First-class daughter

Chapter 1422 Angry

Chapter 1422 Angry
Chapter 1422 Angry
Then once, in the garden of Lian’s family, among the pink flowers, she suddenly said that she liked him, and when he was caught off guard, she had already kissed his cheek, and then hurried away with tears, and that tear fell on his cheek, It was hot and slowly slipped down.

No girl has ever cried for him, she is the first and only one.

That night, he suffered from insomnia and felt a tear on his cheek all the time.

At one time, he thought that the woman he liked must be like his elder sister, but after a long time, he realized that this different girl had unknowingly entered her heart.

It wasn't until the second time he went to Shanhaiguan to garrison and drew the characters "正" one by one on the rice paper that he knew that she had invaded his soul.

He had a feeling that he wanted to hold her hand and run to the future together.


"Your Majesty." At this time, someone first spotted Feng Jue's figure and couldn't help calling out in surprise.

After hearing this, Ling Yue turned around with the others, only to see that he had already taken off the white mourning clothes worn over the dragon robe, standing there, handsome and tall, showing the appearance of an emperor.

Several girls from the royal relatives saw him, their faces were flushed, and their eyes were full of admiration.

When Feng Jue was still the king of the Great General, he had already attracted the ideas of many noble ladies. Many people were waiting for him to marry a wife, and begged his parents to go to the late emperor to propose marriage.What's more, he is now the Ninth Five-Year Honorable, being regarded by him means prosperity, prosperity, prosperity, even if he is not a queen, it is good to be a noble concubine, no matter how bad it is, there are other concubines, the emperor Sangong Liu Hospitals always need a lot of women.

"Greetings to the emperor." The girls knelt down and said delicately.

Ling Yue also knelt down along with her, but Feng Jue's gaze was always on her alone, without blinking, but there was no friendly smile on his face, and there was even a trace of chill in his eyes.

"Pingshen." He said, his voice was flat.

Lingyue was taken aback, stood up, and gave him a strange look, what happened to him?

"Is the emperor interested in coming to enjoy the flowers?" One of the noble ladies asked softly, with deep admiration in her eyes. This is Feng Pingting, the niece of Concubine Feng De.

"Yes, I'm here to enjoy the flowers." He replied, but his eyes were still looking at Ling Yue, with a trace of irritation in his eyes.

But Feng Pingting, who was answered by the emperor, was overjoyed, and said, "It's really time for the emperor to come. We are reciting poems to fight against each other. Does the emperor have the pleasure to come together?"

"No." However, Feng Jue replied without any emotion in his voice.

Feng Pingting was taken aback, then raised her head in surprise, the emperor has never been too harsh on the people below, what's wrong?To let her lose face in public?

I saw Fengjue walked up to Princess Guchun, took her hand in public, and said, "Guchun, come with me, I have something to say to you."

Everyone was stunned, why did the emperor pull Princess Guchun's hand majestically, didn't he say that the emperor doesn't have a woman yet, why does he look different to Princess Guchun?

Especially Feng Pingting couldn't help but clenched her veil tightly, and looked at Ling Yue with a hint of sarcasm.

"Your Majesty." Seeing him like this, Ling Yue subconsciously wanted to pull her hand back, but he held it tightly and refused to let go.

"Then, all of you retreat." Feng Jue ordered.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Everyone listened to the order and retreated slowly.

Several people looked at the two of them holding hands, and their hearts were full of doubts and jealousy, especially Feng Pingting, who loved Feng Jue and dreamed of being able to live in the harem. When he was at the door, he looked back.

"Pingting, let's go, what are you looking for?" Jiang Xinyi called out.

"Here we come." Feng Pingting turned around, a look of sternness flashed in her eyes.


"Your Majesty, what's wrong with you? There are so many people." Ling Yue said, her hand was still tightly held by Feng Jue.

"I am the emperor, if I don't have the courage and right to hold your hand in public, wouldn't this emperor be too useless." Feng Jue said.

he is angry?

There was a hint of surprise in Lingyue's eyes, "What's wrong with you?"

"However, today I really feel that I am a wimp." Feng Jue said.

"What's the matter?" Ling Yue really didn't understand what he meant by this.

"We have worshiped heaven and earth, and we are real husband and wife, but I just found out today that you are going to marry Wei Lang." Feng Jue said, looking at her face.

Lingyue was surprised when she heard this, he knew?

Seeing her performance, Feng Jue knew that the Minister of Rituals did not talk nonsense, what Wei Lang said was true, Ling Yue was really planning to marry Wei Lang.

"Why? I didn't know why the people in the Ministry of Rituals had already started preparing for your wedding. Eleven, don't you trust me? What's the matter, you can't tell me, but it just made me a big fool!" Feng Puzzled, he asked in a rough voice.

"..." Ling Yue lowered her head, what should I say?Did you say it was to save him?In this way, he will feel guilty and feel that he is sorry for her.

"So, in your mind, I, Feng Jue, is so unworthy of your trust, right? In your mind, you don't trust me at all, right?" Seeing that she was silent, Feng Jue remembered that the minister said that the Ministry of Rites had already arrived I was about to make a wedding dress for her, and I felt a little angry in my heart.

God knows, he secretly discussed with his sister recently, planning to give her a grand wedding, how hard he provoked, but in the end, he told him that she said she was going to marry someone else!
No matter what, she kept it from him, didn't tell him, and made him feel sad!
"No, I'm going to..." Lingyue wanted to explain.

"Forget it, don't talk about it!" Feng Jue interrupted her, her tone became cold, and said, "I won't let you marry far away, I will settle this matter, you go back, and stay in Shouning Rest in the hall, the wind is strong, don't walk around casually."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left the imperial garden quickly.

"Lian Jue!" Ling Yue chased after her, wanting to explain, it's not that he didn't trust her, but...

"You don't need to follow, I have too many things to deal with." Feng Jue said without looking back.

Does she know that the feeling of not being trusted by her is too bad, and she still doesn't understand, no matter how good or bad, as long as she says, he will protect her from the wind and rain, but she refuses to believe him, even if it is not for today's Ministry of Rites Will he know about what happened after she came to mention Li?

"Lianjue..." Lingyue looked at his receding back, feeling as if she had been cut by a knife once, and it hurt.

However, Feng Jue had already walked out of the imperial garden, and disappeared after a while, he walked very fast, his face was not good-looking, he had to settle the matter with Wei Lang immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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