First-class daughter

Chapter 1429 I was wrong!

Chapter 1429 I was wrong!
Chapter 1429 I was wrong!
"You, are..." The man looked at Le Yan and blinked hard, yes, yes, it was her!
Isn't she already dead?How could... be here alive?

"Guest officer, what's the matter with you?" Le Yan found that this young man was a little strange, so she stepped forward and asked, and even stretched out her hand to pick up the quilt.

"Don't come here!" However, the man said immediately, with panic in his eyes.

That's right, it's her, that little bitch!Because she has a red leaf-shaped birthmark on her wrist, which is absolutely unmistakable.

"Objective?" Le Yan was taken aback, "Do you know me?"

When she was reborn on this person and woke up, she was in an abandoned dry well, and it took a lot of effort to crawl out of the well. At that time, she had injuries on her body, especially a deep cut on her neck. The rib marks look like they were strangled and thrown into the well.

It's just that she was silent in the joy of being alive again, and she didn't have time to think about it too much. When she endured the pain and ran to this place, she was so hungry and dizzy that she almost died, so she had to do it for more than a month. little beggar.

For more than a month, she also thought about who her body was, but she never met anyone who knew her.

Now, the surprised look of the guest officer in front of him obviously is someone who knows her.

"I don't know!" However, the young man said firmly.

"but you……"

"The environment here is not good, Lao Ding, let's go!" The son stood up, turned and walked out.

Le Yan looked puzzled, no, this young man must know him, otherwise he wouldn't show such an expression, but why did he say he didn't know him?
Do you not want to recognize her?

When the young man walked to the door of the inn, he secretly looked back at Le Yan again:
It's all like that, he's not dead yet, this little bitch is really destined, he has to go home immediately and tell his mother and sister that this little bitch can't be allowed to go back to Zhao's house alive, otherwise, everything carefully planned will be in vain .

"Third Young Master..." Lao Ding called out.

"Go, go home!" The man quickly got into the carriage, left the place, and drove towards the south.

"Guest officer!" Seeing this, Le Yan hurried up, but the carriage had already left quickly.

Le Yan stood where she was, with thoughts flashing in her eyes, she was even more sure that this person knew him, but why did he leave in such a hurry?

Could it be that the fact that she was strangled and thrown into the dry well had something to do with this person?

Thinking of this, Le Yan felt a chill all over her body, and she suddenly became frightened. Now that he has found her, will he come to harm her again?

How to do?What can I do?
She doesn't want to be hurt anymore, let alone die, she hasn't found her mother yet, she can't die, she can't die.

She was trembling all over, subconsciously stepped back, her eyes flashed with horror.

"Le Yan, what's wrong with you?" At this moment, a voice suddenly came.

Le Yan raised her head abruptly, only to see Yaotong standing in front of her with a medicine box on her back, looking at her suspiciously.

"I, I..." Le Yan stepped forward suddenly, grabbed his medicine box, and said, "I seem to have met my family."

"Family?" Yaotong blinked his eyes, showing confusion.

"Come with me!" Now this little brother is the only one who is willing to help her, and besides him, she doesn't know who else to talk to.

"You said, someone might know you just now?" After hearing Le Yan's description of the situation just now, Yaotong widened his eyes and said in surprise.

"Isn't it because I'm out of my mind that I don't remember anything? But that person was surprised when he saw me just now, and obviously knew me." Le Yan said affirmatively.

Although she is still very young, she has been offended too much and has escaped too many times, so she has become very alert.

"However, if it's your family, why does he not recognize you and leave in such a hurry?" Yaotong asked.

"I also find it strange." Le Yan said, "If he knew someone, he would at least say hello, but not only did he not recognize me, on the contrary, he was surprised and even panicked. When I ran up to call him , he walked away without looking back, as if avoiding me."

"This is so strange. Could it be that he is afraid of seeing you? Are you threatening him?" Yaotong said after thinking.

"I was wondering if he was the bad guy who pushed me into the dry well." Le Yan said, her face turned pale for a while.

After hearing this, Yaotong's heart tightened.

"If, if he is the one who killed me, seeing that I am not dead, he will definitely continue to think of ways to get rid of me... What should I do? What if he comes to kill me again?" Her small body couldn't help shivering.

Even though her brain is flexible, she is still a child, and she is completely unarmed.

The drug boy also became nervous.

Le Yan grabbed his medicine box tightly as if grabbing a life-saving straw, and said, "Brother, please, help me? I don't want to die, I don't want to get hurt again, I want to go back to Kyoto to find me Mother."

