First-class daughter

Chapter 1430 Pain

Chapter 1430 Pain
Chapter 1430 Pain
However, Feng Qianyue didn't know why, seeing Le Yan like this, inexplicable feelings surged in his heart!

The movements of his hands became more vigorous.

Le Yan saw the whip being whipped on her little brother's body, and she recalled the situation when she was whipped. She watched closely, trembling all over, her face was pale, and big drops of sweat slid down.

At that time, the whip was covered with chili water, and the whip lashed her body hard. She cried loudly and called for mother.

But, to no avail, no one came to save her.

At that time, her soul that was beaten by the whip was about to come out of her body. At that moment, she even wanted to bite her tongue and kill herself.

"Don't, don't, I was wrong, I was wrong, I was really wrong..." She looked at the whip that fell on the little brother, her eyes showed horror, as if the whip had been whipped in her On the body, she sat on the ground, backing up bit by bit, sweat dripping down.

Her gaze fell on Feng Qianyue's expressionless face, his gaze——


This look is exactly the same as that of the father, so ruthless, so terrifying!
In fact, Feng Qianyue's real strength and movements for beating Yaotong are not that terrible, but Xiao Leyan, who is caught in the memory, sees Feng Qianyue as a murderous demon, and feels that he is about to kill Yaotong. Killed.

Suddenly, Le Yan didn't know where the strength came from, and suddenly got up from the ground, picked up the vase at the side, and quickly ran to Feng Qianyue's side, raised her hand and slammed it on his body, forcefully smash it!


The vase hit Feng Qianyue's head, fell to the ground, and shattered!

And Feng Qianyue's head was also smashed, and blood immediately slid down his cheeks.

"My lord!" Yaotong was startled, took a sharp look at Le Yan, and then got up enduring the pain, "My lord, my lord, sit down quickly, you are bleeding!"

Oh my god, what happened to Le Yan?How dare you beat the young master to the point of bleeding?
And Le Yan sat on the ground, clasped her hands tightly, looked at Feng Qianyue closely, her heart was beating, her face was pale.

When the vase was smashed, Feng Qianyue was stunned for a moment, a burst of pain came, a sticky feeling slid down from his face, one flowed to his mouth, and he tasted a fishy-sweet taste.

He turned his head and glanced at Le Yan.

"I, I..." Le Yan clenched her fists tightly. She thought about how she would escape if he hit her, and she had already made up her mind that if nothing happened, she would never Will ask him for help!

She has to rely on herself, and she doesn't want to rely on anyone!

Even if I kneel and crawl all the way back to Kyoto from here, I have to go back!

Feng Qianyue stretched out his hand, touched his forehead, and suddenly there was blood on his hand, and the drug boy hurriedly went to the medicine box nervously, his hands were trembling.

"My lord, my lord, what's the matter?" Wu Yong, who heard the movement, came in, and when he saw Feng Qianyue's blood streaming down his face, he was startled, and hurried over, helping Feng Qianyue to sit down. Next, his eyes quickly glanced at Le Yan on the ground.

He frowned tightly and said, "Get out!"

Le Yan got up, Yaotong hurried over, and said to her in a low voice, "Let's go."

She stumbled out and Feng Qianyue's eyes fell on her.

"My lord, sit down quickly, and I'll clean it up for you." Wu Yong hurriedly supported Feng Qianyue to sit down, and said with a tense face.

Although this man has changed his appearance, he is also the prince entrusted by the late emperor before his death, and he is the person he will serve for the rest of his life. If something goes wrong, how could he have the face to meet the late emperor?

Feng Qianyue sat on the chair, her scalp tingling for a while, this child actually hit him!
Also, what did her eyes mean just now?Why did you show hatred towards him?

Yaotong stood beside Feng Qianyue and glanced in the direction of the door!
After Wu Yong bandaged Feng Qianyue, he bowed and said, "My lord, although it didn't hurt the inside, but the scalp is broken, I applied medicine to you and bandaged you, please rest well."

Feng Qianyue nodded.

Wu Yong bowed, and when he walked in front of the drug boy, he pinched his ears, dragged him outside, and scolded, "You are getting more and more outrageous, how dare you hurt the young master? "

"Ah, master, master, it hurts so much, that little girl is so pitiful, I just want to help her, ah..." Yaotong begged for mercy repeatedly.

"Confused!" Wu Yong pushed the drug boy to a corner and whispered, "Do you know the identity of that child? You dare to lead him to the young master, what should I do if the young master has something wrong? This little girl It's weird, I think there must be something wrong, from now on, you are not allowed to approach her again, and you are not allowed to talk to her again, otherwise, I will immediately expel you from the division and go home to pick up shit!"

This time, the master was really angry. Yaotong stood in the corner with his head down, not daring to answer a word.

After a long while, he murmured, "Master is right, we are the young master's people, and we should put the young master first in everything, but, there is only one child, so I can't help but help him, if I don't help Otherwise, she really has no one to help her, that's why I...but I didn't expect that she would hurt the young master just now..."

