!

He was angry, angry, angry!I couldn't restrain the raging anger in my heart.

And at this moment, Wei Lang happened to come over, seeing Feng Jue, he quickly bowed and put his hand on his heart, "Your Majesty."

Feng Jue stopped in his tracks, his eyes were condensed with a dangerous cold light, his whole body exuded a bone-chilling coldness, his eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the man in front of him, Sijiu stood beside him, trembling with fright .The emperor has always been friendly, and he often shows others with a smile on his face. He has never seen his current appearance, it seems like he is about to wash the palace with blood.

However, Prince Wei Lang seemed to be unaware, and said to him, "Your Majesty, Wei Lang is going to find you."

"..." Feng Jue looked at him, eyes like ice skates.

Sijiu touched the sweat on his forehead and thought, this prince is really looking for death. Do you know that the emperor is holding back the energy to go to the battlefield to fight and want to kill someone? You know, the emperor has become famous on the battlefield , bloody in his bones.

"Your Majesty, Princess Guchun told me that according to the agreement with the late Emperor, she will marry me, and I will take her to Mobei. Now Wei Langte is here to report this matter to the Emperor." Wei Lang nodded and said.

"Wei Lang, listen, I will only say this sentence once, you can hear clearly: Guchun belongs to me, I don't care what agreement you have, I will not admit this agreement without my permission! My Woman, don't make up your mind, otherwise, I will make him regret it for the rest of his life." Feng Jue said forcefully, and walked past Wei Lang firmly and forcefully.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..." Wei Lang chased after him.

Feng Jue stopped, turned his back to him and said, "I'm going to find out what's going on now. If you coerced him, I won't let the Huns go. If she wants something from you, I will give it to you." compensate."

He said, and left in a hurry, Eleven, you'd better explain it to me!

Wei Lang stood where he was, his eyes slowly dimmed.

"Prince, what should we do now?" The guards had never seen Zhou Rendi like this, and at this moment, he was an extremely dangerous person.

Wei Lang's eyes were fixed, and thoughts flashed across his face.

in the Royal Garden.

Lingyue was admiring the flowers, playing and having fun with a few little princesses, everyone laughed sweetly, and the atmosphere looked very happy.

Feng Jue stood far away, her eyes fell on Ling Yue's face, she smiled happily, she was so beautiful like this, with a charming charm that made people unable to take their eyes off.

Originally, he didn't like her, he quarreled with her, and kept her at a respectful distance. In his mind, she was a spoiled little princess who never cared about other people's feelings.

But after getting in touch with her, I discovered that she was just naughty, because she was neglected, lonely in her heart, like a child begging for sugar, deliberately doing some outrageous things to attract the attention of her father, but in fact, she is a pure and kind person in her heart He didn't even know that he was being plotted and framed by the people around him, so he began to involuntarily look at her more, and sometimes he was inexplicably worried about her recklessness.

That time, in order to meet the late emperor for him, she did not hesitate to be scolded and hurt her body, but when she helped him, her attitude was so firm, her eyes were so firm, without any hesitation or fear. When he thanked her, she clearly It hurts, but he gritted his teeth, waved and said, "It's okay, it's okay, it's a little effort, this is what I owe you."

Only then did he discover that there was a tenacious power hidden in her small body.

That day, after they turned to leave each other, he looked back at her one more time.

(End of this chapter)

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