First-class daughter

Chapter 1424 Domineering

Chapter 1424 Domineering
Chapter 1424 Domineering
She has never thought that Princess An is easy. A woman who has come to this position must be a cruel person who does whatever she can to achieve her goals. In her eyes, a role like Wei Lang is definitely not good. Worth any hesitation.

"Thinking about it, Wei Lang didn't do anything bad, let's see the results of Princess An, if he can still get out of Princess An, Yun Zheng, the ten cities you prepared will still be given to him. Thank you Lingyue for his help." Lian Siyue said.

"Alright, we can't let him go back empty-handed." Feng Yunzheng agreed with Lian Siyue's approach.

Here, Feng Jue went to the Shouning Hall, searched around, but did not see Lingyue's shadow.

He couldn't help feeling annoyed and hurt Lingyue's heart, what to do now, thinking about it, he felt at a loss.

"Your Majesty?" At this moment, a voice came from behind.

Feng Jue turned her head and saw that it was Princess An Guo who came.

"Greetings to the emperor." Princess An immediately bowed her knees and said.

"Pingshen." Feng Jue raised his hand and said.

"Is the emperor looking for Gu Chun?" Princess An Guo asked.

Feng Jue paused, nodded, and said, "Yes, does Princess An know where she is?"

"I was still admiring the flowers in the imperial garden before, so why is it gone now? Xueli, quickly lead someone to look for it." Princess An ordered.

"No need, I'll look for it myself." Feng Jue said as he prepared to leave Shouning Palace.

"Your Majesty." At this moment, Princess An called to stop him.

"What else is there for Princess An?" Feng Jue asked.

"Your Majesty..." Princess Anguo bowed her head slightly, and said respectfully, "Guchun has always had the Emperor in his heart, and now that the Emperor has become the king of a country, she has some things that she can say less than before. As a mother, I want to ask the Emperor Be considerate of her discomfort when facing the change of the emperor's status."

Feng Jue nodded, but he felt very guilty in his heart. Not only did he not understand her, but he hurt her severely, and left her alone in the imperial garden.

Now that I think about it, I feel so bad.

Princess An showed a slight smile on her face, and said, "Then the emperor should look for it quickly, Guchun must still be in the palace, and the token is still with me, she can't get out."

After hearing this, Feng Jue felt relieved, turned around and left Shouning Hall.

Princess An Guo looked at his back and said, "The emperor puts Gu Chun in his heart, and Gu Chun also likes the emperor. If you have a lover, you should be with He Meimei. If no one else can object, then the villain will be with you." Let Ben Gong, who is a mother, do it, Xueli, get ready, Ben Gong will go to the prison to have a talk with Wei Lang in person tonight."

"Yes, princess, the servants obey." Xueli said.

Feng Jue looked around for Ling Yue in the palace.

The palace was so big, it was not easy to find someone. After walking around a few times, he finally saw the lonely figure with a splash of water red by the side of a pool.

She was sitting by the pool, leaning on a willow tree, her eyes staring at the surface of the pool in front of her in a daze, she was holding a few dead grasses in her hands, and sometimes she would throw one on the water, causing ripples in the water, and there was a trace of her in her eyes. A touch of sadness.

Feng Jue secretly breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a sense of guilt welling up in his heart.

He walked towards her slowly with his hands behind his back. He lost his temper with her just now, what should he do now to please him?He had no idea.

Lingyue was throwing the withered grass in her hands, when she suddenly heard a slight sound of footsteps behind her, she was taken aback, and looked back——

The man stood behind her with his back to the light, a huge shadow enveloped him, she didn't recognize Feng Jue immediately.

When Feng Jue bent slightly, and a face with picturesque eyebrows approached slightly, she was startled, "Lian Jue..."

However, because she was too frightened, when she was about to get up, she stepped on the ground, screamed, and fell into the pool——

"Ah!" She let out a low cry.

Feng Jue's heart trembled, and when he spoke, he came forward like the wind, and before she fell into the water, he held her wrist, pulled her into his arms with one force, and after a spin, she fell tightly In his arms, held tightly, not daring to move.

Her heart was pounding, her face turned pale with fright, Feng Jue looked at her closely with fiery eyes.

"Your Majesty..." Ling Yue came back to her senses first, and hurriedly pushed Feng Jue away.

"Don't push me away!" However, Feng Jue hugged her tightly, refusing to let go, and whispered in her ear, "I'm sorry, it's my fault, I misunderstood you, I'm still angry at you and yelling at you, obviously you only became like this to save me, it's all my fault, scold me and hit me, don't hide alone and be sad."

Lingyue's body trembled slightly, did he know it?
Feng Jue looked at her guiltily and moved, and said:

"I know, in order to save me, you took the risk to beg my father, and knelt outside the Rongyuan Hall for several hours before seeing her. My father wanted you to promise to marry Wei Lang, so I was willing to find out the truth for you and help me clear up my grievances." opportunity, and the emperor only allows you to check it alone.

In the end, I went back to Rongyuan Hall and reported Wei Rui, Feng Ye and others one by one. Even in front of Feng Ye, I didn't show any weakness, and wholeheartedly wanted to rescue me.

And I don't know anything, and I'm angry with you, I'm... what a bastard! "You must be very angry now, aren't you? It's my fault, it's all my fault. Eleven, hit me and scold me."

Feng Ye was very annoyed and regretful, she did her best for him, and even made a promise to marry Wei Lang, how tormented and sad she must be...

but he……

Lingyue raised her head, looked at him with tears in her eyes, smiled and shook her head, retracted her hand, and said, "Fool, I can't bear to beat you, and I can't bear to scold you either.

Also, of course I will try my best to save you, just like you will try my best to save me. At that time, I had no other thoughts, I just wanted to hope that you are safe and sound.Now you're fine, I'm fine. "

When Feng Jue heard it, her heart was broken, and she felt even more distressed. He stretched out his hand and took her into his arms, saying, "You are so kind, it's my fault. But, Ling Yue'er, I won't let you marry Wei Lang , I have already made an agreement with him, to use the position of King Hun in exchange for the conditions you promised him at the beginning, he is not at a loss, King Hun has many sons, and Wei Lang is just one of them who is not very good. The position of chanyu is his best result."

"Yeah." Ling Yue nodded, "However, I still want to meet him. After all, I had an agreement with him at the beginning, and now..."

"No!" Feng Jue domineeringly rejected Ling Yue's request, hugged her tightly, and said, "Hmph, Wei Lang dared to marry you, I didn't drive him out of the Central Plains right away, and even compensated him wrongly, It's already good, I will never let him have the chance to see you again."

(End of this chapter)

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