First-class daughter

Chapter 1431 That's it!

Chapter 1431 That's it!

Chapter 1431 That's it!

"That's right, the child is only about ten years old. He was held in the palm of Luo Shi's hand and cared for since he was a child. He was pampered and spoiled. He didn't suffer so much. He was afraid that he would die of fright if he was frightened by bandits."

Le Yan listened and thought to herself, is she also a hard-working person?However, could this miserable person be killed by someone in the family like her?
Judging from what these people said, this Zhao Liuxian had a very good life, and I'm afraid he would also make people jealous.

She had experienced these things herself, so she couldn't help but think about it.

"Zhao Liuxian was raised in a deep boudoir since she was a child. No one has seen what she looks like. It is said that she is very beautiful, even more beautiful than her great-aunt Zhao Zining back then.

However, I heard from the doctor who showed her that there is a birthmark on Zhao Liuxian's wrist, which seems to be, seems to be red, like, like a leaf..." At this time another person said.

Red leaf birthmark? !
Doesn't she have a red leaf-shaped birthmark on her wrist? !

Could it be that she is Luo Shi's beloved daughter?
When Le Yan heard this, her heart trembled suddenly. When she was about to put the wine on for the guests, her hand shook and the wine spilled out.

"Oh, you little girl, what did you do?" The guest got angry and scolded loudly.

Le Yan quickly bowed and said again and again, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was negligent for a while, I'm sorry, guest officer, don't be angry!"

"My good wine has been spilled! You can just say sorry? What's the matter with this store? Is there no one? Ask a child to work here!" The old man was furious.

The proprietress heard the movement and ran out quickly. Seeing that Le Yan had made a mistake, her face darkened, but she immediately walked up to the guest officer with a smile and said, "Guest officer, don't be angry, this kid has offended you with his frizzy hands and feet." You, I will teach her a lesson later, we don't count your drink money."

Le Yan trembled a little when she heard the word "teach her". It was these two words that she was most afraid of when she was alive.

"You don't need to teach me a lesson later, let's teach him a good lesson now, look, I've got my newly bought robe wet." The old man said bluntly.

The proprietress was very annoyed, she turned her head and stared at Le Yan fiercely, Le Yan flinched in fright.

"Aren't you willing to fight? I'll do it!" The man picked up the chopsticks in his hand and was about to hit Le Yan's hand. Le Yan subconsciously knelt down and hugged her head.

"Do you still dare to hide?" This person was a typical bully and shy of strength, walked over a few steps, and knocked his chopsticks on Le Yan's hand.

"No!" Le Yan said loudly.


"Ah!" Instead of the pain Le Yan imagined, the man let out a scream.

She was taken aback, slowly let go of her hand, and looked up, only to see that this man's wrist was pinched by someone, and he screamed in pain.

And the person who squeezed his hand was——

"Uncle?" She was stunned, and slowly stood up, her eyes fell on his head, which was wrapped with gauze.

Feng Qianyue glanced at her indifferently, and when she looked at this domineering person, her eyes suddenly turned cold, and she said a word, "Get lost!"

"Ah, yes, yes, yes..." The man was frightened by Feng Qianyue, and immediately admitted his love, almost kneeling on the ground in pain.

Seeing this, the lady proprietress was afraid that the inn would be smashed, so she hurriedly acted as a peacemaker, "Forget it, young master, forget it, it's this kid who is messy, that's why..."

In the middle of speaking, the proprietress suddenly felt a cold look in her eyes, and she shut her mouth immediately, not daring to say any more.

A few people left in a hurry, and the other waiters hurriedly cleared the table. The proprietress apologized to Feng Qianyue, who stood there with no expression on his face.

Le Yan walked over timidly and said, "Just now, thank you just now, uncle."

Feng Qianyue didn't speak, turned around and walked towards the east wing.

Seeing this, Le Yan hurriedly chased after her, and asked, "Uncle, is your injury still hurting? I didn't know what happened yesterday, and I saw you as another person."

another person?

Feng Qianyue stopped, turned around, looked at her, and asked, "Who do you think it is?"

Le Yan paused, she really didn't want to think of that person, and she didn't want to mention that person's name, a deep sadness flashed in her eyes.

Looking up at Feng Qianyue, he clenched his small fist tightly and said, "My father."

"Your father?" Feng Qianyue's eyes fell on this mysterious child, and he remembered that day, when he passed the firewood room, he heard her gnashing her teeth at her father in her sleep Come.

"Well, it was him. For a moment, I was confused, and I took you as him, uncle." Le Yan nodded and said, she could only say him, and could not say "my father" a second time.

"You seem to hate him very much." Feng Qianyue said.

Le Yan clenched her fists tightly, and there was a deep hatred in her eyes, it was more than hatred, she wanted to kill him!

