First-class daughter

Chapter 1432 Sweet

Chapter 1432 Sweet

Chapter 1432 Sweet

Aunt Li said cruelly.

Back then, she was the first to enter the door. Because of her bad background, the two children who had accidents first were not treated in every possible way. They could only be regarded as the birth of their aunts. They couldn't get anything good, and they couldn't speak in front of the old lady.

And Luo Shi didn't even have a son at that time, so he got a cute girl doll. As a result, the whole Zhao family held it in their hands and took care of it, especially Luo Shi, who loved Zhao Liuxian as his darling, and hugged her with all good things. A person.

As a result, what made her feel relieved was that Zhao Liuxian was weak and fell ill at every turn. The three of them pretended to respect and flatter this concubine, but in fact, they were secretly looking for opportunities to get rid of her.

Once more than a month ago, when everyone went out together, they finally found a chance, and colluded with bandits, pretending that they were taken away together.

Later, Zhao Liuxian was strangled to death and thrown into a dry well. It looked like he was bound to die.

Why would it appear in the inn again?It's really strange.

"Auntie, the old lady said that there is another medical clinic opened in the city, and the doctor is from the capital, please invite the doctor to come home to treat the old lady." Outside, the nanny said.

A look of coldness flashed across Aunt Li's face, she thought to herself, even if Hua Tuo was alive, it would be useless even if she was sick like this.

But there was a joyful expression on his face, and he said, "The doctor from the capital, that's great, you go and invite him over and show it to Madam, I hope this time the doctor can treat Madam's illness." it is good."

"Yes, I will invite you, servant." The servant left.

Aunt Li ordered, "Qi'er, ask you to find out the details of this doctor from the capital. When the time comes, find a way to make him ours."

"Mother, don't worry, it's easy." Zhao Qi said.

"What about Zhao Liuxian?" Zhao Minxian asked.

"Don't worry, I will confirm it myself." Aunt Li said.

Tianyue Inn.

The medicine boy was carrying the medicine box on his back, and while beating his sore legs, he walked in. The medical clinic finally opened, but he was really exhausted these days.

In the past, the master would let him be lazy, but now the master seems to be afraid that he will have time to spare, and let him do everything.

Le Yan came out after finishing her work, and happened to meet him.

She froze for a moment, turned and left in a hurry.

"Hey!" Seeing the medicine boy, he quickly ran over with the medicine box in his arms, followed her, and said, "Why did you run away when you saw me?"

Le Yan didn't speak, and continued to walk forward quickly.

Seeing this, Yaotong simply quickened his pace, stopped in front of her, opened his hands, not letting her go, and said, "What's wrong with you, why did you run away when you saw me? Did I make you angry?"

Le Yan shook her head and said, "No."

"What's the matter?" Yaotong blinked his eyes and said, "Did you hear from my master that William used to pick up stinky shit, and you were afraid that I would smell like shit to you? Actually, it was my master's joke. I don't really pick up shit, I actually..."

"No, no!" Le Yan raised her head and said seriously, "You don't stink at all, you are a very good person, it's my fault, I let you get beaten, I made you tired, so... I I don't want to trouble you any more."

Yaotong heard this, and said with a smile, "Why am I thinking, these few blows are nothing, I am in good health, you don't have to worry about it, let alone..." He lowered his voice and blinked, "Aren't you Did you beat the young master to blood for me? This is the first time a girl has stood up for me in such a big age."

Le Yan's face turned red, and she said, "Actually, I don't really want to hit him..."

"It's all over, the young master didn't blame you, and he didn't hit me again, so don't hide from me, okay?" Yaotong asked.

"You really don't blame me?" Le Yan asked, "I haven't seen you for a few days, so I thought you were blaming me."

"God, then you really wronged me. I'm too busy. I was sent by my master, an old fox, to do this and that. Now I have some free time." Yaotong said, and took out a piece of paper from his arms. The bag came, handed it to Le Yan, and said, "I bought this for you, eat it quickly."

"What is this?" Le Yan opened the paper bag, and saw a bunch of red crystal clear things appearing in her hand, "It's candied haws!"

There was light in her eyes, a smile appeared on her face, she quickly bit one, put it in her mouth and chewed, "It's delicious, it's delicious."

Seeing her so happy, Yaotong's eyes showed a little pity, just a bunch of candied haws, stars would appear in her eyes.

"Eat slowly, don't worry, I will buy it for you tomorrow." He said.

"I haven't eaten sweets for a long time. I like sweets the most." Le Yan was really happy at the moment, forgetting the troubles of her life experience and the pain on her body. A bunch of candied haws brought by the medicine boy, Temporarily cured her.

After eating the candied haws, she licked off the sugar residue stuck to the corner of her mouth bit by bit with her tongue.

"I'm ten years old, how old are you, little brother?" Le Yan asked suddenly.

"I should be twelve." Yaotong said, in fact, he was not particularly clear about when he was born.

"I am ten years old and you are twelve. You will be my brother and I will be your sister, okay?" He is so kind, Le Yan felt that he was like a ray of light, shining on her and making her feel warm.

Yaotong was slightly startled, his eyes flickered slightly, he looked at her and said, "What do you want my sister to do, I have a sister myself, I don't want a sister anymore."

Le Yan was a little disappointed, and said, "Okay, sorry, I shouldn't have said that."

"No, anyway, anyway, you don't understand, don't be a younger sister, but I will still buy candied haws for you." Yaotong said quickly, afraid that she would be unhappy.

Le Yan smiled, "Okay, I'll listen to you, little brother."

Yaotong saw Wu Yong coming from a distance, and said quickly, "I can't talk to you anymore, I'm leaving first, and I'll go find you in the evening and bring you delicious food."

"Okay." Le Yan waved at him, and licked her mouth with her tongue, it was really sweet.

These few days she was very vigilant, always looking at the door, afraid that the person that day would come back to harm her again, but she didn't find anything special for a few days.

In the evening, after finishing work, I returned to the woodshed.

After a long day of exhaustion, she often felt more comfortable lying on the cloak, but she did not dare to sleep too deeply, and always leaned against the door, holding a big wooden stick in her hand.

Gradually, as the night deepened, she became sleepy and slowly fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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