First-class daughter

Chapter 1423 Unscrupulous and Cruel

Chapter 1423 Unscrupulous and Cruel

Chapter 1423 Unscrupulous and Cruel

"Your Majesty." Wei Lang looked at the king in front of him, nodded, and said.

This young emperor was naturally a little immature compared to the former emperor, but his demeanor, every move of his hand, and every gesture of his feet showed that the blue was better than the blue.

"Tell me." Feng Jue said, his voice was cold and devoid of any emotion, "Is there any unavoidable reason, you want to marry the person I like."

Wei Lang was startled, Feng Jue directly called Princess Guchun his favorite woman, how could he marry a little Hun prince?

He sighed and said, "If it wasn't for you, the emperor, there would be no such agreement between me and Princess Guchun."

Feng Jue was taken aback for a moment, doubts appeared in his eyes, "Because of me?"

"That's right, your Majesty was imprisoned because of the Golden Dragon incident. The Majesty did not allow anyone to intervene in this matter. He wanted to put the Majesty under house arrest. However, Princess Guchun knelt outside the Hall of Rongyuan for a whole day and was finally released." When the first emperor received her, she complained to him for his grievances. The first emperor promised to give him three days to investigate the truth of the matter, but there was a condition that she agreed to marry in Mobei. In order to marry the emperor, Princess Guchun agreed to the emperor's request.

Then Princess Guchun grabbed my younger sister, Wei Rui, and the princess came to me and asked me to give up Wei Rui and stand by her side, because according to the agreement with the first emperor, she will be my princess. In order to save you, the emperor, she Willing to follow me to Mobei. "Wei Lang told Feng Jue everything that happened back then.


Feng Jue's heart trembled when he heard this, and he stood up abruptly, with an annoyed expression on his face after the shock.

So, it is entirely because of her that Ling Yue'er agrees to her father's request and goes to beg Wei Lang?He also blamed him for not trusting her, and she had suffered so much for him!

"Your Majesty, have you misunderstood Princess Guchun?" Wei Lang said seeing Feng Jue's appearance.

"..." Not only did he misunderstand, but he also lost his temper with her. He really...Damn it!
Feng Jue pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers, remembering how he looked just now, he had the urge to poke himself blind!
"..." He immediately got up and walked outside the hall.

"Your Majesty!" Wei Lang chased after him in a few steps.

Feng Jue turned her head, a thought flashed in her eyes, and said, "Prince Wei Lang, Princess Gu Chun, I can't give it to you."

There was a gloomy look in Wei Lang's eyes.

"However, I am willing to exchange anything else you want, for example, the position of King of the Huns." Feng Jue said.

"Actually, when Xiao Wang first met Princess Guchun, his heart was moved..." Wei Lang said.

"Stop!" Feng Jue raised his hand to stop him from continuing. He didn't want to hear other men's thoughts about Lingyue, "You just need to tell me, do you want this position? This is what I can exchange with you." I think this throne is more important to you than my Lingyue, isn't it?"

Of course Wei Lang knew that Emperor Da Zhou had the ability to help him become king.

And this exchange is definitely worth it.

"This is not your weight in my heart, but a little bit of Ling Yue's weight." Feng Jue added.

"Xiao Wang..." Wei Lang said.

"You can also choose not to want anything, I will give you half an hour to think about it." After Feng Jue finished speaking, she had already left in a hurry.

His mind was full of the pitiful look that made Yue'er hesitant to speak just now, he just got angry just now, blaming her for not trusting him, not listening to her well, and blaming her, she must be very sad now.

Feng Jue walked with the wind, the dragon robe fluttered wantonly, and quickly ran into the imperial garden again.

"Kowtow to the emperor." The servants of the imperial garden saw him and knelt down to pay their respects.

He walked to the place where he had just separated from Lingyue, and there was no sign of her there.

"Have you seen Princess Gu Guchun?" He grabbed several servants and asked.

"Go back to the emperor, no, I didn't see it." The servant shook his head.

An anxious look appeared in Feng Jue's eyes, and he turned around and walked towards the Shouning Hall, scolding himself in his heart as he walked, because he wanted to see Ling Yue as soon as possible, so he almost started running in the palace in the end.

And here.

Wei Lang had just left Rongyuan Hall.

However, Princess An appeared with the imperial guards. She lowered her face and said sharply, "Come on, Prince Weilang tried to drive a wedge between this palace and Prince Heng's mansion, injured Prince Heng, and wanted to frame the Second Highness Fengxuan , catch him!"

Wei Lang was taken aback, looked at Princess An, and suddenly understood something.

"What are you still doing?" Princess An yelled, and Wei Lang was chained up.

He finally came back to his senses and said loudly, "I am wronged, Xiao Wang is wronged, Xiao Wang has never provoked discord, it is Princess An, you are all talking nonsense!"

Princess An's face was gloomy, she was indifferent to Wei Lang's grievances, and said, "This person has evil intentions, dares to covet my daughter, and does not hesitate to destroy the relationship between the Princess's Mansion and Prince Heng's Mansion. This Palace must take good care of these Mobei people."

"Yes, princess, I will obey you."

Princess An turned around and left.

Lian Siyue stood in the far corner, seeing Princess An's stern back, her mind was agitated, and she suddenly understood where the feeling that she always felt something wrong with Wei Lang came from.

An Guo Princess is worthy of being An Guo Princess... quietly, she has achieved her goal.

"Are you saying that all of this is Aunt Huang's strategy? Wei Lang fell into her trap?" Feng Yunzheng said, a flash of thought flashed in his eyes.

"That's right, Wei Lang really wants to marry Ling Yue'er. That's right. When Wei Lang went to find Ling Yue'er, Princess An stopped him. Wei Lang told her about his plan to marry Ling Yue'er, no matter what the reason was. Considering that the princess would never marry Ling Yue'er to Wei Lang, she thought of a way to make Wei Lang retreat in spite of the difficulties without damaging Ling Yue'er's reputation.

She personally planned to turn Wei Lang into a person who provokes the relationship between the Princess Mansion and Prince Heng's Mansion, leading you to the hunting ground and Feng Xuan to the Princess Mansion. Once the timing is right, Wei Lang will be caught. "Lian Siyue said.

"Aunt Huang has spent a lot of effort to prevent Lingyue from marrying in Mobei, to preserve Lingyue's reputation, and to prevent the emperor from being involved in the dispute with the Xiongnu prince over her daughter. Jiang is still old and hot." Feng Yunzheng Said.

"Princess An Guo has stood firm for several years, and she has power in the government and the public. She has her own strength and ruthlessness." Lian Siyue has a clear understanding of this point.

"However, it turns out that she didn't want to deal with us. She is a very smart aunt. However, in this way, Wei Lang...seems pitiful. She got nothing, but was put on such a heavy charges." Feng Yunzheng said, "I also prepared ten cities as a gift for him, which is a kind of compensation for him."

"I guess, next, Princess An will let him choose whether to return to Mobei safely or die." Lian Siyue said.

She had never thought that Princess An was easy. If a woman wants to get to where she is today, in a certain way, she must be a ruthless person who does whatever it takes to achieve her goals.

(End of this chapter)

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