First-class daughter

Chapter 1452 A Different World

Chapter 1452 Different is the world
Chapter 1452 Different is the world
Seeing Feng Qianyue say this about a little girl, Lian Siyue was inexplicably displeased, frowned, and said, "Young Master Huaixie seems to be very timid and fearful, opening the door to open a medical clinic, so fearful is rare, in this case, It’s better to post a notice at the door, this medical clinic is afraid of causing trouble, everyone come carefully.”

Le Yan was very surprised when she heard her mother talking to Mr. Huaixie so forcefully. At that time, her mother was always kind and didn't speak loudly, she was gentle and virtuous.

But the mother in front of her was not at all polite to this rather scary uncle.

Moreover, at this moment, the person my mother is protecting is her.

While she was surprised, she felt very happy at the same time, as if she had returned to the time when she was reprimanded by her father and her mother protected her.

"Timid and afraid of getting into trouble?" Feng Qianyue felt his breath being blocked in his throat when he heard it. He seemed to dislike him at any time. "Do I have any grudges against you in previous lives? You seem to I can't stand it very much."

Lian Siyue said with a calm expression, "It seems that Mr. Huaixie is not only timid and fearful, but also quite affectionate. You and I are just strangers. When did I pay attention to you?"

Le Yan's eyes widened, and she looked at her mother in disbelief: "When my mother is so sharp-tongued, it makes the uncle feel very depressed."

It's different, everything is different, the person my mother married is different, even the personality is different.

She felt lost in her heart, but she felt very relieved to see her mother like this. If her mother in the previous life was also like this, why would she end up in such a miserable situation?
"You..." Feng Qianyue became angry and stared at Lian Siyue.

Lian Siyue turned her head, looked at Le Yan, said softly, "Thank you, Ms. Zhao, for your willingness to help. If I need it, I will definitely ask you for help. You can go back."

"...Okay, you must find me." Le Yan looked at Lian Siyue closely, and said, her heart was beating violently.

Lian Siyue didn't say anything, she turned around and walked towards the room with the support of Leng Mei.

Le Yan looked at the back who was walking away, her heart was full of reluctance, she couldn't help but took two steps forward, her eyes were full of tears.

Mother, mother, God knows, how much she wants to throw herself into her arms, hold her tightly, and tell her that I am Le Yan.


Feng Qianyue, who was at the side, saw the expression on Le Yan's face, the expression in her eyes, and her sad and reluctant look, and suddenly a flash of thought flashed across her face: Strange, this child's expression is clearly related to Lian Siyue knew her, but obviously, Lian Siyue didn't know her.

"Who the hell are you?" Suddenly, Feng Qianyue asked in a cold voice.

Le Yan's heart trembled, and when she turned around, she saw that the uncle was looking at her with probing eyes, as if he wanted to cut her open for research.

Only then did she know that because she missed and longed for her mother too much, she couldn't help showing her feelings.

"Uncle, I'm leaving first." She walked out without answering Feng Qianyue's question.

Feng Qianyue looked at her back and said to herself, "There must be something wrong with her. She clearly said that her family is in the capital, but now she has turned into the daughter of the Zhao family here. As far as I know, Zhao Bao She has never been to Kyoto before, she just looked at Lian Siyue's eyes... weird, weird, really weird."

Yaotong was waiting outside. When Leyan came out, she seemed to be preoccupied. He stepped forward to talk to her, but Leyan got on the sedan chair and left without even looking at him.

He watched her leave in the sedan chair, pouted, feeling a little lost
After Le Yan returned to Zhao's house, she immediately asked the old lady and Zhao Guan about the current situation of the court, seemingly unintentionally.

The current emperor is no longer the emperor's grandfather Zhou Cheng, nor his father Feng Qianyue, but the eleventh prince Feng Jue, known as Zhou Rendi.

The eleventh prince?

There was never such a person in the previous life, but there was an eleventh princess, but she remembered that the eleventh princess died early,
Moreover, the most important thing is that it turned out that the person married by the mother was not the father, but the Nine Emperor Uncle Feng Yunzheng, and they had already given birth to a pair of twins, one named Chengjun and one named Wanjun, A man and a woman make up a good word.

Moreover, the two people are deeply in love as husband and wife, and the husband sings and the wife follows, which is a good story in the whole of Kyoto. It is also said that His Royal Highness only favors Princess Heng, and she is the only one in the house, and there are no side concubines, concubines, etc.

When Le Yan heard this, she was quite shocked in her heart.

But when she mentioned the Fourth Highness, her heart trembled suddenly, and she quickly asked:

"What did you say? Fourth Highness, Fourth Highness Feng Qianyue is already dead?" Le Yan was stunned by this news.

The person she hated so much, the person she gritted her teeth and hated so much, was already dead.

What exactly is going on?What kind of world was she reborn into?Why is everything different from the original.

"That's right, His Highness took Xiao Rou, the daughter of Great General Xiao Zhenhai, as his wife. Later, he colluded with Xiao Zhenhai and the Khitan people, and was demoted to Beijing for the crime of treason. Later, he escaped with unknown methods, but in the end he was punished by the late emperor. Capital punishment, the corpse is hung at the Zhengyang Gate, and people just disappear." Zhao Yang said.

"How did this happen... Then, what about the Lian family? I heard that Prime Minister Lian supports His Highness the Fourth Highness." Le Yan asked tightly.

"The Lian family? The Lian family is gone, and a fire broke out..." Zhao Tan said, looking at his daughter in front of him with strange eyes, and asked, "Liu Xian'er, why do you start to care about these things?"

Liu Xian'er never asked about these things before, besides, the capital is so far away from here, none of them are in business, so even adults like them don't pay special attention to the affairs of the capital, what's wrong with Liu Xian'er Suddenly so concerned?
Moreover, in the past, Liu Xian'er lived in the back of her boudoir, never leaving the door, not walking outside, and accompanied Luo Shi every day as a female celebrity, playing piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, but now, she seems to like to run outside.

In the ten days since I came back, I have gone out twice.

After coming back this time, it seems that the whole person has changed.

"I... I just thought of asking when I went to Ning'an Temple to pray for blessings today when I saw someone holding the portrait of the current Nine Emperor Uncle, saying that he was missing." Le Yan said hastily.

"Liu Xian'er, our Zhao family is now being taught by our original uncle to concentrate on business and not politics anymore. In the future, we should not participate in these court affairs, don't ask questions, and don't cause trouble for the upper body." Zhao Bo warned.

"Father, Liu Xian doesn't think so." Le Yan said.

"Oh? What do you think?" Le Yan's words surprised him, so he couldn't help asking.

(End of this chapter)

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