First-class daughter

Chapter 1425 Unexpected Ending

Chapter 1425 Unexpected Ending
Chapter 1425 Unexpected Ending
"What..." Lian Siyue was feeding Mr. Wan some food, when she heard Feng Yunzheng's words, she was taken aback, "The thirteenth princess voluntarily married Prince Weilang?"

The queen mother also showed surprise when she heard this, "A delicate person like Tang Yao'er is willing to go to Mobei?"

"Yes, when preparing to pick someone, Thirteen petitioned on his own, saying that he was willing to marry to Mobei for the Great Zhou Dynasty." Feng Yunzheng sat down beside him and said.

"Then won't my aunt cry until her heart breaks?" Lian Siyue said.

"I heard that after she found out, she cried and passed out several times, and went to the Rongyuan Hall to beg the emperor to take back her life, but Shisan begged the emperor not to take it back. She has made up her mind to go to Mobei, and no one will listen to it. "

"Empress Dowager, Your Highness, Concubine Shu sent someone to invite Wangfei to come over..." At this moment, the servants outside came to report.

"Mother, Yun Zheng, I'll come as soon as I go." Lian Siyue got up and said.

"You go, I think Concubine Shu is not willing to marry Tang Yao'er to Mobei no matter what." The queen mother said.

Arriving at Yixiu Palace, before entering the gate of the main hall, I heard Concubine Shu's crying voice, saying, "Yu Yao'er, you are crazy, everyone else avoids you, you are better, you are determined to marry Go to that kind of place, do you know that women can be shared between father and son brothers there!"

"That's what happens after the husband dies, it can't be like this when the husband is alive." Feng Tangyao's voice followed.

"You! They eat raw meat and drink blood. You have been spoiled and spoiled since childhood, and you have never suffered. If you go to that kind of place, you will be tortured to death within a few days!" Concubine Shu was furious.

"Princess Taifei, Princess Heng is here." When the two mothers and daughters were arguing, Lian Siyue walked in.

Concubine Shu saw Lian Siyue, as if seeing a life-saving straw, she immediately walked over and said, "Siyue, you are here! Tell me about her, she is going to Mobei with all her might, I, I... "

"Auntie, don't worry, be careful if you are in a hurry, His Royal Highness still needs someone to take care of you." Lian Siyue comforted her.

Glancing at Feng Tangyao, I saw her with a straight face and a resolute expression.

"Hey!" Concubine Shu sighed heavily, Lian Siyue helped her to sit down, she rubbed her forehead with a look of splitting headache.

"Mother Concubine, I've already made up my mind, it's useless for anyone to say." Feng Tangyao glanced at Lian Siyue and said.

"Look, look, is she in a daze? What's so good about Mobei? I've seen that Weilang from afar. She's short and fat, and it's not pleasing to look at. My big Zhou Dynasty My sons and brothers, that one is not Zhou Zhou, she is the only one..." Concubine Shu almost fainted from anger again.

"Auntie, go down and rest for a while, I'll talk to Tang Yaoer." Lian Siyue said.

"..." Concubine Shu sighed again and again, left the hall, and went back to the sleeping hall.

Lian Siyue sat down in front of Feng Tangyao, and asked, "You want to be the Xiongnu Yanshi (Queen), right?"

Feng Tangyao was startled, there was a trace of emotion on her originally expressionless face, but she still pursed her lips and said nothing.

"You know that the emperor exchanged Lingyue with Wei Lang for the position of king of the Huns. With the support and promise of the emperor, Wei Lang will definitely win the position of king of the Huns, but you think staying in the palace will only marry an ordinary man in the future. , so you decided to put your life on the line and marry Wei Lang as a serious princess, then the position of Queen of the Huns is also yours, and you want to be a power holder." Lian Siyue looked at her and said.

Feng Tangyao paused for a moment and said, "Unexpectedly, in the end, only you understand what I'm thinking, and the concubine mother will only try her best to stop it, but she doesn't know what I really think in my heart.

That's right, I'm not looking at Wei Lang, I'm looking at the position of Queen of the Huns, I don't want to be inferior, I want to be a master, this is what I have always thought.

With my current status and the fact that the emperor knows that I have hurt his sweetheart, he will not give me a chance, so it is impossible in the Great Zhou Dynasty. I lost to your sister Lian Lingyue, the emperor I like her, and I am willing to exchange the throne and Wei Lang for her. She will be the new queen of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and I can only marry a second-generation ancestor who is nothing.

I don't want to do this, I want to be a queen too, Wei Lang is the best choice right now, I am the princess of the Great Zhou Dynasty, Wei Lang's throne was given by the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, I have the backing of the Great Zhou Dynasty , people over there, including Wei Lang, will respect me, so I'm not afraid of eating raw meat or drinking blood! "

What she said was almost the same as what Lian Siyue guessed in her heart.

"However, if you insist on doing this, my aunt will get sick from anger." Lian Siyue said.

"No." A faint smile appeared in Feng Tangyao's eyes, "She has fourteenth younger brothers. When I first left, she might be worried or worried, but after a long time, she will forget and live on as usual. She is a concubine and empress."

