First-class daughter

Chapter 1434 Survival

Chapter 1434 Survival
Chapter 1434 Survival
Zhao Qi watched coldly, and when he saw Zhao Liuxian's body, he could go back and announce the good news to his mother and eldest sister.

Ha ha!

However, Zhao Qi was dumbfounded!

Where is Immortal Zhao Liu?It's like being burned, there should always be a charred corpse left, why is there nothing?

Regardless of other people's eyes, he pushed aside the crowd, rushed to the door of the woodshed, and stared around.

Not to mention the scorched corpse, even if there is no shadow!

How is this going?What about people?
Zhao Qi stood there in a daze, and the proprietress looked at him suspiciously, "Master, what are you looking for?"

"Where's that little bitch?" Zhao Qi suddenly grabbed the boss's lady by the collar and asked loudly.

"Young master, young master!" Seeing this, Lao Ding hurried over, and tightly grabbed his hand, signaling him not to be impulsive.

The proprietress was baffled, it was annoying to be on fire, but when she met such a person suddenly, she felt even more furious.

"Come on, get him out of here!"

With an order, several servants came over and drove Zhao Qi away.

"..." Not far away, a pair of cold eyes looked at this place, he grabbed a person next to him, put a piece of silver in his hand, and said, "Do something for me, the silver is yours."

When the man saw Yinzi, his eyes lit up, "What's the matter, sir, please tell me."

Feng Qianyue waved to him and whispered something in his ear.

"Yes, yes, I understand." The tall man put the silver into his arms, then spotted Zhao Qi, suddenly increased his speed, and slammed into him with force.

"Ah!" Only a scream was heard.

The unsuspecting Zhao Qi was suddenly knocked into the air, and crashed straight into the burnt woodshed.

The wooden beam that had been burnt to the point of collapse collapsed, and fell on Zhao Qi's body with a bang, and immediately other wooden beams also began to collapse.

"Master! Master!"

Seeing this, Lao Ding yelled in fright, and then hurriedly moved the wooden beam that fell on Zhao Qi's body.

These wooden beams were hot and scorching hot, and Zhao Qi screamed, blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and a painful expression appeared on his face.

After a while, Lao Ding pulled Zhao Qi out. Zhao Qi hugged his leg tightly, screaming, "My leg, my leg is broken..."

Feng Qianyue turned and left.

Le Yan was lying on the bed with a black face, some of her hair was burnt, the skin on her hands was torn, and some of her body was also burnt, exuding a burnt smell.

Wu Yong sat on the side of the bed and gave her diagnosis and treatment. Yaotong stood aside, clasped his hands together, looking very nervous, "Master, how is she?"

Wu Yong pursed his lips tightly and said, "Go get a basin of water."

"Okay." Yaotong turned around quickly, fetched a basin of warm water, followed Wu Yong's instructions, dipped a handkerchief in the water, and gently wiped her forehead and face.

"Ahem..." After a while, she finally coughed a few times, opened her eyes and woke up, her eyes were confused.

"Le Yan, you're awake!" Yaotong was surprised, and wiped the sweat off his face, his face was also pitch black.

"Ahem..." Le Yan opened her mouth, feeling her throat hurt.

"I was choked by the fireworks, so I can't speak for the time being, let's rest first." Wu Yong said.

"Ahem..." Le Yan coughed twice, her eyes showed gratitude.

She thought she was going to die, but she didn't expect to survive, and she slowly let go of her heart.

Wu Yong glanced at Yaotong and said, "You stay and take care of her, the medicine is here, and you have to drink water on time."

"Yes." Yaotong said quickly.

When the master went out, the drug boy quickly squatted down and said, "Don't worry, it's fine, just cultivate yourself."

Le Yan nodded, her throat hurt like being cut by a knife, and she couldn't make a sound.

The medicine boy helped her up, fed her water, and she said thank you with her mouth.

Yaotong said, "Actually, I can't say thank you. I just planned to come to see you. For some reason, the young master didn't rest and came with me. Then we found your firewood shed was on fire."


Le Yan froze for a moment.

"Now your firewood room has been burned. This room originally belonged to me, and now it is for your use. I will go and squeeze with Master." The medicine boy said, and fed her a mouthful of medicine.

Tears welled up in Le Yan's eyes, and she nodded.

Yaotong looked around and lowered his voice, and asked, "Tell me, is someone from the Zhao family looking for you?"

Le Yan nodded. Although she didn't see it, she was sure that it must have something to do with the person who left in a panic that day.

Yaotong frowned, and said, "These people are really bad, you are already like this, and you still refuse to let you go! You take good care of your wounds, and when you recover, I will take you back to the Zhao family to find trouble!"

However, Le Yan shook her head and opened her mouth.