"You, don't be afraid, I will protect you, I will help you find a way, I will help you find a way." Yaotong said quickly, he felt that the little girl was really pitiful, she had no memory, no family, what? None, I only remember one mother, but I don't know where this mother is.

"Don't worry too much, maybe, maybe your mother is looking for you everywhere, just wait until she finds you."

Le Yan shook her head and said, "She won't look for me, she doesn't even know I'm here..."

"Don't be discouraged..." Yaotong quickly squeezed her little hand and said.

Le Yan wiped away the tears from her cheeks and said, "Brother, I think the person who can protect me the most is actually your young master. If I can serve by his side, it will not be so easy for others to harm me."

"You're right, the most capable person is actually Young Master." Yaotong said, a flash of thought flashed in his eyes, "But Young Master, he doesn't come out at home, what should we do?"

"How about it, or I will deliver food to his room instead of you later." Le Yan said, "But, this will make you scolded."

"It doesn't matter to me. I have been scolded a lot. I don't care about it. Then I will call you later, and you can deliver the food. However, you must be careful. My son is a bit weird recently, and I dare not Talk to him more." Yaotong urged seriously.

"Okay, don't worry, I will be very careful, very careful." Le Yan said, also full of gratitude to Yaotong.

With the food in her hand, Le Yan carefully pushed open the door of the east wing: Huh, no one?
She looked around, but she didn't see Feng Qianyue's figure. She raised her foot and walked in while looking around.

"What are you doing here?" At this moment, a cold voice suddenly came.

Le Yan was startled, her hands shook, and the things in her hands almost fell to the ground.

Only then did I realize that the uncle was standing by the window, backlit, his figure seemed to be swallowed by the darkness, his face was expressionless, as cold as ice, and she couldn't help shivering.

She bit her lower lip, walked in cautiously, put the food on the table, and said, "My little brother fell and got injured. I happened to pass by, so I brought the food for him to uncle."

"Put it down, go out." Feng Qianyue said.

Wherever he looked, the child stood there, a little timidly, but his eyes were stubborn. He looked fragile, but he was actually very strong.

This way, it was very similar to the daughter in his dream, as if it was her.

Le Yan didn't go out, she summoned up her courage, walked up to Feng Qianyue, and said, "Uncle, Yaotong is injured, you also need someone to take care of you, can you let me come? I don't want monthly money, and I don't eat Your meal."

"Then what do you want?" Feng Qianyue didn't know why this little girl kept looking for him instead of others.

"I... want uncle to protect me, don't let me be bullied." Le Yan raised her head, with longing eyes in her eyes, "I seem to see people who have harmed me today, I'm afraid they will come again, if If the uncle is around, they will not dare to mess around. I ask the uncle to protect me and not let me be taken away. I have to go to my mother. My mother is very dangerous. If I don’t remind her, there will be no trouble. Someone reminded her."

Feng Qian looked at her for a long time, her eyes were full of anticipation, her hands were tightly clenched, and the toes of a pair of shoes were torn.

There were always signs of injury on her body, as if she was always in danger.

"Go out." But in the end, Feng Qianyue said.

"Uncle..." Le Yan's heart sank to the bottom, and she was extremely depressed. It seems that she still failed to impress him. Can she only rely on herself?
"Medicine boy!" He shouted coldly.

The eavesdropper outside showed a look of annoyance, then pushed open the door, walked in with his head down, glanced at Le Yan, bowed to Feng Qianyue, and said, "My lord, I'm here."

"Kneel down!" However, Feng Qianyue snapped.

"..." Le Yan was taken aback.

The drug boy pursed his lips, knelt down slowly, opened his hands consciously, and raised them up. Feng Qianyue sullenly took the whip from the side, raised his hand, and slapped the drug boy hard. A pained expression suddenly appeared on Yaotong's face.

Le Yan only felt that the whip had hit her heart, she knelt down hastily, and begged, "Uncle, brother didn't do anything, it's my fault, I kept begging him to let me come to ask uncle for help , Uncle, don't hit him anymore."

However, Feng Qianyue had no intention of stopping, and continued to lash at Yaotong's body with whip after whip. Yaotong curled up into a ball and half knelt on the ground.

When Le Yan saw her, she knelt and crawled in front of Feng Qianyue. Her face was pale, and she was gradually out of breath, "I was wrong, I was wrong! I will never ask my little brother to help me again. I won’t come to you anymore, it was my fault, please don’t hit him, please!”

(End of this chapter)

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