First-class daughter

Chapter 1435 Red yarn

Chapter 1435 Red yarn
Chapter 1435 Red yarn
When it was almost dinner time, the drug boy came back, first arranged some prescriptions with Wu Yong, and then went to Leyan's room.

"Brother, how are you?" Le Yan saw him, stood up hastily, and asked.

"I didn't see Luo Shi." Yaotong said, "Only the master went in, so I could only stand outside and wait. However, I asked the master, and Luo Shi was already terminally ill. Apart from his body, the main reason was his heart disease. I wanted to come to her. The heart disease is you."

After hearing this, Le Yan suddenly felt that Luo Shi and herself seemed somewhat similar, one caring about her daughter and the other caring about her mother.

"However, I did what you asked me to do, but I don't know if Mrs. Zhao will listen. When I left, the old lady didn't say anything." Yaotong said.

It turned out that Le Yan remembered the previous life, when she fell ill once, her mother and concubine went to the temple to pray to the gods and worship Buddha, saying that it could ward off disasters and solve difficulties.

So he thought of a way to ask Yaotong to find an opportunity to tell the Zhao family that the Bodhisattva in a certain temple in Qizhou was very effective, and asked them to pray to gods and worship Buddha to protect Luo Shi.

Yaotong looked for an opportunity to talk about it today, but he just didn't know if it would succeed.

"Don't worry. Although the old lady didn't say anything, she might just go. At that time, you can appear in front of the old lady and carry out your plan."

"Well, when they go, I will go secretly." Le Yan said.

She had thought about it, if someone in the Zhao family wanted to harm her, she had to let the old lady and Zhao Yang know so that they would not dare to harm her again.

"That's right." Yaotong said, "When I went to Zhao's house today, Zhao Qi, the son of Aunt Li who was in charge of the house, was also injured. Let me think about what you said about his appearance, I think the person who set you on fire last night must be him."

"Nine times out of ten, he wants to get rid of me because he wants to fight for the things of the Zhao family." Le Yan thought of her aunt in her previous life. In order to compete with her mother for her father and the right to the harem, she also tried every means to deal with her mother. In the end, Also won.

"Hmph, no matter what the reason is, I didn't make him feel better." Yaotong said.

"What did you do?" Le Yan asked curiously.

"I put something in the medicine for his feet. When his feet are good for a while and then they are bad, the flesh will rot after a long time, and he will really become a lame." The drug boy said proudly.

Le Yan's eyes widened immediately, as if she didn't expect Yaotong to have such a dark side.

Yaotong rubbed his head in embarrassment, and said, "I'm like that when they treat you badly. I'm usually a soft-hearted person."

Le Yan smiled slightly.

in the room.

Feng Qianyue touched the Go in front of him, and a thought suddenly appeared in his mind: This Zhao family seems to have some relationship with him.

His biological mother was the daughter of the Zhao family, and the general Zhao Yan was his maternal grandfather.

"However, Your Highness, when your grandfather lost two daughters at the same time, he was distraught and soon fell ill. There was no one under his knees without a daughter. When he was dying, he gave the family property to Zhao Pan, the eldest nephew of the second room. Now The Zhao family is the Zhao family of the second bedroom, without your grandfather Zhao Yan, it is said that their second bedroom would not be able to support it." Wu Yong said.

These days, following Feng Qianyue's order, he also heard a lot of gossip in this city.

Feng Qianyue's eyes showed a faint look, and he said, "Tell me, since I've come to Qizhou City, do you want to recognize a relative?"

Wu Yong was taken aback for a moment, and immediately said, "In this case, your Highness will be exposed."


The carriage walked continuously for more than a month, and the lush trees beside the road had turned into yellow sand and loess.

This day, when the carriage was slowly moving forward, Night Breeze drove back and reported:

"Your Highness, Wangfei, we will arrive in Qizhou in two or three days."

And Qizhou is a hundred miles away in the past, and it is the border of the Huns in Mobei, and it is also a place that even Siyue cares about.

Feng Yunzheng lifted the curtain of the carriage, looked outside, and said, "Stop here and rest for a while."

"Yes, Your Highness." So Night Breeze jumped off the horse, and Leng Mei jumped off the other carriage.

The secret guard's habit made her observe and judge the surrounding situation immediately after getting off the carriage.

Night Breeze came over and said, "You're tired, drink some water."

Leng Mei took the water from his hand, raised his head and took a sip.

Night Breeze looked at her and asked, "How's your body? Do you feel any pain?"

Shaking his head coldly, he said, "Master and Master Ye have been taking the medicine, and it doesn't hurt anymore."

"That's good. If you feel uncomfortable, don't hold on. You must tell me." Night Breeze urged.

Meanwhile, Dong Shen and Master Ye were leaning on the other side to eat dry food.

Feng Yunzheng helped Lian Siyue to get out of the car, Leng Mei stepped forward to hand over the water and dry food, Feng Yunzheng handed the water bottle to Lian Siyue's mouth, and fed and drank a couple of sips.