People say that killing a father will be punished by the gods, so she is not afraid, even if she is punished by the gods, she will kill him, so as not to let him have the opportunity to hurt her poor mother.

Feng Qianyue's eyes slowly fell on her trembling fist, thinking, this child's hatred for his father exceeded his imagination.

"Where is your father now?" he asked.

After a while, Le Yan slowly let go of her hands, relaxed her body, and said, "He should be far away, in Kyoto."

Kyoto?Feng Qianyue paused, and asked, "Are you from Kyoto? Who is your father from Kyoto?"

He has lived in the capital for so many years. Although this little girl looks very miserable, she occasionally shows a demeanor that only a wealthy family would have in her gestures, which shows that her family is originally very nice. Meet her father.

"..." Le Yan opened her mouth, just about to say, but then she thought again, if the fourth prince Feng Qianyue's name was mentioned, would the uncle be more alienated from her because he was afraid of the royal power?

So, she said, "My brain is broken, I don't remember much, I just remember that he is hateful."

"Oh." Feng Qianyue nodded, yes, according to Yaotong, her head was injured and she can't remember many things.

"Uncle, thank you very much today." Le Yan bowed to him and said.

However, she will not pester him as before, because she probably knows who she might be.

"I'm going to work, uncle." She said, then turned and left.

Feng Qianyue looked at her back, slightly lost in thought.

After Le Yan left, she returned to the woodshed where she lived. She leaned on the cloak, rolled up her sleeves, looked at the red leaf-shaped birthmark on her wrist, and murmured a name: "Zhao Liuxian?"

She began to sort out her thoughts in her mind. Le Yan was still young, and she couldn't hold such complicated things in her head, so she thought of a way. She broke a few branches, and each branch represented one of them:

Zhao Yan, Luo Shi, Zhao Liuxian, the people who panicked that day.

Gradually, she sorted out a relationship:
Her original owner was Zhao Liuxian, the eldest granddaughter of the Zhao family. Zhao Liuxian's father was a well-known businessman in Qizhou, Zhao Tan, and his mother was a well-born Luo Shi. Can't care.

So she must have been murdered.

And the person I met suddenly that day was so flustered, Zhao Liuxian's murder must have something to do with her.

Le Yan put the four branches together and had an idea in her heart:
Go back to Zhao's house!The Zhao family is rich and powerful, Luo Shi loves her and will protect her, so she will have a chance to return to the capital!
Thinking of this, her little heart began to boil with excitement.

Right now, the most important thing is how to return to Zhao's house, meet Luo Shi, and prevent her from being killed by that person that day.

By the way, who is that flustered person from the Zhao family?
The Zhao family, in a certain courtyard.

"Qi'er, what did you say? You said you saw Zhao Liuxian?" Aunt Li stood up abruptly, with surprise in her eyes, she whispered.

Zhao Qi touched the sweat on his forehead and said, "Mother, it's absolutely true, I really saw Zhao Liuxian."

"Third brother, did you read something wrong?" Zhao Minxian asked tightly, "Didn't we watch that bandit strangle her to death and throw her into the dry well that day? How could she still be alive? Delicate and easy to get sick, where does such a strong vitality come from?"

"Sister, I swear it's true. At first I thought it might be just two people who looked the same, but I saw the red leaf birthmark on her wrist. This birthmark is very unique and exactly the same as the one on Zhao Liuxian's hand, so it must be It is undoubtedly Zhao Liuxian." Zhao Qi said.

Contemplation flashed in Aunt Li's eyes, and she asked, "Did she see you clearly?"

Zhao Qi shook his head and said, "It's a bit strange to say, she works hard in an inn and calls me guest officer, she doesn't seem to recognize me."

"This means that she is definitely not Zhao Liuxian. If it was Zhao Liuxian, how could she not recognize you?" Zhao Minxian said.

"That's true, but...she really looks exactly like Zhao Liuxian." Zhao Qi said, "And that feeling really shocked me."

"Qi'er, which inn is she in?" Aunt Li asked after a long time of contemplation.

"At Tianyue Inn." Zhao Qi thought for a while and said.

"Tianyue Inn?" Aunt Li squeezed the handkerchief in her hand, stood up, and said, "I'll go and see for myself to see if it's her?"

"If so?" Zhao Minxian asked tightly.

"If it is, then get rid of her so that she will never be able to return to the Zhao family. When the time comes, her things will be yours!" Aunt Li said to her biological daughter.

A smile appeared on Zhao Minxian's face, and he said, "Mother, you must not let her come back. Now my mother is too sick to go to the ground. Maybe if Zhao Liuxian comes back, her illness will be cured. Then mother, the right in your hand I'm going to go back."

"It's already in my hands. It's not so easy to go back. If Zhao Liuxian can't come back, she will die because of thinking too much about her daughter!"

(End of this chapter)

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