"It seems that you have other ideas, so let's take care of your throat first, tell me, and I'll help you," Yaotong said.

Le Yan nodded, closed her eyes, and leaned on the pillow. She was a little tired, and she had spent too much energy and energy just now to escape from the fire.

I just feel tired now.

"Go to sleep well." Yaotong changed the quilt for her.

He himself sat on the edge of the bed with his hands on his chin, looked at the person on the bed, looked at him, he himself was sleepy, and fell down on her quilt after a while, and fell asleep on his stomach.


Feng Qianyue stood in the yard, her eyes fell on the two people in the room, a flash of thought flashed in her eyes.

She said that her father and mother were both in the capital, but the people from Qizhou were making trouble for her. Obviously, she had a relationship with Qizhou.

"She lied?"

Feng Qianyue frowned slightly, the wind blew, and the howling of the Zhao family came from a distance, yelling that his leg was broken, his leg was broken.

He suddenly realized that he was a little nosy, this strange girl had nothing to do with him at all, he shouldn't put too much emotion on her.

Now he is beginning to be interested in things in Kyoto.

"Now, the one who ascends the throne is Feng Jue. Even Siyue, you can be more carefree. Your younger brother has always respected you, but now I'm afraid he will hold you in a position like Princess An!" Feng Qianyue There was a sneering smile on the corner of his lips, "And I, who was obviously not a slut, but was scolded as a slut for so many years, was finally valued by my father, but my father died again, and there is no more phoenix in this world." Yue, no one knows me anymore, I just stare at a strange face, and spend my whole life in this poor land. Qizhou is not bad, but compared to Kyoto, isn’t it poor? Hehe, God, this is you Is it the last reward for me?"

He wants to open a medical clinic here, but in fact, the medical clinic has other functions.

Now that the medical clinic has been opened, his work will start slowly.

There was a deep look in his eyes——

He wanted to see her, he was overwhelmed by the repeated dreams every day, so he really wanted to see her.

If we meet again, he would like to keep his strange face, make a good friend with her, or... talk about a relationship?
When she woke up the next morning, Le Yan was able to speak, but her throat hurt and her voice was hoarse when she spoke.

The medicine boy brought her plain porridge and fed it to her spoon by spoon, patiently and gently.

When it was almost noon, he helped her to walk outside. Her leg was injured and she stopped after walking a few steps. The drug boy brought a low couch from the room and let her lie down halfway.

Le Yan looked in the direction of the East Wing and said, "I should go and say thank you to Uncle."

"Let's talk about it after you recover." Yaotong said.

"I was thinking, I should go back to Zhao's house, but how should I go back? If I go back directly, will it be bad for me if I am intercepted by the bad guys from Zhao's house?"

Xiao Leyan felt distressed, as if any method would work, and neither method was very good. What should I do?

And at this moment, a young servant came in from outside and asked, "Is Dr. Wu Yong here?"

Yaotong stood up, subconsciously blocked Le Yan with his cloak, and asked, "Who are you, and what do you want from my master?"

"It turns out that Dr. Wu Yong is your master. I just went to your newly opened medical center and said that Dr. Wu Yong lives in this inn, so I came here and asked him to go back to see my wife." The boy said.

"Who is your wife?" Yaotong asked.

"I belong to the Zhao family. My wife is not in good health. I want to ask the doctor to take a look." The boy said.

Yaotong was taken aback for a moment, and Le Yan behind the cloak clenched her little hands suddenly.

"Your wife? But Luo Shi? I heard people say that she has been ill for almost two months." To confirm, Yaotong asked.

"This little brother is right." The visitor said.


Le Yan's heart trembled suddenly, could it be that the opportunity has come?

"You go out first, I'll go and talk to my master." Yaotong took off the cloak after the future people left, and said with a happy face, "Leyan, Luo Shi is your mother, now I have a chance, I and Master said, take you back together."

Le Yan paused, remembering the big fire last night, but she had another idea in her heart, so she said to Yaotong, "Can you help me with this?"

"What's the matter, tell me." Yaotong listened carefully.

After hearing Le Yan's thoughts, he bit his lower lip, nodded, and said, "Yes, let's do this."

Soon after, Yaotong followed Wu Yong to the Zhao family to see Luo Shi.

Originally, Wu Yong didn't like to come to see a doctor like this, but the young master said that he had to grasp the dead spots of the rich and powerful in Qizhou, and make use of them in the future, so that he could learn many secrets when he saw a doctor.

Mastering people's secrets is what Feng Qianyue is best at.

Yaotong went to Zhao's house, and Le Yan waited anxiously in the room. While waiting, her eyes fell on the big cloak on the chair. After being licked by the fire, a large piece of the big cloak had been burnt.

She walked over, took the cloak in her hand, and stroked it gently.

(End of this chapter)

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