"Qizhou is in front of you. After passing Qizhou, you will reach Mobei in a few days." Feng Yunzheng said.

almost there!

Lian Siyue's head was like fireworks, quietly burning, with a feeling of anticipation and fear.

Come here to find a person who lived in the previous life and does not exist in this life, and no one will believe it.

Lian Siyue turned to look at Feng Yunzheng, he was looking far away, the closer he was to Mobei, the hotter the weather was, and his forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat.

She took off the veil from her waist, walked to his side, raised her feet, and wiped off his sweat with her hands.

Feng Yunzheng turned to look at her, with a smile in his eyes, took her hand, put it on his lips and kissed it lightly, and said, "Are you tired?"

Lian Siyue shook her head and smiled, not tired at all, with him by her side, she would never feel tired.

No matter how long it has been, looking at Yun Zheng like this, I always feel at ease and at ease.

If it is said that she came with hatred in her heart, it was Yun Zheng who made her feel something other than hatred, rescued her from this hatred that almost swallowed her, and made her a wife and a mother.

"Yun Zheng, no matter what you exchange with me, I won't exchange it." Lian Siyue said suddenly.

"Change, change for what?" Feng Yunzheng was startled by her sudden words.

"You." Lian Siyue stared at him deeply, "No matter what you give me in exchange for you, I won't exchange it."

Feng Yunzheng's heart felt hot when he heard this, and he smiled happily like a young man.

Of course he was very happy to be recognized by Yue'er.


"Drive! Drive!"

"Kill her!"

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of killing in front of him.

Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue were stunned for a moment, and looked over at the same time, only to see dust flying in the distance, galloping horses, and two teams of people fighting.

Seeing this with cold eyebrows, Ye Feng immediately threw away the dry food in his hand, and guarded Lian Siyue and Feng Yunzheng vigilantly.

Seeing this, Dong Shen and Master Ye also walked over.

"Who are these people?" Dong Shen asked.

"Judging from the clothes, one side looks like a Hun." Night Breeze narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a glimmer of light in his eyes, and said.

As he was talking, he saw these people gradually approaching.

Lian Siyue looked over and slowly saw clearly, "Night Breeze is right, the woman with the red veil on her face led the Huns, and the other team was the people who chased them down. Face, I can't tell who it is."

Because I have seen Wei Rui's attire, I can tell it right away.

Feng Yunzheng subconsciously protected Lian Siyue with both hands, and said, "No matter who it is, it has nothing to do with us. Ye Feng has a cold brow, don't interfere."

"Yes, Your Highness." The two replied at the same time.

"The woman in red gauze seems to be at a disadvantage." Master Ye said with his eyes on the woman.

"She was injured in the first place, and it took a lot of effort to get through it." Night Breeze said, subconsciously touching the sharp weapon at his waist.



After about a long time, those masked men in black gradually fell down one by one. The woman in red gauze fought hard and finally broke through the siege, but she herself was also seriously injured. fell off the horse.

Several guards stepped forward quickly, supported her, and made her sit on the ground, her hand tightly supporting the sword in her hand.

It can be seen that this woman is very skilled and very tenacious, the cold light in her eyes is unusual for ordinary people.

Almost all the men in black were killed, and the remaining two or three have left in a hurry.

The Hongsha woman was also seriously injured, and the air was filled with the smell of blood behind swords and swords.

"Let's go." Feng Yunzheng glanced lightly and said.

"Yes, Your Highness." Night Breeze stepped forward and lifted the curtain of the carriage, Feng Yunzheng thoughtfully supported Lian Siyue.

However, at this time, the two guards beside the red-gauze woman ran towards her.

Night Breeze and Lengmei immediately pulled out their sharp weapons and stopped in front of the two masters. At the same time, there was a cold light in their eyes, and they looked at the people who were running vigilantly.

"Master, please do me a favor." After the two guards ran over, they put their hands on their hearts, bowed and looked at Feng Yunzheng earnestly and anxiously, and said.

"Meeting by chance, strangers, I don't want to get involved, so I leave." However, Feng Yunzheng seemed very indifferent, and had no intention of helping.

The two guards looked at each other.

Seeing Ye Feng, he whispered to Feng Yunzheng, "They don't understand."

"We don't know each other, so I have no intention of helping, we have to leave." Feng Yunzheng said bluntly.

The two guards understood now, with disappointed expressions on their faces, they couldn't help looking at Lian Siyue next to Feng Yunzheng, and said:

"We were hunted down, and the master was seriously injured. I just ask you to give me some medicine." The guard said.

They know that people who walk outside will definitely take medicine with them, especially these Central Plains people, sometimes they will take doctors with them.

Lian Siyue looked at the red-gauze woman, and saw blood on her body, and only a pair of eyes were exposed under the red gauze. She was looking this way at the moment, and her eyes obviously fell on Yun Zheng. She smiled faintly. smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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