"That's because you underestimated the heart of a mother. No matter how long your children leave you, you will never let them go." Lian Siyue said, with a look of sadness in his eyes.

Feng Tangyao was slightly taken aback.

Lian Siyue suppressed the emotion in her eyes, raised her head, and said, "Since you have made up your mind, no one will be able to stop you. Actually, I am not here to be a lobbyist. You are ready to endure hardships." Prepare, you must be able to overcome these difficulties with your heart that wants to be a master. Besides, you are right, neither Wei Lang nor the Huns dare to do anything to you. However, you must comfort you well mother and concubine."

Feng Tangyao didn't expect Lian Siyue to say such a thing, the cold and hard expression on her face finally disintegrated slowly, a look of melancholy flashed in her eyes, and she said, "Actually, I also don't want to part with my concubine and fourteenth brother, but I……"

She said, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Then tell her what you really think. I'll go to see her first and comfort her." Lian Siyue got up and said.

Feng Tangyao looked at the back of Lian Siyue walking away, her heart moved, she stood up suddenly, knelt down on both knees, and said, "If I leave, please take care of my mother, concubine and younger brother, my younger brother is still young, he... ... After all, he is also the grandson of the Lian family!"

Lian Siyue paused in her footsteps, and walked out without saying anything.

Feng Tangyao's body went limp, she collapsed on the ground, and closed her eyes deeply.

On Zhengyang Street.

Wei Lang is wearing a red wedding dress, and his carriage team is about to return to Mobei. Today is the day when he marries the thirteenth princess Feng Tangyao.

He looked back at the tall palace wall, a trace of loneliness flashed in his eyes, after a while, thinking of Feng Jue's promise, he smiled again.

This trip, although he didn't get the person he wanted, but he got something more permanent, he didn't lose, although he had a little regret in his heart, but he was satisfied!

However, it can also be seen that the new emperor is sincere to Princess Guchun, and he is also happy for her.

"Prince, in a few moments, the thirteenth princess will be here." The guard said from the side.

"Well, it's okay, Xiao Wang should wait." Wei Lang said, he hadn't seen the face of the thirteenth princess, he only heard that she asked to be married on her own initiative, and she was the most beloved princess of the late emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty when he was alive. , I heard that she said that she wanted to fulfill the mission for the late emperor, so she was willing to marry him.


The thirteenth princess, Feng Tangyao, was dressed in a wedding dress, and with the help of a maid, she walked slowly outside the palace. Reflected by the red wedding dress, her face looked cold and solemn, and a little pale.

Behind her came the heart-piercing cry of Concubine Shu, calling Tang Yao'er word by word.

However, she didn't look back, not once, and her face became more indifferent, until she could no longer hear the crying of the concubine mother, she slowly loosened the fist in her sleeve.

And at this time, she happened to see Ling Yue walking towards her, and she stopped in her footsteps.

Ling Yue also saw her, and she called out, "Princess Thirteen."

Feng Tangyao looked at her and said, "Your appearance hasn't changed at all these years. I heard that you were taken captive to Khitan, where you almost died a few times, and even lost your memory, but you still have the scar on your face. Kind of naive, Princess Guchun, is this why the emperor likes you?"

"Princess Thirteen, it's a long way to go, you should be more careful." Facing the person who almost killed her, Ling Yue'er didn't know what to say.

"Okay, let me borrow your blessing." Feng Tangyao passed her side and continued to walk forward. After walking a few steps, she suddenly stopped, turned around, and asked, "Do you still remember Xiao He?"

When Lingyue heard the name Xiao He, she was startled, as if she had been stabbed by a needle.

"Look, you don't remember him anymore, how much he likes you. He obviously doesn't like me, but he came to teach me how to practice. The purpose is to have a chance to see you when you enter the palace, and buy you meatloaf and put it on your chest." , I said I wanted to eat, but he didn't give me a bite, he only cared about you alone, but in the end, you still forgot about him, how worthless he is." Feng Tangyao sighed slightly and said.

Ling Yue secretly clenched the handkerchief in her hand.

Feng Tangyao turned around and left with a slight smile on her face. Of course, she didn't remember Xiao He for a long time. He didn't leave any trace in her heart. All the people who died will be gradually forgotten. Xiao He Nothing more than that.

It's just that she is asking Lingyue like this on purpose now, she doesn't want to see her undivided happiness, she wants to stab in her heart for a while, even if it makes Lingyue feel a little sad, she is satisfied.

Feng Tangyao left.

Lingyue stood there, trembling slightly, thinking of a person in her mind, what that person said, and what she did, these memories suddenly surged.

She took two steps forward, her hands pressed tightly against her heart, tears welled up in her eyes, she looked up at the sky:

The weather is sunny, blue sky and white clouds.

Xiao He, Xiao He, she murmured this name in her heart, now, he has drifted away with the wind, probably to the place he most wanted to go.

Back then, in the breeze, on top of a steed, the armored boy suddenly turned his head, smiled, and shouted loudly: "Ling Yueer, come here soon!"

(End of this chapter)

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