Wu Yong sighed, and said, "I know you came from a humble background, and you are always kind to those who are in the same situation as you, but if you will cause trouble for yourself, don't do it, people have to heal themselves first. Bao, then you save others, you finally got out, you don’t want to go back, do you?”

He said, patted his apprentice on the head, and said.

"I see, Master." Yaotong nodded.

"Remember, whether the child is good or bad in the future has nothing to do with you." Wu Yong warned him again, fearing that he would make a mess again.

"..." Yaotong nodded.

After Le Yan came out of Feng Qianyue's room, she returned to the firewood shed where she lived. She sat on the firewood pile, hugged her body tightly, her cheeks were covered with sweat, and her face was a little pale.

She just... she hit the uncle just now!

Now, she will definitely be driven away from here!
She looked around, took the cloak left by someone who didn't know who it was, covered her body, and wrapped herself tightly.

After a while, he stretched out his hand again, folded a branch and put it in his hand, holding it tightly, his eyes fixed on the position of the door.

If someone came to hurt her, she would definitely not be caught without a fight.

"I have strength, I am not afraid, come on, I am not afraid of anything!"

She was very scared, but she couldn't go to find her little brother anymore. He was beaten today, so she couldn't implicate him anymore, otherwise, she would be no different from a villain.

Even though she was so sleepy that she nodded repeatedly, she still refused to sleep. She was still thinking in her mind, how can she know who she is?

"Looking at the terrified look of that man today, he must have tried his best to harm me and left in a hurry. Could it be that he was afraid? Does this mean that someone in that family does not want me to die? This uncle is determined not to help me, I Why don't I find someone in my family who can protect me? In this way, I can always survive."

Le Yan said to herself like this, thinking of a way in her little head.

You can't rely on others, you can only rely on yourself!
Since God let her appear early in this world, she must cherish the opportunity, grit her teeth and survive until she finds her mother and uncle Nine Emperors.

She wants to tell her mother that there is only one real good person, and that is Uncle Nine Emperors!Others can't believe it!

Mother, wait for me!
Uncle Nine Emperors, wait for me!

Le Yan will definitely appear in front of you well.

Qizhou, Zhao family.

The Zhao family used to be well-known in Qizhou. It originated from the Zhao family. There were two heroines, two sisters, Zhao Zining and Zhao Ziying, who were disguised as men since childhood. The father of Zhao Zining and Zhao Ziying was Zhao Yan, a famous general in Qizhou.

Elder sister Zhao Zining is better than younger sister Zhao Ziying. She used to be a woman of the late emperor. The late emperor promised her to take her into the palace to become a queen. Unfortunately, Zi Ning's fate was not good. She passed away before the late emperor came. And that young son.

The younger sister Zhao Ziying disappeared later, and some people once said that the Queen Mother Renyi of Khitan was her younger sister Zhao Ziying, but there was no definite evidence, but after Zhao Ziying disappeared, there was no news of returning to Qizhou.

It is said that the reason was that her father, Zhao Yan, beat her severely before she left and announced that they would sever the relationship between her parents. The specific reason is unknown.

Later, Zhao Sheng was seriously ill, and when he was dying, he gave the family property to Zhao Pan, the eldest nephew of the second room.

Zhao Pan changed to do business. After several years, although his influence in Qizhou was not as great as when his uncle Zhao Yan was alive, he was quite influential in the local area.

This Zhao Pansheng has a son, Zhao Yan, who married a wife, Luo Shi, and three aunts. Luo Shi has a daughter, Zhao Liuxian, and a young son who was just born.

However, more than a month ago, the eldest granddaughter Zhao Liuxian, the old lady of the parents, and the aunts went out to play, but were hijacked by bandits in the end. Zhao Yang sent people to almost turn over the entire Qizhou city, but no sign of Zhao Liuxian was found.

Because Luo Shi couldn't find his daughter, he washed his face with tears all day long, and couldn't even take care of his infant son. As a result, his health became worse and worse. He searched all over the city for famous doctors, but he couldn't get his body recuperated.

"Hey, the eldest lady of the Zhao family, Luo Shi, is so sick that she can't even get out of bed, let alone housekeeping affairs. Now I heard that the old lady is taking care of the family affairs behind the scenes. The specific matters are all left to the people in the mansion. Aunt Li is in charge, so Aunt Li is more advanced than Luo Shi and gave birth to a daughter and a son." The man who was talking about these trivial matters sighed and said.

"I remember that Luo Shi was born very well, and all of his family were officials."

While serving wine to these guests, Le Yan listened casually to the conversation between them.

"That's right, Luo Shi is gentle and virtuous, and she loves her eldest daughter Zhao Liuxian the most. It's a pity that the child's life is not good, and he is still missing. I think it is likely that he is dead."

(End of this chapter)

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